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Posts posted by Jookster

  1. Me thinks the OP is asking about working there experiences, since they're advertising on ajarn right now and apparently paying in the region of 60k including benefits.

    Indedy, interesting that one's salary can go up so much.

    Mspsl, how long has your brother been there? What does he do?

    More information, highly appreciated.

  2. To quote 'the Greatest'

    “If you’re white, you’re all right; if you’re black, stand back; if you’re brown, stick around.”

    This pretty much sums up the ways that certainly a number of Thai people think. Its difficult and potentially dangerous to generalise, but it appears that to sum extent at least;

    White people are seem as fine. In fact in speaking to a family friend 'White people' can actually be seen as 'better' than Thai people, by Thai people. Having said that I am sure that they can be seen as rich and stupid too.....

    Black people are feared, they are seen as scary. Its incorrect and racist and itself to use the term 'African' and coloured is a term which related to the notion of normality being white and thus different in that a person is coloured. Although in South Africa it is a different meaning altogether...

    Indian people, or rather generally Southern Asian are disliked. Seen as mean and unpleasant.

    Thai-Chinese often stick together (as do other ethnic groups all over the world)

    Laos people are seen as a sort of joke, and looked down upon.

    Similarly Isaan people are seen as pretty lowly.

    Skin colour dictates a feeling of class in that the darker skinned are seen as lower class and poorer. Similar to say in Britain in the not too distant past when the servants would develop tans from outdoor work and the elite upper class would use lead to whiten the skin!

    This is what I have gathered........... But any criticisms welcomed.

  3. I believe that in the school I work at its a ventilation/heat thing. The toilet isn't air conditioned and without having the door open (yes I know there are kids) the toilet would stink pretty bad.

  4. Never thought the police cared about seat belts in Thailand!!


    I once forgot to buckle my seat belts. Soon enough at a red light there comes this police man and knocks on my window. I roll it down. He gestures towards the seat belt. I say sorry. He: No problem, have a nice trip. AND I got a smile.


    I have never lived in a country where I actually get a tip FROM the taxi driver who refuses my small change. I LOVE Thailand and its people, despite everything.

  5. That's incredible. How old was the samaritian out of interest? I take it you paid them back in the end?

    Once a stranger took me to the best hospital in Bangkok when I was very sick with booze and drugs, vistited me every day and paid the bill. Years later, now a very good friend. Simply- this act of kindness saved my life.

    In my experience - the worse off I've been, more acts of kindness.

  6. I was stopped in the street (about a month ago), asked if I was a model, which I am. Guy said he was a model event organiser or something. Anyway I might of asked to exchange numbers, or maybe he asked for mine. Can't remember but I gave him my number. Anyway just had a call of whether I could take care of his best friend a 24 year old Japanese girl who likes foreigners (I'm actually half Thai but anyway). He said it would be dinner, club and sex.

    Is this kinda thing common, here I have heard it is not uncommon. Anyone else had any experiences of being offered money (I didn't actually ask how much) for sex?


  7. You are reffering to the betagen products, as sour milk...

    I'm looking for capsules.


    Any idea where this can be bought? GNC and Boots Emporium don't have it. Although apparently Boots Khao San does.

    Any idea?

    I'm going to have another search locally now! I live in Sukhumvit Soi 89


    It is called "nom priow" and your local 7-11 has it.

  8. I'm afraid its you that needs to 'research' more. As someone born in London, who has worked with London 'youth' including middle eastern ones. Watching Cohen for 10 years and so forth, I 'know' him very well. The accent of Ali G is a mixture of 'Youth Speak' which itself is a mixture of patois,cockney, etc etc. But has a middle eastern accent underneath.

    What you think to be true, quite simple isn't. But think what you want.

    I think that Cohen targets easy, 'nice!', people like southern state racists/homophobes, frat boys, etc etc.

    But I think that there is some real questionnable agenda in that he is Jewish and seems to be playing a very homophobic, anti-semetic, misogynstic Muslim (also take note of the very pro-Jewish/ aren't Jewish people nice bed and breakfast scene).

    Which is further compounded by his first character 'Ali' G with his Uncle Jamal, middle eastern accent (under the youth speak) and so on.

    Nothing wrong in showing anti-semetism and supporting Jewish people but its the anti-Muslim agenda too that needs to be questionned.

    Many with not agree with this, but after thinking about it, google shows there are other people thinking on similar lines.

    And I know many will say, how do u know Borat is a Muslim he say's he isnt...............

    ALSO!! If you have seen Cohen for years on British TV like myself, the film just isn't that funny. Two scenes are rehashes of previous ones, with Borat and Ali G.

    I'm sorry you just don't get the point of the character. And you have stated some errors in your posts, but I'm sure others have already responded to them.

    However, you said that Ali G had a middle eastern accent...wow, you failed the lookup on that character. 'Ali G' is a 'white suburb boy pretending to be black hoodling' as seen in rap-videos from the US. The dialect isn't middle eastern, I don't really understand where you get that from...it's 'hoodling-talk', sure, but that isn't really his invention...

  9. Nothing against you Lite Beer, I was actually reffering to the OP!

    I don't get the interest in only Isaan women for a wife. You quote good marriages but in what way? Although I am not saying that all Isaan girls are bar girls when they obviously aren't , a relationship with an Isaan bargirl or bargirl from anywhere for that matter is going to be different to a relationship and marriage based on love, respect etc.

    But maybe that is what you want is a marriage which is primarily based on money.

    If not then surely look for a wife from anywhere, whether from Isaan, Thailand or anywhere!!

    For those that quote Isaan women as so wonderful, may I ask why? What makes them better than women anywhere else in Thailand or the world? Or again is it because your marriage has an economic agreement?

    Probably get flamed for this.......... :o

    Never said Isaan women were better than any where else in Thailand. Just defending them against the views of Myopic Vespa. Thailand has beautiful girls everywhere. Just so happens my wife is from Isaan and I believe she does love me.

  10. I don't get the interest in only Isaan women for a wife. You quote good marriages but in what way? Although I am not saying that all Isaan girls are bar girls when they obviously aren't , a relationship with an Isaan bargirl or bargirl from anywhere for that matter is going to be different to a relationship and marriage based on love, respect etc.

    But maybe that is what you want is a marriage which is primarily based on money.

    If not then surely look for a wife from anywhere, whether from Isaan, Thailand or anywhere!!

    For those that quote Isaan women as so wonderful, may I ask why? What makes them better than women anywhere else in Thailand or the world? Or again is it because your marriage has an economic agreement?

    Probably get flamed for this.......... :o

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