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  1. I guess not so much lol Rouble up whopping 1.5% https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rouble-rebounds-past-100-vs-123931805.html
  2. Maybe you best just stay well clear about American politics and addl topics you know nothing about 👍
  3. Is it that you find healthcare less expensive in Spain or is it covered because you are UK citizen? Or are you a spaniard? Doubtful. Do you purchase healthcare in Spain? Is it all a car or do you have a plan?
  4. No, I just want the 100k "'loan"" 😉🙏 earning more than the typical time isn't a valid reason. As a second career I taught at some very respectable schools here in Bangkok over 10 years. I left with a salary of 85k pm. It is what you make of it
  5. The path isn't simple in fact it's pretty impossible and they like it that way. If you're not working for probably 8 years and making over 40,000 during all of it. You might have had some sort of trade which allowed you a reasonable salary and employment but most are here teaching. I talked for 10 years as a second career. I didn't make over 40K until my third year. When I left I was making 85 including my bonus. I would have had to have stayed on who knows how many years in order to be employed at the time of my application review. This among a myriad of other issues. Sorry, disingenuous post Citizenship here really isn't even worth it. Although I am getting very fed up with having to apply for my annual extension to the point of thinking about leaving again
  6. My annual parks fees including paying for my wife add up to nearly 10,000 baht a year
  7. I agree about dual pricing at tourist attractions (which I never go). Up to them to boycott
  8. I'll pass this on to the former Saville procecutors and see if they agree and then get Mohammed over at your town council to approve. Economy goingike gangbusters in Brighton, Brixton, Manchester and Liverpool 👍👍👑
  9. That's UK and not relevant. My guess is she pays the same amount of money to enter the parks, etc Unless it's a residency issue that she needs to establish over period of time, perhaps she was admitted as a foreign student and therefore the bar might have been a bit lower for her. No idea, but you would know why that has happened
  10. Sure, I'll take it. 100k Thai terms ok?
  11. Don't be so smug. Dec Jan park long stay I will be dropping b6250 on fees. Most Thai parks are simply not worth b400 entry. Ayutthaya comes quickly to mind as most random waterfalls. Park system is totally corrupt so it's not as though it goes to support the parks or wildlife. ** For seven out of the 10 years I worked here I was in that 1% tax bracket. Received nothing for it Wake up
  12. Definitely would pardon the crimes, but extremely suspect after that. No worries though. Biden family pardons coming as well as blanket PREEMPTIVE pardons coming for many Biden cabinet, admin. Oh the irony...
  13. I found this article in the Post. I'm confused. Nothing I've read prior discusses 15% vat. It's 15% income tax .. the article even mentions this but does not clarify This is huge and raises cost of living for foreigners by 8% PLUS (worldwide income tax) new income tax - which I doubt Thailand will be happy when many claim tax treaties, etc ... So, plan on paying something there imo. Finally, what are we getting from all this taxation? Not even a multi year visa for families. I'm not leaving tomorrow, but I will definitely be looking at third country options and even returning to US. Thailand will always be less expensive (cheaper) overall, but the lack of insurance, medical double pricing, skint one year visas, bureaucracy, inability to purchase land (home). Medical costs here are very much headed upward. No malpractice insurance or ethics to rectify medical issues. I think we have crossed the Rubicon insofar as cost vs value in Thailand with these horrendous tax increases. It seems the current government is completely on board with tax in the hell out of everyone so they can turn around and give the money away to the poor in exchange for votes.
  14. I meant objective. That the responses subjective. JT first to crucify. I have fixed the above error.
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