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Posts posted by teddy_bare

  1. Hmmm,

    I think most abuse of children happens by people they know and from their own family.

    Demonising the world's population of men is probably also a form of abuse.

    Whilst not defending child abusers, I cant see this line of thinking particularly helpful in stopping it in but a few instances.

    How about reeducating the abusers.

  2. I have never yet set up a wireless router without tearing my hair out. I am no IT specialist but I am pretty clever otherwise. Can any IT person explain why the industry has not solved making this a less painless process? Everything else seems to be plug and play.

    My brother used to work in the IT helpdesk for a large company. He used to tell me when users asked him for help, he would go to their work space and tell them to go for a coffee. The problem was usually fairly simple to fix, often as simple as cleaning the fluff and dirt on a mouse ball. he would do it and when asked what he had done he would just say it was a bit technical to explain and go back to him office. I asked him why he didnt explain it and allow the user to self help in the future? His answer probably answers your question. It kept him in a job.

  3. ..

    Yes, my son certainly proved that one's life can turn around for the worse with a rapidity (and sometimes finality) that is stunning. But, on the other hand, when that happens you still have some choice about how you react to the changes. True, but for most it takes a strong personality and perhaps a religious outlook to overcome many of the unfair calamities that can happen to befall Joe Smoe. The after taste, experience and ongoing problems can wilt the spirits of the strongest individual. No one walks away unaffected IMHO

    In terms of judging others says more about you than the people being judge...that's very cliche and not necessarily true.

    I like cliches and generalism. They are, as often as not, based on many peoples collective observations of behavoiurs and traits. Hence often respresent a majority viewpoint. Although not perfect as a whole and often further tainted by a hidden hand, they serve to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of many peoples' schemes.

    People are offended by some generalism, but they should be thankful that others have observed them in this way and are actually providing some feed back about the way others comprehend them. My beliefs are very often reinforced as I go about my work or pleasure. Do I look for it? No. Do I see it? Yes. So to me it's real and tangible. Sometimes my previous preceptions are contradicted, and it's refreshing. If the generalism is totally based on fiction, the offended can make it their goal reeducate the others. Unfortunately, there are many uneducated people in the world who need generalism to understand their surrounding.

    You know and I know that not all farang are rich, but the majority of Thais think we are. Go figure.

    BTW, Hello dad :)

  4. You should be a comedien,as thats very funny mr Rambo
    You have spent far too long in front of your television my friend 55555!!!

    You resemble that remark.

    If I told you how to change a wheel, would you feel less threatened and less weak than you are maybe? Is that something you might able to master?

    Where do you think the movie people get their military advisors from?

    The world is a hugh place and people have varying jobs and skill sets. I could also teach you Scuba Diving tomorrow, or how to be a First Responder would you believe that??

    Look beyond your own life experiences, not everyone worked in MacDonalds.

  5. What a surprise!

    Notice no help for al those falngs who had there holidays ruined,missssed jonbs weddings funerals and interviews

    I hope some American lawyer launches aclass action going against the PAD AOT and those responsible

    And Pigs may go Orchid ass class

    Its all whitewash whereby some pal of the ministry who is on the board of AOT or Kunt Power will get there noses back in the trough

    The pre Soviet Chetka/KGB and now SFB Mossad discourage cronyism corruption and general entrepreneurship with an instant bullet as did the CIA when Malcom X Luther King Kennedy upstarts etc tried to spoil the party by the people below stairs getting of their knees and requesting equality.

    Perhaps laying the yellow shirts under the new railway would be a fitting memorial and yellow sleepers ghosts could get the <deleted> airport link open more toilets ,metred taxis ,a pub?

    Honest baggage and left luggage and no threatening touts accosting weary travellers.

    This is rocket science funny how they do better in slums like Sri Lanka ,Biarritz even Dusseldorf has 2 stations right into the terminal which has more better and cheaper food than much of


    That was better than Mel Gibson doing the monologue in Hamlet. Top post Jonny boy, best leaving the fulls stops out next time.

  6. if a thai pull a handgun on you..just pull one on him too..simple.

