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Bangkok Black

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Everything posted by Bangkok Black

  1. I am a magnet for mosquitoes and any other flying insects that bite, like the sand flies for example. I am not joking when I say if I step out of the house or anywhere in a t-shirt and shorts it will be less than 10 seconds before I will get pounced on and wont be left alone at all. I either have to walk around throwing my arms around or walk away completely and keep walking (or go back inside) I will get bitten everywhere (busting the old myth that mozzies only bite low down) fingers hands arms elbows feet ankles legs sometimes neck All fair game for them. Mozzie bites usually take around a week to "pop" and then maybe another week to go Sand fly bites are like a little "bump" that will itch for a few days Even if I am with others I will get all the insects and nobody else Anyone else or just me?
  2. I have been taking this on and off for years. I once bought a 1kg bag of the powder up in Chiang Mai
  3. Am in Thailand, got licences and married. Real estate? no thanks, not got that kind of money
  4. Am looking at some sort of side hustle that can earn a few baht here and there. All I see so far online is things that are way over my head like, programming for example or ideas like drop shipping which I think "the boat has sailed" and not worth doing. Anyone else like me and got no tech skills ?
  5. I booked with China Eastern once. The price was good at the time and I worked out all the time so I could get a National Express to Heathrow and back. Then the airline cancelled one flight and moved to another at a different time. This new flight just didn't work so I got a refund from them. Never bothered again to book with them.
  6. Correct and also will add to this, I have this all the time. I can ride along on my scooter, minding my business and staying alert. Someone wants to get past on another scooter, its as if the fact that someone else is in front of them enrages them and they will do everything to get past. And I mean everything, even if filtering through traffic. They MUST get past at all costs. As soon as they do, they zoom past at top speed, say 100 yards, and pull to the side as they have reached their destination. Leaves you thinking.... why?
  7. lots of guns around the country. like a lot of cases here in Thailand you just gotta know someone who knows someone and you can get most things
  8. deffo i would do the same. everyone loves to drive in the right hand lane, even trucks doing 40kmh
  9. makes you wonder how many more guns there are stashed in peoples houses
  10. oh well they never learn. they will do it again in the future and then ride in another pick-up and sit in the back
  11. I have a truck maintenance background. I have seen many truck tyre fitters at work and have never seen a tyre tested in a cage after being fitted to a wheel. I recon the tyre wasn't seated well enough in this case.
  12. Near the plot of land other people do grow durian but it looks more serious as in they are behind fenced-off land and some people have cctv covering the plot. When some of the banana trees have fruit it is usually cut off too early then it takes 2 weeks to turn yellow. Then it goes black really fast?
  13. The idea of getting the land in the first place was as an investment, growing fruit and possibly selling it. Yeah I know..... so does every other person in Thailand, just go to the local markets 555 But those are the reasons. Now, to me, there seems to be a bit of knowledge, but the rest just looks like they are winging it. Cutting as growing papaya that was about 6ft in half and just shoving the cut-off bit in the ground is stupid and guess what? yes, both halves died soon after. That and other such examples go on all the time.
  14. After the hassle I have had the whole thing is parked for now.😐
  15. If I do I wouldn't mention it. There are plenty for sale on facebook with the ABS and engine management lights on and the sellers make no reference to this and say the bike is in good condition!
  16. The singha mix I can go with 555
  17. All of this cannabis around in many different forms be they the smoke type, vape type, eating type etc. I have only ever had one joint in my life which was about 2 years ago. A bloke who lived in the same building rolled me one. I told him no tobacco as I used to smoke (Gave up in 1996) So didn't want any tobacco mixed in. He rolled me a joint so I gave it a go. I started smoking it like I used to smoke a cigarette and nearly coughed my lungs out and my throat was burning. So tried a few smaller puffs but still too strong. After I was sitting watching TV and I felt so tired very fast. It was all I could do to get to a comfy chair and I was knocked out for around 3 hours in a horrible semi-sleep-type state. My heart was going mad and my mouth was dry. What do you lot make of that? Are any of these gummies better? or what would be better than the above? Something that would give me a boost during the day now and then and something to relax.
  18. I would like some tips and advice, While I am no gardener or farmer of any kind, I see my wife and her mother doing things while we are at my wife's plot of land and think, "That doesn't look right to me." I voice an opinion and am shot down with comments to the effect of, You're not Thai we are so we know. While growing up in England my parents were keen gardeners and both grew up in a rural setting and their parents worked on farms. So some knowledge is there from them to pull on. I didn't take to gardening but some things seemed like common sense to make plants grow. On the plot of land in question, there is the following, Duran Banana Papaya Mango Some herbs and vegetables that I have no idea what they are It seems to me that most are just randomly planted with no plan. Some plants like lots of light some don't for example. She will buy small durian trees and then just "plonk" them anywhere and wonder why most fail. Doing a quick Google search for example or doing some research is a no-no. Banana trees, do you just let them grow or do you trim them as they grow? When the fruits start forming this purple-coloured "bulb" grows below the fruits, do you cut it off or leave it? After the fruit has been cut off do you cut the whole thing down or leave it? Durian, where do you plant them? in sunlight or shade? how much do you water them as they grow? what do you feed them and treat them with? PApaya, same as durian and also do you cut one that say 5 feet high in half and "plonk" the cut-off part in the ground? Mango, any help welcome How to grow from seed from a fruit you have just eaten? Mon Khai, I am trying to grow from seed from the fruit I have eaten. One has started so am keen to make it grow more. Advice, please.
  19. The bike is now "fixed" I rode down the 304 to Min Buri to the workshop I had found on Facebook. The dude did a test first then fitted his "ABS box" as he calls them. It's just that, a small module that goes into the wiring loom. My understanding is that it bypasses the system, essentially putting it to sleep and turning off the light on the display. So as I said before the brakes work as they should just no ABS. It took less than 20 mins to install and he said it comes with a 1 year guarantee.
  20. I will also add other translated documents do have the ministry sticker on them.
  21. Went back today. We walked in and sat down, and the manager saw us and came over. He sat at a desk, and Mrs. and I sat down. I was then told to wait in the main seating area. He only wanted to talk to the Mrs.🤨 They talked for a while as he went through the paperwork etc. He kept going over and over and over it all several times. 🤔 Seeing this I went and sat down at the desk and asked what was going on. Three of the documents that had been translated don't have the "sticker" on the back from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I say sticker as that's what is it, a sticker with their QR code and writing in Thai and English to say its from them and the official person's name I supposed to make it official? Anyway, that is missing from 3 documents. The first thing I thought of was, that the agent we paid to do all this hasn't done his job right. He was supposed to get it all done. I messaged him right away on Line app telling him of the problem and backed it up with photos. Mrs also phoned him to tell him the problem. After he got seemingly all confused at first (on purpose I suspect) all the w*nker could come back with was that I needed to go to the Thai embassy in London to get the 3 documents done. What !?!?!?! I am in Thailand !!!!! How can I do that I said? That's all he can suggest..... w*nker 🤬 So now.... nothing..... unless I can get 3 translated copies certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs then its forget yellow book and pink i.d card. Does anybody have any suggestions?
  22. Errr I did..... its 20,000 baht.... as I have said
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