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Paul Halstead

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  1. Applying for class 3 NI contributions you need to fill in a 22 page online application on GOV UK website.Any years before 2016 will not be allowed I believe the cut off time for applying is end of March or April 2025.It is done on an individual basis and your circumstances.Having been declined .I applied for 2years class 2 contributiond approx.1600 pounds and a reply to my address in England said I qualified for class 3 NI contributions so am applying for 6years which cost about 1000pounds and gets me to 35 qualifying years. .Each year increases your pension by about 5pound a week...Be aware there is a long waiting time for a response.A long time ago DWP did warn me that 1 year payment would possibly only increase by about a pound a week instead of 5 pound so they should warn you if it is not worth paying any particular year. Hope that helps.
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