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  1. This is very true. Left and right keep these issues alive to get voters to polls. The insanity of reparations aside .. solving most of these issues quite simple once we leave the extremes of debate. For instance, I'm anti abortion, yet I'm willing to go with abortion literally on demand for first trimester plus one week. What's your compromise?
  2. This lot is cray cray. They're not in sports. Taking estrogen ain't gonna help them win against the girlies. 18+ Let them have their poison.
  3. I'm sure this Harris supporter has an extra copy for you
  4. Methinks women Do you know why the gay cannot define what is a woman? Because this lot identifies as 'men' despite having a uterus. Can a man have a baby? Yes, bc that 'man' is a WOman. Yet, if the female organs / genes defined reality they would not 'be' men. I'm beginning to be pro tranny although the drugs must not be paid by govt, but out of pocket. More lunatic people high af on hormones and God knows what else. Sideline themselves
  5. I do not like Donald Trump. It's not about that at all. Everyone can also stop telling us we are brainwashed and in a cult ffs. The cult insult is tossed about because people otherwise clear thinking can be in cults. Yet, there's no f ing cult outside an impassioned cult of personality for many working people that have lost hope. Trump lacks the class of Reagan, but this lot would be saying the same thing. US needed Reagan then and Trump now - nothing to do with personality or emotion.
  6. So, guess you're voting team rainblo
  7. None of this chatter matters. Trump is going to win. More lawfare to follow. The irony is Harris doesn't even want the position save for the free wine and travel. Too lazy to make the meme, but picture massive numbers of lawyers racing to file suits Nov 6.
  8. "Storming the capital" lol. Le Bastille Mon Ami! What a drama queen Go tell it to Liz Cheney and her merry band of liars. That committee is long dissolved. Many imprisoned without charges. You can't fk with us!! Pelosi just mad bc her constituents gave her a present that reflects their deep for her .. a big dump on her desk. Attached are pics o' tha starmin' *Personally, I like the stormers following the rope line and the guy in pelosi staff chair chilling. Now that's storming!!!
  9. Hillary hasn't accepted it and still cackles on about it to this day. That weeks long drama and later court challenge was not accepting. That isn't normally how US elections have been historically decided. Correct?
  10. This argument is weak af. Maybe their welfare cards? Well, it's law in all the sensible states. The notion that not everyone has an ID is absolute insanity and just propaganda. Then they need to go out and get one! Even school children and Junior high School and I bet now it is in elementary schools have school ID. If you can't be bothered to obtain an ID why should we think that your vote would matter anyway? This is just a long tired and abused bit of leftist propaganda. We should somehow feel sorry for people to lazy or too stupid to go down to the DMV and get themselves an ID Patently absurd
  11. A male must be gay or totally simp to vote for weak af, Manchurian candidate Kamala Harris You're a laff. You excuse and explain away the point you came at me with - that the FBI was directly involved in manufacturing public lies which you have blithely dismissed the potential impact on the tightest election in US history. Then you come back to take another swipe at Trump. Critical thinking much?
  12. Careful. Someone is going to mention The Insurrection ™®© Hundreds jailed. Police injured, killed many peaceful protesters Epstein list, no one jailed.
  13. I don't disagree, but I respect states rights. As long as US taxpayers are not on hook for state incompetence let them run their shixholes into the ground.. like California, New York. Especially Pennsylvania , MI
  14. Yes, but in I think it's 13 + DC you do not. So, roughly one third Besides .. so what? One is too many. Every vote is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain.
  15. You are aware that the Biden laptop, Steele dossier were FBI contrivances just for starts right? Maybe it's you that ought to wake up and get yourself a life. Maybe the heat from gay sauna has gone to your head? I guess you won't be enlightening yourself. If you are to inept to run a competent search just go to Judicial Watch. They are nailing the feds almost on a daily basis
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