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Everything posted by Pompeygeezer

  1. Is Thailand the only country that sells fruit then?🤔
  2. The amount of physical punishment in Thai schools is a massive eye opener. especially when a lot of it is for pretty much nothing. Completely wrong but it seems to be the way here.
  3. I can assure you that the female teachers are just as bad if not worse.
  4. The Thais commenting that Thai laws are too weak and that's why foreigners are fighting have obviously been living in a bubble and lead a sheltered life. Fights happen everyday in every country especially when drinking is involved. Probably hi so's commenting or just another chance for them to slag off foreigners. Because you never see Thais fighting each other🤔
  5. Why some people don't like that place beats me.
  6. What i don't understand is why is he so angry? He didn't miss out on a fare because no-one is going to go to the airport on a motorbike for god sakes! and even if you did want to, they wouldn't take you anyway.
  7. Surprised you didn't chuck in the cliche "It isn't real Thailand" as well😴
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