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  1. I'll tell you upfront I have no idea, but I don't think these drugs were "designed" to mitigate HIV. I'm guessing scientists stumbled on new classes of antibiotics that appear to hold HIV at bay. The difference is HIV is not 'cured' and science doesn't have it dialed in. Luck. Fortunate for those with HIV. These medicines should not just be taken like a handful of amoxicillin.
  2. I would ask for proof of that. I'm guessing it's 3.5% general population and 5-7% in the risk group of sexworkers (punters) You're also looking at this incorrectly. It's not about 1% of the total population. Rather, prostitution is quite a high risk group for HIV one might think. I don't think those drugs are widely studied. Seems pretty heavy duty to live on (like a HIV+ person). Can't be good for the body. O could see this for someone going thru an epic middle age crisis, but living on medicine for the sake of random sex seems both shallow and dangerous.
  3. Yes, a girl known to be working the street will be shunned as hitting bottom, prolly drugs. This is not at all necessarily true. Some just looking to make fast money. Usually, it's that the street walker is thought of as a little crazy as well. Some honestly do lose it. The work and it's distractions drive them over. Really nasty home life, raw deal. Debt, family debt. As for a true random freelancers not being hirable - Never heard of such a thing in 35 years. The notion that a Pattaya bargirl (especially an attractive one) would effectively be black listed from the gogo, bars, etc. This is tourist / hapless dreamer magical thinking. It's patently absurd. You pay your money and you take your chances. Some girls will let you hit it sans condom. If she's hot she'll ask for more bc she can. If she's not you really shouldn't be risking unprotected sex with an unattractive person, but hey now. She's happy to oblige. Many have come to accept their transactional existences. Rather nonchalant about STDs. While it's pure panic for you it's part of the hazards of work.
  4. The women in the streets are there bc they've overcome their shyness enough pressed on by desperate need for money. You think bars doing health or moral turpitude tests lol? All those...we test e ery 90 days 😂 errrr riiiiiight. Working out of a bar is very much fading outside Pattaya. Some just would rather not sit around in bars and become drunks and waste their money and time. I'd never take a woman off Sukhumvit or Beach Rd , but doubt they are any more sketch than pub girls. Chlamydia is/was so prevalent in Pattaya decades ago the girls don't even try to cure themselves. Itchy urethra? Yup. You too. Bbbj guaranteed week on antibiotics lol
  5. Wow This just seems horribly irresponsible use of antibiotics. Good luck when you need them. Like the doctors prescribing heavy antibiotics for a potential dental infection or post minor surgery. So now you only have .01% chance. It's still Russian roulette. Gotta be a dozen diseases avoidable by condom use. Clueless
  6. Can't be bothered to spend an hour, train themselves up on the SW

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