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  1. For every cloud there is a silver lining.
  2. Why is it so hard to beieve? Young men, particularly, engage in high risk behavior. Fact. Totally normal. Didn't you? Some say it is a vital part of becoming a man.
  3. Putting the boot into a much loved dead man. - for no other reason than that they can. Geez there are some grubs in this world. How low can you go. No filters, no restraint between the base primitive mind to the page. The primary difference between apes and humanity.
  4. Perfect, win win. Just make sure they don't get off the bus along the way. Make it free if they promise to only stay in Pattaya. Then the rest of us won't have to look at thier swollen feet and sagging faces.
  5. Hey H, you are ignoring the context. ie, The current highly charged environment - combined with the "swampyness" that many suspect is going on between these two. Power ANd money - in massive doses - both going both ways. Honestly ask yourself - if the political positions were reversed, wouldn't you be seriously concerned too. Drain the swamp. No. Drain both swamps.
  6. Hi Rocky, i guess i was just a bit taken aback when you brushed off that guy's questions. I thought it was very bad manners, to tell you the truth. And if you weren't going to answer his questions - about where you are coming from, a very reasonable request to somebody asking you questions - i certainly ain't give you the benefit of have hour of my time to thoughtfully, consideredly, answer yours. Its not rocket science level of manners - 'pretty basic.
  7. Are you in the mafia? If not, you don't need to act like you are. I certainly am not going to participate in your data harvesting / market research /whatever it is until you are prepard to answer a few basic questions - especially as some poeple are obviously sweating a bit of blood to give you detailed answers to YOUR questions.
  8. I wonder what the MAGA crew will think of Trump pushing "homosexual's cars". Will the Patriot Boys in their pantomime gear finally come out of the closet? Did laminate-face give Trump a tongie for this endorsement? Or just the 250 million bucks? So many fascinating questions...
  9. Yep, as a newcomer to AN i am amazed at the absolute contempt the majority of expats on this channel seem to hold for the country they have chosen to live in. The biggest bunch of entittled, ill natured, whinging, cynical old sad sacks i have ever met in my life. Pathetic. My admiration for the (relatively) few positive poeple here who stick with it. I doubt that i will. I am after positivity, useful information and stories about how to carve out a bloody good life. Yeah, and the occasional good argument /punch-up too. - but certainly not reading about enduring a mental-pox filled existence in a country most poeple here seem to despise. Thanks Joe, your post is encouraging in a roundabout way.
  10. Australia has a trade deficit with the USA. They have supported - with blood - every wild foreign adventure and resultant defeat in the past 75 years. They have zero tarriffs against US products. Reciprical? They are going to get slugged with Trumps tarriffs. Thanks America. Spit. You have no honour. You have no memory. And soon you will have no friends.
  11. I use a more proactive preventative action strategy. If you kermit the crime - don't get caught. 'Works for me.
  12. Lol. 'Serious funny. Thanks Minister - the smile on my dial is going to last all day.
  13. Not for long he didn't. No stomach >> no guts. no courage. I believe the term is also common in Liverpool english.
  14. Interesting to see, just like Epstien, that the grand conspiracy theorists post no hard evidence. Just pulling long bows with thier imaginings. Give us the goods. Ffs, you don't need to make things up to know the system is crooked. There is enough hard evidence for that as it is.
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