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Posts posted by teddy_bare

  1. Wow, almost 2 pages of how the Thai government is introducing laws to target farang and boister the pay checks of the Police. Wah wah, the crossing are blocked, they don't work, the cars don't stop wah wah, Thailand will grind to a halt cos of the jaywalking laws. Wah wah, they will target me joe farang cos I am richer.

    Geez guys, were arll of the countries you come from designed perfectly? Thailand is a developing country. You know 'developing?' Like when you guys were younger, you should have developed a set of b@lls.

    How hard is it to use a bridge? Maybe you richer legs don't work so well! At Zebra crossings just go with the tide (Thais).

    Is this whinge Saturday? Oh yeah it was Friday yesterday so I guess a few pops were downed and now blurry eyes are reading how the evil thiai government is inverting new ways to target joe farang to remove his hard earned cash.

    if you want to see all the western law enforcement you love to compare, then don't pay bribes. if you break the law, tough it out and show those evil thai people your farang money is clean and beside you have loads of it. Jonny farang will not bend to the evil asian ways. Otherwise <deleted>, or save the diatribes for the bar, beach, golf course, bird (s) or whereever you offload your mouth trash

    Was i ranting. mmmmm maybe. before the thais used to make me mad, now it's thaivisa

    Disclaimer, the author will deny ever saying any of this if challenged. The author reserves the rights to be a total tw@t, opinionated, and will at times resort to double standards. Anyone who receives this message, can use it as their own work. All above information has a lifespan, equating to, but not exceeding the lifespan of the authors own delusion of grandour, self rightiousness and self importance belief. Any Religious content is the sole property of the author due to the self god belief currently in play. Some religious content may be bestow, granted and blessed to readers at the express request, thru pray to the author.

  2. This has me worried.

    Whenever I come to BKK Airport, I make arrangements in advance with a man called Mr. Toom, where he or one of his drivers picks me up. It's always worked like clockwork for me and lots of other people and it's a good price too - 1200 baht to Pattaya.

    You meet the driver at door number 3 where he waits with your name on a board.

    Does this mean Mr. Toom will be banned? Anyone know? I somehow doubt that he has any official accreditation.

    Meanwhile, I'll email him and ask him myself. If he has anything useful to say about it, I'll let you know.

    I think you will be ok, as he will have parked the vehicle in the short term car park just opposite the dep/arrival area. So not really a normal taxi service.

  3. Now I understand why everytime I walk out, I get at least 3 assh*les following me saying, Taxi Pattaya sir, taxi Pattaya!

    Its because of all you d*cks who keep comparing how much you are paying to go to that vile place! There are other places to go in this country. So many people complaining about Thais treating you like crap. Its your own fault. If you go to Pattaya you are low class filth. It that simple. Even taxi touts know this.

    Its especially insulting when I am with my wife and they ask this. I just want to pick them up and throw them down to the base level from Departures.

    Just one time I turned arounf and shout: Mai Ao! Pattaya pen kee! The guy was so surpised he did not what to do.

    "Let him who is without sin, throw the first stone."

    I love judgmental ppl. A place you find shit maybe is heaven to others. Some guys find love on the internet, others in Pattaya.

    Btw, I wonder why ppl never ask me to go Pattaya? I guess Im not looking like low class filth then .. :)

    Maybe you look like a woman??? :D

  4. the new advertising campaign should be tagged:

    Thailand! Burma with Electricity

    THAT is funny.

    i don't know the Thai's well enough to really comment, but the kind of comical stuff their interchangeable governments come up with is embarrassingly comical to the world outside of Thailand. my question to those of you who have lived in Thailand for a while: do many Thai's realize how mickey mouse their govt comes across, or is the Thai pride thing so ingrained that they just don't see it?

    as i read this, all i can think is that this is the govt. cozying up more to the BiB. 'you want more money? no problem, we'll create some more ridiculous laws to give you a new avenue for tea money'.

    i have spoken to many thais about world events, international image etc etc etc. Blank looks is my first impression. They dont get it. The ones I have spoken to are unable to comprehend their country as anything but near perfect. Recent events have certainly opened their eyes as the government has been advertising the fact on TV and told them to behave in a more buddist way.

