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Everything posted by willip

  1. How creditable will it seem to the western world. Thailand run by a family of crooks. Alot of x cons. Sorry they're not!.because none of them will have actually been to jail!.once again PROOF. that you can do anything you want if your bank balance is big enough. more a land of smirks. Than smiles. SHAME.
  2. A result of multicultural society!!!!. Mass migrants are ruining our culture and laws. It's a fact that most carry knives now. The police stop and search. But the IC3 population say it's racism. Can't win. They rob the stores in blatant gags. HIT AND RUNS. Shame on our government's. For not having the guts to stand up to these organized criminals. IF YOU WANT TO STOP THE ILLEGALS FROM RUINING OUR COUNTRY. (STOP PAYING FOR HOTELS) AND FREE MEALS, FREE MEDICAL. FREE EVERYTHING.
  3. I was pick pocketed by 2 ladyboys in Phuket. Didn't realize until I got on motorcycle taxi. I worked with the katoys at cocktail and dreams bar. After bars are closed you'll find them at the beaches searching for customers. It's a well known fact. One night I was swimming, got carried away with my British girlfriend. And a katoy robbed me of 10.000 bht from my trousers.. My friend had one in his room whilst intoxicated, she took 1000.euros from his draws . He fell asleep. Beware of this gender!! They're not all decent respectful thais '.
  4. Doom and gloom again!!! So much for Thailand being a safe place. People should stop coming to Thailand. It's so corrupt. Good times are long gone now. Greed and corruption seems to be the thai culture now.
  5. Mine always pays! But with my money.!
  6. First I've heard of this farrang insurance? Please tell me more 🙏
  7. The percentage is amazing. If only they could put as much effort in actual policing the roads. The roads are very dangerous places. Especially because not many thais have a license, meaning no insurance. I've seen the driving standards at the driving exam centers. VERY POOR. just a quick and easy test. Same as the lorrys. Don't even have to go on the road!!!.it's time the government makes passing the driving test difficult. Make them drive on the roads just like the west. Be stricter with the laws.insurance? have a points system. Put driving bans into force .driving standards are ridiculous here. THEY HAVEN'T BEEN TAUGHT PROPERLY . You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.!!!!!
  8. Surely this can't be Thai culture? REALLY. thais doing something wrong to farrang! Surely the police must be wrong.! Or didn't the Thai people have enough money to bribe?
  9. What does Thailand only have thai people?? No one has black in their blood?? So thai marries farrang!. Can't that farrang be black. STUPID.
  10. Don't forget!! There were black slave traders all over the world . !!! But the blacks funnily enough never accept this FACT.
  11. Silly Billy ! Doesn't he know anything .don't try to be corrupt when a camera is around. UNLESS YOU'RE A POLITICIAN. OR HIGH RANKING OFFICER. Don't forget the usual free interpreter. Oh no that's the uk!!!
  12. He must be a yank!!!. If he was British ! He'd be calling the race card!!.arguing. fighting. Starting a riot. And asking for a translater.
  13. Assumption is correct! He's too busy now running the country!!!. Oh sorry his daughter is?? MONEY IS EVERYTHING YOU WISH FOR.
  14. Same thing happened to me in patong. It was someone who had copies of the keys!! SUSPECTS NEVER FOUND. never stayed there again.
  15. Here it goes again!! The farrang is in the wrong. But he's in Thailand now. So corruption is next! He's going to have to pay the consequences. Unfortunately they all want a piece of his money. Police. Security. Bar.everyone involved .HOW DEEP ARE HIS POCKETS? it wouldn't of happened if he was fighting in Ukraine!!!
  16. Tourists should all go to another country! Stop coming to Thailand. Then the government would all cry. Too many tourists? Not enough? No Chinese?.Russians are bad? Stop coming teach Thailand a lesson.
  17. Good 👍 analogy. My thoughts exactly
  18. How can Thailand be taken seriously? When it's blatant corruption.
  19. Just as we all knew. If you have big money CORRUPTION. Is the norm!!. No jail time for you and the family!!!!
  20. No back packers because of thai government greed. (Visas). I used to leave the country every month. For visa runs. I'd see alot of farrang every month. Good day out!. Good for thai busses. Restaurants. Immigration. Long boats. All local people. We used to stop at sarasin Bridge, the driver got out walked around the bus, dropped an envelope with 💰 in. Then the border police would pick it up. We always found this amusing to watch. So blatant but a secret. The hotel couldn't get the right plates for the van to take it out of phuket. money was going into local peoples pockets!. Then the government stopped the runs. The money had to go into the governments big pockets. What made this country was the people getting money. But now the super rich want it. If you're one of these you don't have to worry about jail time. Also jobs for the family.
  21. Pure greed!!! Same as elsewhere for the farrang. Food clothes etc. I was at a clothes market in khon kaen. My wife's face looked angry!. I asked what was the problem?. She then said the lady asked why did she want the item cheaper?. Because it's the farrangs money!. To which she replied. He's my husband, therefore it's our money 💰. Never been to this lady since. We all know one price for farrang. And the Thai price. Had to go to government for registering something. Because my wife had an English name the price was higher!!!! (THAI CULTURE). I'M currently paying and looking after my wife's grandchildren. Her son is addicted to YABBA. the future THAI CULTURE. no parenting from both parents. ?
  22. If he's rich, he'll be spared jail. If he is not. Then he'll get true justice on the inside!!!!
  23. Someone swallowed a dictionary !!!
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