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Young Hick

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Everything posted by Young Hick

  1. It's got nothing to do with that. In fact he put money into the bank by depositing it. As someone else said, it's normal to freeze big amount surge due to international anti-money laundering law. His address is in Thailand and UK bank wants clarification where the money came from as Thai policy prevents foreigners from working, generally. This is an exception as it's not work, though banks would like to present capital gains tax liability to the gubment, as always.
  2. Some locals see many tourists and see glass half empty. The reverse is also true. Plus, for those complaining, it's just during high season anyway. Populations are growing and folks need to understand that unless you leave beach front where you only see ocean ahead of you, train your eyes to see people more and more. Folks go to the mountains or buy ranches and think they got it made paying a fraction but same as those who pay premium living beachfront. No.
  3. Makes sense, I have everything I need in Pattaya. So I'll be living nearby.
  4. That's just foreplay. Wait what happens at night.
  5. I just read he is owner of "entertainment" business. For that to be reported and police to arrest him suggests what kind of entertainment he's into. Yup, that is a protected sector for Thais only.
  6. Business = Philippines Beaches = Thailand Simple as that.
  7. She' 27 and fit, could have made easy money walking around Pattaya at night.
  8. I'm not so thankful there were no human injuries on this incident. Darwin is sad this time.
  9. Ordering without money, that's modern.
  10. There's more to this story. Persons don't get shot by approaching and offering help. He probably walked over the other driver and said ninner ninner.
  11. It was reported they agreed on a price. That's closing the deal.
  12. Don't be coy, I think you were about to say now you always have your clothes when you shower. 🤪
  13. He should be jailed for availing of prostitutes. Slap him a bail of $5000 minimum.
  14. Sad but she could shouldn't be climbing trees at 68. Leave that to the younger ones.
  15. He's now enjoying his manhood with the girl.
  16. Pitiful thread talking of hot Thai girls without even one hot Thai girl to show. Let me correct this. My friend girl. Jenny_01.mp4
  17. 20 years ago. Since then, especially the past decade with the boom of internet, more folks found Thailand on youtube, which increased tourism and expats. With those 2, there was more foreign currency like dollars in supply, making them cheaper. I think we will go back to pre-pandemic level of 31. I think that was the stable price people are willing to pay for dollars, and the pandemic was an aberration.
  18. Haha, one of the reasons I am choosing Thailand is because the currency has been consistent at 30-40 price range. Unlike Latin America and Eastern Europe currencies. People who move to Thailand are folks who love stability in currency. You don't want to wake up one day where you're currency is 100 and then 1 the next. But let's see. If Baht goes close to 40, be happy as you exchange your foreign currency and get more baht. If Baht goes close to 30, be happy as your property can be sold for baht that can be exchange with more foreign currency. For example, property sold at B35M. At 35 to a dollar, that is 35M/35 = $1M. At 30 to a dollar, that means 35M/30 = higher than $1M. Either way, I'll be happy.
  19. Which do you mean for "it goes down" -- - Baht price per dollar go down say 35 becomes 30 -- that means baht value is up or appreciates OR - Baht price per dollar go up say 35 to 40 -- that means baht value is down or depreciates So which is "it" -- price or value -- that you hope goes down because I can interpret it either way and in contrast with each other unless you give proper context.
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