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Everything posted by BLMFem

  1. No, I don't understand (I'm going to assume the exclamation mark was meant to be a question mark). You're talking about tossing through a salad. I just asked you if you would toss Trump's salad, or does your support and admiration limit itself to posting supporting messages? Simple question really.
  2. Just one question: Would you toss Trump's salad?
  3. Wouldn't if be just delicious if their next prostate exam was performed by a female doctor who had heard about this thread? Two thumbs up at a minimum.
  4. Oh, you poor thing. Did your wife turn into a lesbian because you just weren't up for it in bed? Sounds about right based on all your b!*****g. "Men are screwed by women in so many ways....". Mommy!!!!!
  5. No I did not but my recommendation wouldn't have changed anyway.
  6. Just nutter noise. There was never an issue with any election until Donald started screaming bloody murder. Pathetic.
  7. So committing treason again? Time for him to get bent over a barrel then.
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