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Posts posted by DaffyDuck

  1. Cant understand why he cant sit down with her and talk to her as two adults normally do.
    I think you just unwittingly gave yourself the answer.

    I believe all these stories of guys complaining about their Thai girlfriends or Wives being unable to manage money (all the while giving them more), really come down to one simple saying - "Som nam naa".

    If you lack the maturity to select a proper wife, and lack the maturity to sit down and discuss the situation of finances with her, well, what more needs to be said...?

  2. I know your right. I should have demanded to see the airmail sticker.
    Ever considered getting your own AIR MAIL stickers, or an AIR MAIL stamp, or even (gasp) hand writing (in print) AIR MAIL on the letters you are sending?

    While certainly there were several layers of incompetence (particularly on the Irish side) involved, I think the crux of the issue lies in your own lack of competence in this case, in now crying 'foul' pointing your fingers at others.

    - If you had any doubt after your 36 Baht discovery, you could have send duplicates of the documents (you made copies, didn't you?) the same day, making sure they were sent the right way, and thus covering your bases.

    - Furthermore, instead of waiting for the Irish tutor to contact you, you could have made yourself a note to contact the institute, or the proper person, after 10 days - in which case, should it not have arrived, you could have resent it, or faxed it, or what not.

    - Lastly, if it's really important, Fedex.

    So, this isn't entirely just the other people's incompetence we are talking about, here.

  3. Anyway like i said. the website when launched will be Rock Salt Cafe.com Sorry rocksaltcafe.com
    You mght want to secure a web host with a tad more class, as this is what coms up when trying to go to that site:


    Receiving a message of :"You've been suspended, bitch!

    Visit the forum for assistance; we might be gracious enough to help. Probably not though." is not the most professional indicator.

    Then again, maybe picking a webhost called datapimp, and the quality of what they host, is more a reflection on you...?



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