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  1. Good job the netizens are not up in arms because the scenery has been built over illegally, lucky the workers were not seen peeing on the shrubbery
  2. Not all areas charge the same for water , not all the water is same quality
  3. I renewed my kids Thai passports 2 times without their mums consent , I have full custody
  4. Now you will be called far right for those comments, how dare you defend your country from the morons
  5. Too scared of the great man , they don’t want America to be great , wonder if I will be banned ( again) for saying this
  6. Everyone comes first before native people , now criminals. Wow
  7. We need more women like her in the uk , preferably in parliament, maybe then the grooming gangs would be punished appropriately
  8. Yes, this statute of limitations is a good thing for the rich , about time it was scrapped
  9. No , but we should of left it completely , no the half arse leave that the mps gave us because they thought they knew best and wanted to keep their fingers in the pie
  10. Legal repercussions, possibly not , would be if it was a foreigner
  11. Isn’t this the same government who was going to give a tablet to every child ?
  12. The government is on the anti British side , protects his muslims at the expense of the British
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