    Or move in close enough to turn his wrist inward to the point where he is either in pain or his wrist gives way. The weapon is then pointing at him at very close range. You can either help him pull the trigger or slide your hand long the back of the hand he is holding the weapon in and take the weapon from him. MOVE back at this point, otherwise he can do the same to you.

    After that, it's up to you.

    Practise with your partner. My wife loves this game. She has yet to shoot me so I must be doing something right for her.

    It the weapon is a long barrelled weapon. Move in close enough to be able to quickly push the barrel of the weapon as high as possible. This will either cause the guy's trigger finger to snap (lovely) or he will lose his grip of the weapon. You may be able to force the foresight into his face. You can then reverse the weapon and use it against him and his 5 mates he will probably have with him. Again MOVE back immediately otherwise it looks like something out of the film Equaliberium.

    First Aid is another good thing to learn. Three people I know are alive because I did.

    Be prepared.

  7. Despite being financially sound and happy, the smug should remember how easy their life's can be turned around.

    You don't know everyones history or life experiences. There be many reasons why people seem to complain, grumble and gripe about their current abode.

    Think about the people you know whose life has been changed by events outside of their control.

    A mate of mine was fairly upbeat with his life in Thailand, until a drunk driver plough into him causing him massive physical damage. Guess what, he isn't so up beat now. Just one example, but I am sure each individual has got to their current state of happiness thru a lifetime of experiences relevant to them and perhap beyond your comprehension or life experiences.

    Would you say my mate has a right/reason to be bitter? Or is he just one of those sad gits you have managed to pigeon hole.

    Judging people isn't a good trait, as invaribly sez more about you than them.

    I hope your life stay as bitter free as your reality allows.

  8. Just a recent father for the first time, I find this thread fascinating.

    I also find it amazing that the mixure of our genes can generate so many different features within the same family.

    Having had my first child, I can't wait to give her a little brother or sister.

    My one main hope is that their childhood will be as full and varied as my own. My parents were not that well off, but we made the best of what we had and mostly made our own fun from a cardboard box and a vivid imagination.

    I am tempted to buy to many toys and often have to restrain myself. My wife thankfully puts the brakes on my daft ideas.

    Here is Angelica Minyarapat Teddy Bare :)




  9. Hi

    I am waiting for a reply from my lawyer but so far nothing!

    Does anybody know the licensing process of a tour agency in Thailand? Is it the same as just opening a standard business?

    I look forward to your help!

    You will need a TAT licence. This allows you to sell tours. Go to any tour agent in Thailand and you will see the certificate displayed on the wall. Without it, its illegal to sell tours.

    Its not that expensive, and I think you just renew it every year. Let me ask my wife later today and i will get back to you.

  10. Conversely,

    I have on many occasions refused the help of others because I thought they were working an angle.

    How my cynicism showed when I realised they were just offering a kindly hand. I guess the problem is often people want money for that help.

    If you look for scams you will constantly see other's actions as a build up to a scam.

    When you go to do something you have never done before (seems many have never rented cars) then google it.

    I video alot because it stops the scams/corruption and provides evidence at a later stage if required.

    We think of ourselves as educated individuals yet we succumb to scam carried out by individuals often considered inferior to us.

    the old adage of a 'fool and their money' rings true for many on here.

  11. Would you be doing it for money??

    If not, surely playing a musical instrument or 2 in the street is surely just recreational. You did say you needed to practice.

    If you go along the street singing, I doubt you'd get arrested.

  12. Recent medical evidence would suggest children born to older men/younger women, actually have some developmental issues, mostly regarding IQ. The survey is still young and the research have only tracked the first 5 years of the subjects lifes'. It was noted that most research had previously focused on the age of the mother , noting that well known issues concerning Downes syndome amongst others.

  13. Hayling Island beach, Hampshire, UK, November 2000.

    Me and the missus were out star watching inside a double sleeping bag with a flask of mulled wine.

    After 30 minutes or so the wind chill started to bite.

    We decided we needed to warm up in a traditional way.

    She did squat thrusts and I did star jumps!

    Actually, it was a horizonal version of that.

    The best bit (for me) was, on my vinager stroke my cocker spanial, Molly, licked my b@lls.

    She had previously been curled up at the bottom of the sleep bag.

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