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Young Hick

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Everything posted by Young Hick

  1. On the topic, that is terrible of the Indian (perhaps a Hindu) climbing a Buddhist fixture.
  2. The thing is the news reports only majorly the bad ones. I would still lean on majority good Thais following Buddhist principles. That's why I'm settling there. The crimes are terrible and a turn off when I saw them on TV news day after day after day. But then all countries only report the crimes majorly.
  3. It's good they posted his photo, the females should be warned. We love Pattaya Beach women, we don't want them harmed.
  4. Begs the question why would he live like that. One theory could be he is lying low escaping imprisonment from another country.
  5. He got caught when he went public to attend his grandchild's baptism.
  6. You assumed. That's your mistake. And you cannot read properly but have the gall to tangle words with people you do not know way smarter than you. Let this be a lesson. Be humble. You're lack of finesse shows you're still young so I will go lightly on you.
  7. Wow you're aggressive. I'll be nice to you but you are marked. Read slowly....I said I never needed any visa coining to Thailand. Tell me what is your issue with this. Maybe you are not that all-knowledgeable as you think you are.
  8. You're supposed to do shopping spree not stabbing spree in a mall.
  9. Whenever I visit Thailand, I don't have a visa.
  10. So he really did not bring enough money? The way to do this kind of scheme is to bring lots of money, and then pretend to not have money and ask for people's charity. Then give money to those who helped. When I was reading the article, I was waiting for the paragraph where he would give 10x the amount of the ticket to the Rose foundation.
  11. So maybe it's just poor working on your part when you said "rightfully I look down on others". I am fairly new to the boards so I have not much history of posters here. Sounds like you meant to say we're just luckier, which is not really looking down on people. Looking down on comes with impositions of superiority which is bad. I think we're okay.
  12. I think it's important to see foreigners in Thailand from 2 perspectives each with 2 slices. First, there is young tourist folks. Second, are old settler folks. And then you have the slices of good and bad in both.
  13. Very much agree with this comment. I'm appalled at some of the posters here. A good example is Yagoda having the nerve to say something like "I'm American I look down upon others." As an American myself, that is not how we operate. In fact, the more privileged a person is, the more humble should one be.
  14. Some could be doomed but if done properly, the tourist issues could just be a phase of 5 phases. First, it's the younger rowdy crowd tourists. They drink, they pollute, they mess things up and go. Second, the trickling in of businesses and accommodations to cater to the tourists. Third, the catering of accommodations to more moneyed individuals, this means the modern skyscraper resorts. Fourth ...the arrival of the clientele of these skyscrapers -- the moneyed individuals in for the long-term. They are older/more mature, less noisy, does not pollute. Fifth and final stage, with time, the settlement of the area into an uplifted livelihood and gentrified surrounding.
  15. And the Pai River famous for tubing is not even in Thailand but in another country - Myanmar.
  16. Good job Thai police. Law was implemented. You cannot operate business without registration first.
  17. Nothing can save a suicidal person but his/her own self. Assume the mom did not have that argument with her son. Sooner or later, the kid will face another argument and same thing happens. The person has to mentally break through because life is hard.
  18. Sad day. Darwin should have taken the other guy and not the elderly woman. I don't understand why the PM just do not say drive within speed limits every day until folks understand it. So many daily traffic accidents and yet PM not doing anything. If people ask what they think of Thailand, terrible speeding drivers is one that would come up.
  19. She lived in an age where people generally can be trusted. The Chinese also used a "clever" scheme of using traditional rituals that people in their 70s had done in the past. It's only the newer generations who are more westernized that do not practice such rituals or look back to traditions.
  20. But why does it always have to be the government? Why can't one's self be a solution? Pick up a trash here and there, make one's surroundings clean, and perhaps other neighbors will join until it spreads out. Where I live, we all pick up trash the moment we see it. Before playing golf or tennis, I would suggest all farangs here make sure there is no trash in their streets. Do that exercise of picking up trash and by the time you're done, you've sweat and guess what, your place is cleaner.
  21. The worst influences though are the mainstream media because they still have the longest reach. If they spew out lies, it's really bad. JD Vance actually talked about US' problem on that front in his speech in EU recently.
  22. And how would you know which ones are gang members and which are not? Surely someone who buys sim to use it for connecting with their love ones from Cambodia to Thailand need to be able to call.
  23. They'll discipline them first before performing crime on them. At least they're honest about it.
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