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Posts posted by Jookster

  1. 1. Don't do anything. Don't be an idiot and turn this into some petty war.

    He might be willing to go a lot further than your are.

    2. I think its important to recognise yes the person is Thai. But how much is it a 'Thai issue' this could of happened anywhere in the world. People like him are everywhere!

  2. I went to Paragon last Sunday, only to discover tickets at 600 baht each! Crazy I though, but it is really the best? Who has been?

    Also a rather specific question related to where I live but what's better Emporium or Major Sukhumvit (Ekkami)?


  3. This might cause a lot of offence, but I find farrang who delve into barsgirls kinda disgusting. On the other hand I don't since it is a fair trade off between client and customer. Both parties are happy in their transactions.

    Personally I would never go there, its not my thing.

    I would like to know the feelings of other members on the board? Do most people think its just a bit of fun, part of a 'typical' farrang lifestyle, or anyone agree its not so nice?

    No offence intended, just curious at the overall concensus of the board.

    Thank ya :o

  4. My apartment does not have hot water at the sink and was wondering how many people wash up without hot water? Its a standard Thai thing but means that utensils are not steralised.

    Is it safe? I have sterlised my utensils with hot water from my microwave?

    What does everyone do?


  5. Who the hel_l are Sonia and Cindy. I must of seen them around not knowing who they are?!

    100 grand a month is very, very nice indeed. And as for feeling cheap well on the one hand model nights are utterly abhorrent an affair. On the other hand, its free drinks and food! 55555555555

  6. re your question bout free dinner at bed: no.

    Wouldnt be so sure about that :o Think its a matter of asking. But Slim and Santika give free drinks every day? I knew about Flix on a Tuesday but didnt know Slim give drinks everyday??

    What agencies you with Teej?

  7. I think the comments that Nam Kao gave on pretending to have no money and see what happens arent altogether fair. To keep it brief.....

    Firstly few women in any country would want a man who had no money. Secondly Thailand still has the traditional notions of the man paying for dinner, drinks etc. Such ideas are similar to say the UK 50 years plus ago. And originate in that traditionally the man is the bread winner and thus has the money in the first place.

    But for that matter would I want a gf with no money, which would mean that I really would have to pay for everything..... probably not.

    Personally I would not give a woman money, I would not pay for anything other than dinner, drinks, cinema etc. I would not pay a girl to take a taxi to see me or go home for example!

    So you see things go a little deeper. Bottom line is judge Thai women as you would any woman in the world, but bear in mind some cultural differences. i.e. it is widely accepted the man pays for dinner etc.

    But if you arent blessed with good looks/charm/ style etc (coz it aint just good looks that get women u know!) and you are going out with a girl who wants money then accept your relationship for what it is.

    Btw the way that this relationship was described I am 99% sure she wants money.

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