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  1. Thank you very much for that info! I will keep it in mind. But, I am closer to Sirikit and there is much less traffic between here and there. I will report back with my experiences there.
  2. Well, I went to Bang Lamung today. They said they could not help me as they have no heart doctors, which I find astonishing. A hospital that size in a city this size and no heart doctor?? In any case, Looks like I will need to go to Queen Sirikit hospital at U Tapao Anybody happen to know the specifics about what time of the morning to show up there? Do they have a Special Afternoon Clinic available also? I looked at their website but I could not seem to find the info. Thanks!
  3. Alrighty then. I appreciate the tip! Thanks for your time and help! I am going in by Thursday and I will report back here with my experiences.
  4. I appreciate your helpful information and time! Thank you! RON
  5. Oh OK. Thank you very much for that very helpful information! I appreciate it a lot! RON
  6. Ahhhhhhh.........GREAT info there John! Thank you very much for all that! I had seen that thread that had the broken leg post a few days ago. The post on that thread is what conviniced me to go there instead of the Queen Sirikit hospital (much further away). That in fact the Bang Lamung hospital is a good place to go. Do you happen to know the number of the building to use for the initial check-in/cue number? Is it the blue building that you see on Google Maps? Appreciate your time and help! RON
  7. Thank you for the info Ms Sheryl. I do hope to see a cardiologist or at least a cardio nurse this week. I was going to go yesterday but they had my motorbike in the shop all day instead of the 3 hours they said it would be.
  8. Thank you for the info Ms Sheryl. I do hope to see a cardiologist or at least a cardio nurse this week. I was going to go yesterday but they had my motorbike in the shop all day instead of the 3 hours they said it would be.
  9. Roger that!! Good thought! I will act all dumb (which I am naturally good at) and ask the doctor to give me a short course in what all the wonderings of the line means. See what he says. I happen to have an EKG from my physical taken at a private hospital the other day. I don't suppose you or someone else here can read a EKG can you? My chest x-ray and ultra sound indicate a enlarged heart, so that is why I need to have a cardilogist look at me. Appreciate the tip!
  10. OK, thank you very much for that good information! I will definitely look into the Nawk Wela clinic. Sounds like just what I need! I will go to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to inquire about that specific thing and get the lay of the buildings and get registered as a patient if I can. I appreciate that very helpful information! Have a good night! RON
  11. Can anyone give me some knowledge and tips about using Bang Lamung government hospital in Pattaya please? First question is how early do I need to get there to check in as a new patient at the outpatient clinic? I have been told 5 am to 5:30 am to take a que number. Is that correct? Is the clinic open that early, or just the office section that hands out the que number? Is the que number spit out by a machine or at a desk? Which building is the clinic in? The big blue building? I hear they have several buildings numbered 1 to 9. Does the hospital have a specialized heart clinic of any kind? Thanks a bunch for any info or help.
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