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Everything posted by Brave-Fart

  1. I wonder if will you find it equally amusing if the unfortunate young man is found deceased /
  2. Still doesnt equate to "owning" the land
  3. The poster only asked the obvious question .
  4. Precisely my line of thoughts , a publicity stunt to gain her Sik Tok account interest and no doubt it has done that and more.
  5. IMHO this is just a publicity stunt and just imagine the amount of interest this ridiculous report has sparked for this narcissist. Why is this even newsworthy?
  6. many due to no fault of their own may not have the 800,000 or the 400,000 plus pension , though if the agent deposits the 800,000 then the person can stay in Thailand on the retirement visa and every day/week/month he or she spends his/her pension , lets assume there are 3500 people using the visa agent and happily continue in the LOS spending their pension on average 50,000 a month which totals about 600,000 annually per retiree and if there are 3,500 x 600,000 = 2,100,000,000, now supposing they did block the loophole and perhaps 1,000 can pay the 800,000 but if the other 2,500 cant and they go back to their home countries,Thailand then would lose out on approximately 1,500,000,000 annually. feel free to correct me its highly possible I have my sum`s wrong .
  7. Perhaps you do not have any , kindly ask Ms Google " Ms Google, what are friends ?"
  8. Everyone mentions passing in the ocean , why no mention of the brown torpedoes .
  9. Obviously you are assuming it's a male.
  10. I wager you are not bloody male model yourself.
  11. he could have just asked you for some
  12. no it doesnt, it means he perhaps is always working
  13. and if he is found dead. will you still try and be amusing and I did say try . WTF the first sensible and compassionate reply I have read to today, everybody else too busy trying to be smart a##ess or stand-up comedians.
  14. Hmmmm WTF just mention that you live in Thailand , nobody needs to know your life story !
  15. May assume that you then must be a " <deleted> " sorry yank.
  16. But only if you do not know the universal code , which everyone has now been informed of.
  17. WTF and WOW do you actually believe that all sensible precautions was taken in that case they would all have been wearing life jackets that fitted them , been shown how to wear them , what to do if you fall in the water. It does not require the intelligence of Einstein to be able to check weather forecast particularly the radar.
  18. You obviously speaking from experience perhaps
  19. So you are believing the Thai's run down on what happened , why ?
  20. I wonder then as to why you needed to retire in Thailand if you had the finances to buy "about" 20 properties. Surely real estate in another country would provide better returns for your money upon resale. ?
  21. I wonder where the parents of these young children are and why are the children not in kindy or school. The Thai authorities should not waste any time and just take all of these idiots straight to the airport. No ifs and no buts and definitely no bribes , just send them back to their own country.
  22. If you were able to not only read but to also comprehend what you read then you would have known the personal belongings and luggage were OK apart from some water damage , but no doubt you did not bother to read it all because you were in too much of a rush to write a comment.
  23. True but what if she did have some sort of accident in the process of having some infantile fun. Whether the injury occurred on the conveyor or getting on or off it. I am sure she would expect the airline to compensate her .
  24. if you earn " well over " 100.000 baht a month why then do you need credit or a loan why not just pay for it cash. ?
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