    A while back the family of my thai gf asked me about Taksin. I said he is corrupt and lies and steals from the Thai people and would be finished soon. They nearly fell over at my comments. 2 weeks later he was ousted. months after that all the facts about his dodgy dealing started to be aired. Still they didn't beleive it. Only now are they realising the damage he has caused Thailand. Thais are only just waking up to the world around them, but they lives are often so hard that they give little thought to what the world opinion might be. it's unlikely to effect their lives that much and if it does it was destined to happen so why worry about it.

    Thailand is getting a wake up call (the recession), but it is probably beyond most people's comprehension (that is actually true for all delevoping countries and for the less educated in all other counties).

    people either dont understand the ramifications or long term impact the recession will have on their lives.

    The answer to your question is probably no, they dont realise how MM their government comes across, but no more than the average US or Brit citizen don't realises their countries are war mongers driven by greed in the name of fighting global terrorism.

    I am British by the way and an Ex Mil Forces who fought in GW1 and has worked with UK and US military and private agencies and personnel in the ME.

  5. so my girlfriend didnt get her visa :)

    well at least i assume so, she got her passport back and all documents, but no visa inside. and she got like 10 extra pages, which unfortunately, she cant read! so i dunno what to do now. I gotta go to work and i'll just have to wait until she sends the pages on to my...

    what a crappy day :D

    i feel your pain. My WIFE was refused a tourist visa. The pages will be about 2 for the reasons and the rest are how to appeal and a list of legal helpers.

    You have 30 days to appeal. They might overturn the ECO decision without the need for appeal, if you can satisfy the reasons for refusal. This can take up to 2 month and is generated at the British embassy in Bangkok. After that it goes to the UK for a hearing via the immigration services.

    Read the reason for refusal many times as the style of writing is convoluted, contridictory and actually wrong!!!!. In my case.

    My wife's application said to 'attend a wedding and meet family', The ECO stated 'to visit your husband' so they obviously thought I lived in the UK. i live with my wife in Bangkok and have been back to the UK once in 6 years! They also said the didn't beleive we have a genuine relationship, yet stated in the summery, 'whilst I am satisfied family life exist'. The UK visa company also failed to receive my bank statements on the initial application despite them being in the application pack that my wife and I put together and delivered personally.

    So have a good read, and look at countering all the points individually. Some might make your blood boil, but you have to be as objective as possible and stick to facts. it's pointless trying to call them, as the automative system does not have a human interactive choice. The Brit Embassy won't help and when I called to ask about contact details for the visa dept they will only gave me an email address.

    Anyway, i added a covering letter with my appeal and handed it into the Embassy. As I handed it over I indicated it was time specific as the wedding is on the 15th August and I was pretty much blanked.

    Ho hum. I can't say I am overly impressed, or optimistic on getting to the wedding.

    I hope you have good luck. PM me if needed

  6. Let's make sure we keep the information as factual as possible and keep negative comments in a context that doesn't result in the thread being closed.

    Obviously no one has any facts or positive comments. Ignorance and negative is the way to go.

  7. Bad driving r traffic isn't unique to Thailand.

    I drive in Bkk most days and just plan my moves between rush hour and use the expressways. I have an in car video camera to record all the action in case of an accident and inevitable, 'farang is wrong'. It cost about $50 dollars and has saved me loads in possible fines or stitch-ups.

    The cops usually accept my story without even reviewing the footage. So no more false speeding fines, crossing the solid white lines etc, and the camera turns to point at my side window when I chat to the cop. My wife asks them to smile for the camera. Amazing how shy they are.

    cops always ask where you are going, despite the irrelevance of the answer. I now tell them 'to the hospital as i have flu symptoms' again they are more than happy to wave me on after taking a massive step backwards.

