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  1. Call the truth and insult to avoid confronting it as fact. The typical play
  2. If you say so my Hebrew friend
  3. Oh, dear God in heaven. Israel was essentially founded by right wing Zionist extremists. Irgun, Menachem Begin to Netanyahu all a bunch of racist, fascist extremists fkwitz. Early Zionist efforts called out by Einstein himself. Many, many American Jews do not support what's going on in Palestine. Probably have more crazy Christian support that moderate Jews at this point. Israel created Hamas Thanks for the lecture Dad 👍👍
  4. If you say so my Hebrew friend
  5. You claim some higher level of intelligence but unable to understand the impact of numbers of people on what is average - but hey don't let that stop you. This is so simple minded it's funny
  6. I've no doubt it would have been managed better under Trump. I've also no doubt that the indigenous population still would have suffered. He did nothing to resolve the issue his first term. Arguably exacerbate. What's going on in that nation are crimes against humanity. The US has blood on its hands - the nation co-opted by 'AIPAC'.
  7. This is petty and weak attempt to be insulting. I have a wife and don't need to scratch up against anything. That's her job. Don't go away mad - just go away
  8. I'm no fan of Israel nor the peepole that occupy the land. It's genocide. The only good thing that comes from that war on civilizations (extended across 5-6 nations) is that the Holocaust™©® card can no longer be played. It's one thing I fault Trump to no end for.
  9. Cat? You mean cat-lady right?
  10. Admittedly, some GOP can be single minded, insensitive, myopic, callous. It's well countered on the left Bastion of cruelty lol Hyperbolic much?
  11. Well, most of the decisions have been tossed out. The rest to come perhaps even next week. Jack Smith already requested to vacate. You're apparently not reading much of anything. The only absurd charges that will stand is that insane assault charge that rando cat woman accused Trump of groping her. She couldn't place the time, date I don't even think year. Decades past statute of limitations. You're head is entirely in the sand. Lawfare against Trump will die, we can only hope it gets ramped up against Biden administration and agencies like CDC, EPA, dept education Buh bye 😉
  12. Burn it all to the ground. Rule over the ashes.
  13. This is entirely incorrect. DEI is racist. It's basically affirmative action for kooks and gays that are otherwise unemployable DEI is about equality of outcome not opportunity Please respond with a link that shows how a white man (can be only one) was supported and served by DEI
  14. This is such a laugh. It's like a child's view of the world he doesn't like nor understands
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