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Everything posted by PopGun

  1. Just looking anywhere for ideas I think 🤔 Because the government of the UK obviously have no idea on how to stop illegal immigrants. In fact they appear to be encouraging them.
  2. A lot of people haven't a clue about the extrajudicial killing of drug traffickers, or the massive fraud that led to him fleeing the country.
  3. Beachy Head is a popular place for a 'misstep😖'
  4. He is designated as a 'Persona non grata' Someone who is unwanted or unwelcome. He had to relinquish his ownership of the Manchester City football club,which he had bought because of financial ambiguities.
  5. A bit of easy revenue for the force 🚔
  6. I wonder if the thief was one of Pattaya's gender fluid consorts.
  7. The subject is definitely a Ylang Ylang flower. They are used extensively in perfume and beauty products. A example of Mango blossoms.
  8. The lighting is interesting. Artificial diffused off camera and perfect exposure.👍
  9. Since you've asked, I think there are obvious things "wrong "with your pic'. Firstly the blossom is Ylang Ylang flower. #2 it's not in focus. #3 the flower is over exposed, because the camera has metered for the overall dark area in the background. #4 camera-shake, because of the dark background the it was a long exposure and really needed a supported camera. #5 There is nothing "wrong" with your camera. You just need to brush up on your technique and understanding of exposures
  10. They're welcome in the UK, without a Visa. No sleeping on beaches, hotel accommodation is provided. Maybe too far to travel for some.🤷
  11. Imagine the chaos if,or when autonomous vehicles become commonplace.
  12. Because we are British and of certain age 😄
  13. 49:1/2 Stone 😲 How did he manage his personal hygiene ? His arms are not long enough to perform the the necessary Rs cleaning function.
  14. That's the rule in the UK. Where Thailand rules apply. The one who one driving the smallest vehicle gives way.
  15. That quite period might change now that you've advertised it.
  16. I was under the impression that you had to have a Thai accommodation address when entering the country. A simple check would determine wether the rough sleepers are vagrants or not..
  17. Russia seems to have a reciprocal arrangement.
  18. This is a well thought out and plausible piece. I for one didn't look at this from your perspective. I have now. Thanks for the education.
  19. My condolences to the lad's family. 🙏
  20. I was under the impression that autopsies were mandatory in Thailand. Get run over by a truck; autopsy. Fall from 25th floor balcony; autopsy. Shot in the head; autopsy. Savaged by dogs; autopsy. Hanging off a balcony with a bag over the head, hands tied behind the back. (Suicide). Whatever, whenever there's a fatality they have an autopsy 🤷
  21. A foreigner can own a house, but not the land it stands on.
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