    I enjoy driving in Bangkok as there is a quality of satisfaction in surviving the mayhem

  8. So does this mean 3 visas total from all time periods/embassies in your passport? Or three in a row from Penang. I think they already cut you off in Penang after three in a row from them. Does anyone know?

    And not everyone on consecutive tourist visas is working or being illegal. I am considering marrying a Thai man... but knowing what you know about all of the horror stories, would you fast-track a marriage in this situation? Or would you rather stick around a while and be sure before making that step? I make my money at home, and am renting an apartment in the meantime until we marry (maybe this fall). Yes there are divers and whatnot working illegally on 3,456 back to back tourist visas, but everyone has their own reason for being here longer than typical tourism. Not all of us are here stealing Thai jobs, money, being losers, or <deleted> off the system for kicks.

    what if get marry with a thai citizen as farang ?

    how long visa do you get and how?

    You can get a "O" visa for 1 year,but you have to leave every 90 days.

    If you apply in your home country you don't have to show any bank statement for 400,000 bath (I didn't anyway)

    If you apply here in Thailand thay request a bankstatment....

    A good and legal option, is to get two passports (UK peps can not sure for other nationalities).

    EXIT thailand to any other country-send the passport with the exit stamp to the thai consulate in Hull (all payment details on their website). Give an address in the UK or Europe and the consulate will return your passport with the visa you have requested. Have the passport returned from that address to the hotel you are staying in that is outside of Thailand. Return to thailand on new visa.

    This is totally legal, just convoluted as you are relying on couriers and the people in the UK/Europe address to send everything back to you quickly.

    Talk to your embassy about having 2 passports. I need mine because I travel in the ME and may need to travel to Israel. If I get a Israelis stamp in my passport I can not enter many narrowminded counrties in that region. nothing iilegal about having 2 passports and certainly nothing illegal about applying OUTSIDE of Thailand.

    Anyone comtemplating trying this whilst in thailand is daft. the penalty for getting caught would be a life ban from entering the kingdom, i imagine.

  9. All smoke and mirrors.

    My estate has sold one home in 4 months. When I arrived there were constructin workers out and about on every plot. now there is a handful and they are just getting the roof and windows fitted and leaving them like that. Nice and quite for me. I have seen a few people viewing, but no one buying. Sort of good for me as i have less neighbours and I have bought my home as a home not an investment, so surrounding house prices are not important at the moment

  10. But I do think that you will agree that there is only 2 possible scenarios here.

    1. The couple did not steal the wallet, but were extorted of 8000 Pounds to secure their freedom.

    2. The couple did steal the wallet and paid 8000 pounds for the prosecutor to decide that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with the case.

    I cannot see that it can be anything but a case of extortion or corruption whether they are guilty or not.

    This sums up the whole case. Even if the couple was clearly guilty, the case is no less damning for Thai authorities.

    People in question don't fit the profile of shoplifters -- they are upper-class professionals, well connected and not exactly poor. Let's assume for a moment they did steal the wallet. Kleptomaniacs exist. If they did it, wouldn't they happily take the bribe as a way out, and keep quiet about it? They could assume Thais have solid evidence, and the damage to their careers would be immense.

    Thais want us to believe the story was "we steal for fun, we get caught, we pay to get out (whew, that was close!)... and then we draw publicity to out theft". Perhaps they're the rare breed that shoplifts for fun, yet considers corruption repulsive.

    Now, take this case and multiply by 10, 100 or however many different reports of the similar scam exist. All those thieves want to be outed publicly once they got off the hook (with no chance of getting money back)... and last December, Suwarnabhumi was closed due to a snowstorm.

    I would say they do fit the profile of shoplifters. plenty of similar corrolation as the following:

    Reprinted from the National Report on Shoplifting, 1996c, published by Shoplifters Alternative, a non-profit organization and division of Shoplifters Anonymous, Inc., Jericho, NY, 1-800-848-9595.

