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Everything posted by kwan

  1. Not sure - originally Auatralian. 5555
  2. Todays 'Guardian' ! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/20/severe-plankton-bloom-off-thailand-creates-marine-dead-zone
  3. Two tier buses - and I believe two tier pricing system. Thais and Non-Thais !
  4. Mainly Thai teens with pints of Krathom !
  5. He who lives by the saw shall die . . . er somthing like that !
  6. Will he be presented with a gold watch ?
  7. iI recall a tad before Covid they (who they ?) announced they were going to reduce import tax on wines - to encourage high roller tourists !
  8. Out of sight - out of mind !
  9. Boy Racers ready to go !
  10. Probably like lots of 'Thai Tourist Tat' - Made in China. !
  11. The 'Small Faces' nailed it !! Over bridge of sighs To rest my eyes in shades of green Under dreamin' spires To Itchycoo Park, that's where I've been
  12. The ship, known as the Krakenian, has been very popular with social media influencers on Instagram since it opened late last year and had been getting spectacular reviews by visitors. The kraken (/ˈkrɑːkən/)[7] is a legendary sea monster of enormous size said to appear off the coasts of Norway.
  13. Seem to remember it was a crisp 'Tenner'. This I believe was a Tit for Tat against the UK passport holders (and maybe some other countries) as the UK did similar agaist the Turks. The girl I was travelling with got in free on her Australian passport.
  14. Crept in, crapped and crept out again. ! Not in the pool I hope. !
  15. Amsterdam considers banning ‘cannabis tourists’ from its coffee shops https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/01/amsterdam-considers-banning-cannabis-tourists-from-its-coffee-shops
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