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  1. Obviously he is linked to that property. They already seized other months ago, as per the Bangkok Post. This one obviously took some time to work through the system, since the order is marked the 20th of Feb last year.
  2. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/911-s5-botnet-dismantled-and-its-administrator-arrested-coordinated-international-operation
  3. There was a bug, totally unrelated to unsupported devices, that occurred if you installed October or November Updates via media. It would lock up security updates. Not a problem if you install the updates over the air or install the latest version of 24H2 from the 10th of December. You are reading too much and not understanding fully. I try to simplify.
  4. No, You didn't mention International Socialists. You wrote the Left. I simply used the term that you utilised. Now you are trying to tell me that I should have asked you about International Socialists 😊
  5. I didn't allude to anything. I posted an article asking why the Right are try to paint Hitler as on the Left. I just see a few mugs here trying desperately to rile things up and to pretend they know something.
  6. I don't expect to put fools right. Fools are foolish. I can only expose them as fools.
  7. What argument was that? That Hitler was Left Wing? No Right Wing affiliations at all? Of are you just ignoring that for the sake trying to appear to win an argument? Left and Right is just smoke and mirrors. You aren't getting that. Like everyone, we have both inside of us. You are just fighting with yourself. It's literally nuts the amount of people who rant about the Right and Left on here, hating each other. Impotent ranting. I just call it out from time to time....with a fuller picture,
  8. No, I actually posted the evidence alongside my reply. You just chose not to quote the proof that Hitler despised both those on the Left and Right. Pathetic that you are more interested in appearing to prevail in a debate than to actually discuss the nuances. Bipolar and extremist behaviour. I cannot lose because I don't have a dog in the fight.
  9. He took defacto control of all that he could. Does that mean that he was left wing? What do you propose that he should have done if practising "economic anti-semitism"? It seems that you are desperate to shoehorn him as being on the left, when in fact there are elements of left and right wing in what was performed and he aligned himself with neither. Why the desperation to pigeonhole someone as being on the left or right?
  10. Why would you be expected to understand what is smart? 😊
  11. Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. I'm happy to let you think that you have won the argument 😊
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