    Is it need, or is it greed...or is itsomething entirely different that tempts approximately 23 million people to steal from retail stores each year. Except for the drug addicts and hardened professionals who steal for resale and profit as a business, most shoplifters are decent people who are otherwise law abiding citizens. The vast majority of adult offenders have no idea about how or why they become a thief, or why they continue to shoplift, even after getting caught.

    Retailers, police, prosecutors and judges see thousands of apprehended shoplifters who don't fit the profile of a typical criminal. For example, they don't use shoplifting paraphernalia, they don't use drugs, they carry proper identification, they have no prior criminal record (except perhaps for shoplifting), they don'tassociate with known criminals, they don't steal for resale, they usually have the money to pay for the item(s) they stole, they frequently have a job and a family, they steal things they don't really need and often don't use, they know what they did was wrong and frequently feel ashamed and remorseful. Their overall lifestyle is not that of a typical thief or criminal.

  11. .......and currently getting huge coverage in their home countries......

    is it possible to get a LINK to this coverage? or is it just wishfull thinking......I personally hope newspapers all over the world cover stories like this, but they are not intrested I guess. If there is sex involved maybe, but only a shootout or some corrupt policeguys at an airport? They need action, its bad but unforunately no tourist died in the shooting, so NO NEWS at all. Maybe next time :)

    Globalisatin is great, but I hardly think a street shooting is front page or TV news coverage worthy.

    The center of your world is not the center of mine or most other people.

    In addition, global news coverage of mass shooting, spectacular suicide attacks, collatoral damage of civvies in Afg has possibly desensitized people's shock response. Ho hum, NIMBY so not that interesting. Sure these things interest those who live in Thailand.

    Although not directed at you, I read here how many who live in his country wish continued bad luck on Thailand and the Thais, and are constantly deriding it at every possibly moment. i guess some sort of psychological process.

    For those that say Thailand isn't dangerous, are probably not ordinary thais living out ordinary lives. Most thais i know constantly warn me of the general situation in Thailand as they understand it, even thou I am a security specialist and live a fairly sedate and non eventful life on the out-skirts of Bangkok. They think Thailand is dangerous. From speaking to most brits, they think the UK is dangerous, my perception is not that dangerous probably cos I haven't lived there for 6 years. Just MHO as I see it

  12. Wonderful behaviour! Your mother must be so proud of you!

    Answering the touts, sellers, hawkers etc., politely, smiling, not loud, not abrubt, in perfect street thai, 'mai ow krab', almost always (99.9%) works for me. Most will have alot of respect for that and will immediately stop pestering you and even give you a polite reply.

    My dear old grandmother always said, good manners cost nothing, and you will catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar.

    I'm not sure if that was directed towards me, but: I walk down Beach Road in Patong almost daily and guess that probably thirty traders speak and try to sell me something or other. I find that saying mai ow krab fifty or hundred times a day to such folks is soul destroying, most don't expect any answer at all and make their propositions out of habit rather than anything else - it's also true that any form of eye contact or acknowledgement (even if the answer was no thank you) of their existence seems to spur them on with new enthusiasm so these things are to be avoided.

    Same with the tuk tuk drivers who sit around on the side of the street. I know a couple who work outside the hotel where Mrs CM works who, despite seeing me every day and knowing full well that I own a car, always ask me if I want a tuk tuk! Same is true at the airport, the touts make their calls mechanically but I don't feel inclined to give a mechanical response, it's pointless and not bad manners as far as I can see. Now, if I lived in the sticks or a less tourist oriented destination my attitude might be different.

    i was on beach road once and parked my scooter next to the Tuk tuk line. I took my helmet off and attached it to the bike. Stepped one foot away from my bike, and heard the nearest driver say 'Tuk Tuk?' I said in Thai. I have a bike already. He smiled and said I could put it in the back of the Tuk Tuk if I needed. Made me smile. beach road was also famous for the indians staring their sales pitch, by trying to said 'Hello' and shake your hand at the same time. They only caught people once, but Patong had a lot of tourists. I bought a hand buzzer and after a few laughs they never tried to grab my hand again.

