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  1. Now the schools decide , the pupils are no better off
  2. Same all government, say anything to get in ,then give the finger to the voters
  3. I pay tax on everything I buy here , that is enough, I won’t pay more
  4. What’s her looks got to do with anything, at least she nor an ex whore or stilling a whore but with only one known customer
  5. They know the public is against them , now the MPs are looking at damage control, blaming others in their party , I was the good one bs
  6. Life coach , someone should of taught her that life in Iran ain’t same as the rest of the world
  7. I would if I had one ,even though I’m British, now I wear my Britain First with pride
  8. I think President Trump should deport any Thais doing jobs Americans can do
  9. If he kept causing problems maybe they should of kept him longer each time
  10. Went to big c, orange juice was 89 baht for 1 or a twin pack for 180 , I brought 2 singles for 178 . coffee the price of a meal here
  11. If your wife was sleeping around and then run off one day would you worry about her , maybe that’s what he thought . The only news I look at these days is on here so I don’t see much of what’s going on , maybe he looked less
  12. Sentenced to 4 years in 2024 and has served his sentence already, there’s the problem
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