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Rob L

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  1. I do not know ,man, some of the transactions do not need CVV number https://www.chase.com/personal/credit-cards/education/basics/why-do-some-sites-not-require-cvv#:~:text=It's important to note that,not ask for the CVV. CVV numbers are not a requirement for processing an online credit card purchase
  2. I am wondering if you would not mind helping me with my Bangkok bank new account opening issue I have been traveling to Thailand often. Lately I have been researching to buy a condo in Thailand as my holiday home. Hopefully, I can use it for my retirement very soon. Then it come with the problem of opening a Thai bank account for transaction. I emailed Bangkok bank, received some infors. I plan to visit Bangkok bank in Bangkok next time when I arrived Thailand with document I got. however, every one seems telling me it is impossible cause I will be on tourist visa.
  3. I had one of my Citi bank card almost scammed last year, after a trip to Thailand. luckily, Citibank blocked the transaction and txt me. From then, I only use Credit card on Apple pay Apple pay does not show physical card details, no CVV. so far ,no problem
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