  13. I have the following question.

    We have a (modem) connection with TOT

    Now we bought a Lynksys wireless router, to have the connection with the other computers and to go online.

    How can we make the connection in IMac? ( how to do)?

    It supposed to be easy with SecureEasySetup, but :)

    How we can make connection with the laptop and the PC of my son ( both windows)?

    I hope you understand the question and tell me what have to do.

    Thanks to you all.

    Let me know how you get on. i have the same modem and tot setup. i have setup everything fine. cant chat right now, but will be able to help in a few days if needed

  14. Phuket beaches are better than the others....with a girlfriend I'd stay at Kata or Karon beach rather than Patong, much nicer beaches. I'm going to Kata in Sept - probably stay at the Kata Beach Resort which is ON the beach...could be a problem if there's a tsunami but we'll risk it. It will be fairly quiet but you can always go to Patong. If you feel up to it, hire a car - it won't be any more expensive than the tuks-tuks (which are ripoffs). Also means you can have alook atthe island a bit. Driving is not that difficult in LOS.

    Taxi/ mini-bus from the airport - no cheap way, they're all crooks and set the prices so there's no room for bargaining. Just exit and they'll find you!!.

    Don't worry about the scams - just smile and don't do anything that you would'nt do in your home town (like steal the beer mats, buy drugs on the street etc, etc)

    Phuket is on the West coast. The mosoons at the moment and until November will be forming off to the West. This means you will be getting rough seas on the West Coast of Phuket. This means Nai Harn, Bang Tao, Kamala, Patong, Karon and Kata beachs will be exposed and fairly wild. Added that Septmeber and October are the wettest will mean some mudslides occuring behind Karon and Kata.

    Still lots of fun. get a car from David Car hire. he is right across the road from the exit of the Airport and gives a good service IMO

  15. But, most of us won't bother with your stuff again.

    My life will be devastated. Does anyone take much notice of what is posted here? 98% is irrelevant rants and how some people beleives the thai culture/life/immigration revolves around expats, and how to piss them off. Look of the lighter side of life. If you cant see the humour in something, move along and don't waste a click or 2 dwelling on it.

    I don't think my observation is incorrect and I do find it ironic. One of many ironic features of Thai life and any other folks lifes.

    chill out or do whatever you do to relax

  16. Michael Jackson RIP.

    We love you.

    In his memorial service, he was called more than the King of Pop. He was called the best entertainer the world has ever known.

    Clearly his posthumous handlers are trying to build up an Elvis type legacy for him.

    So the question is, will we soon see Thai Michael Jackson impersonators at entertainment venues across Thailand? If not, why not?

    Or is this still only going to be an Elvis thing?


    (Please no trash talk about MJ, take that somewhere else if you must, he is dead now, and he was never convicted of the crimes so many people associate him with.)

    I have never been caught for some of the crimes I have committed, but I did break the law nevertheless.

    His legend is unchallenged, but he had some suspect practices, love or loathe him. I guess like all legends

  17. I always find it amusing to see Thai girls cover their mouths as they use a toothpick. That is, just having chewed the whole meal with their mouth open. Before you start this doesn't apply to all Thai girls, only the ones I have observed in my 6 years living here.

    When challenged they thought is was funny although had never realised it before.

    Public nose picking is another lovely behaviour they have.

  18. I think this a a troll but,

    In witnessing the constant tide of vitriol and criticism spewing forth from the keyboards of (some) T.V members towards all things thai, i would like to follow through on my pledge to post something positive for a change.

    So,here is my top ten list of things that are "right" about thais...in no particular order of importance.

    Feel free to add,critise or flame me for my rose coloured glasses...whatever..im sure you will..but sadly,considering the majority of attitudes on expats here, i presume this will wind up being a "titanic" topic!!

