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Posts posted by Unamerican

  1. On 8/24/2024 at 8:37 AM, jimgilly said:

    It looks to me like he signed a document where he admitted he was planning to defraud the insurance company otherwise there is no other proof of a crime from what I read. 


    If he signed a document he didn't understand then he made a serious mistake and now he is paying for it.  I personally know other expats who did the same and ended up on the other side of the law. 


    Bottom line is never ever sign your name to anything you don't understand no matter if you're being coerced to do so because it will never end well.  In any event, it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    Mine definitely does not know amy thing about me! 

  2. 15 hours ago, slight111 said:

    You're right. Doing the Beach Road/Second Road circular is pretty much no hassle. 👌 One extra stop, though. Soi Buakaeo might be as well.

    BuybSoi Bukhao is not very near to any of that circular route!  
    Agsin you are using very strange geography. 

    • Confused 2
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  3. On 9/6/2024 at 4:16 PM, impulse said:

    Someone please set my little pinhead straight.  I contend that the only way to gage the strength of a given currency is to compare how much of a sturdy commodity (like gold) it will buy.  If a USD buys 35x as much gold as a THB, that's the relative value, even if the "exchange rate" is something different.


    And if the THB buys less gold than it did a year ago, it's losing value, maybe more and maybe less than the USD.  They may both be tanking, so calling one "strong" isn't really accurate.


    Of course, that's my engineering bent, and not a financial bent.  Where is that wrong?




    No way!  Not everything is related to gold price, which has gone down in the USA, as elsewhere. 

  4. On 9/6/2024 at 11:40 AM, fulhamster said:

    Can some of the experts on here please explain in layman's terms how the baht has got so strong in the last week or so ?  With all the political manouverings and sky high household debt, how has is moved from close to 37 / USD to today's level of 33.5  ??

    Not really: it iis simply that  the USD is declining in value very rapidly now. 

    And in what sense is this ridiculous?! 

  5. 2 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Your UK Bank & HMRC share data with Thailand via CRS. 


    E.g. Though my bank doesn't know I live in Thailand, HMRC does via my annual Tax Return so they share this data with Thailand & includes my name, date of birth, address & all income (outside of my ISAs).


    As an aside, my accountant wrote to me last week asking for an up to date proof of address as I normally just email them my new address when I move so they don't have anything formal for my current address.  I don't know if this is a result of a push by HMRC or just them tightening up their processes.

    This all sounds highly unlikely!  HMRC in particular are very scrupulous about never asking me about my finances, so they know nothing like this.

    Never use an accountant seems to be a good motto.

    2 hours ago, AndreasHG said:



    This means that, if you are resident of Thailand, your pension and annuities are only taxed in Thailand. They are not taxable in Thailand (it's possible there are exceptions such as pensions paid to public servants).


    Seems somewhat self-contradictory!! 

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