    1. Respect for elders:Adults have it and it is also taught to children (unlike most westerners children who will tell their elders to F.O).Granted there is no welfare system BUT thais take the responsibility of looking after extended family and elders WITHOUT wingeing about the burden...Easy for us..just chuck 'em in a home. IME True

    2. Self Respect:Do you ever here people swearing loudly in public? on a train?..rampant drunkeness and fights all hours of the day? People stumbling around drunk and abusive,TRYING to provoke violence and fights because they are bored and want some "fun"? No, but I have seen a lot of drunk men in villages who get pissed loudly and quietly and beat the wife behind closed doors.

    3. Self Restraint:How many hugely obese thais do you see?..bingeing on food and alcohol for their sole means of comfort? How many suffer the extreme heat and pressures of society (being poor and opressed) WITHOUT completely loosing the plot and taking it out on anyone and everyone within close vacinity? Check Out the WHO stats on Thais and obesity. One of the fastest growing issues, that and underage drinking

    4. Sacrifice: Thais make many..eg..Family,beliefs..How many westerners are so dedicated to their beliefs that they erect wats EVEYWHERE and continue to donate to the cause..even though they themselves are poor?...very commendable. MMMM, always good to have a option if your life on this earth is crap

    5. Dedication:Just one example:Farmers doing it tough on the land..WITHOUT tractors and mod-con machinery AND doing it all for barely just enough to live on. How many of our farmers could be bothered doing that without being able to get the handouts,holidays & hi-life,big houses,boats,investment houses.ect That'll be called survival. As you pointed out there is no social safety net

    6. THAT smile:Those of you who say "we ALL know what that smile means",are fools to themselves.What profit to someone who passes you on the street and smiles for no apparent reason,when they have NO chance of "getting" jack sqwatt out of you"?.Just smile back FF'S!..doesnt mean they all want to rip you off!!! Smiling can be used as a non verbal defensive system that invaribly disfusses potential face loosing situations

    6. Food:Thais are definately talented in this department by anyones standards. Thai food has a high level of pesticides and they add MSG to the food by the bucket load. It is also high in cholestrol. Go ask any Thai doctor about high cholestrol in Thais. Mine told me his was 300 (normal range is up to 200) He wasn't fat and laughed it off. Go figure!

    7. Mai-pen-Rai:Sure it enrages us at times,but im sure you would agree a good dose could do wonders for our own countries. It certainly reduces the blood pressure, unless you really want a answer today.

    8. Talent:Patience,creativity,making handicrafts ect,and the ability to create something out of nothing are second to none..in my books anyway...oh and thai massage..mmm. I always found it funny that Thai artists could produce such good craftwork, yet regularly fail to join 2 bits of road together without a one inch difference in height. As for making something out of nothing, call that survival. thai massage are just Jeab mak mak and according to some professional, dangerous

    9. Intuition:You may put crap on thais for a lot of reasons,BUT they can sum up a person,their moods, and know how to act accordingly..in my opinion. maybe you are see through

    10.Versatility:The ability to dream up new and ingenious ways of making a buck...well, just to give you buggers SOMETHING to whinge about!! :)

    I think that will be copy a new and ingenious way to make a buck. You'd be surprised if you saw a business plan coming from a Thai. I'll give them 10 out 10 for tenasity, but 0 for forward thinking.

    I love Thailand warts and all, but you are away off the mark on some of your observations. I just accept what my previous experience has taught me. If I order something I ensure all the relevant questions are asked to pinpoint what I am getting, when and who to call if it doesn't. just all the normal things you expect to happen in most Western countries as a matter of course. Again, from my experience of those countries. I dont try to be overly annoying, I just want to make sure I am getting what I ordered. I still often get the Amazing Thailand feeling especially when doing something new.

    It might help to swap the rose tinted googles for the shIT coloured ones some elements of Thai soceity has to live with.

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