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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. Masis Erkol Financial Trader / Captain / Biker is his description of himself on Instagram.
  2. Naah...just weirdos who claim everyone else but themselves is narcissistic and insist that they are only on the forum to help. I am yet to see them helping anyone on this forum. I see only self aggrandisement, but no evidence of the qualities that they like to assert are endemic to themselves. Go on, show me the posts that are helpful to anyone. 😊 That's the thing about LOS. All the foreigners who try to 'reinvent' themselves as something good. So easy to see through their BS. Of course I'm not referring to anyone in particular Strange and annoying? 😉
  3. The bread is necessary to soak up the copious amount of beer you imbibe. Lots of different good local meals out there. The quality depends on who is preparing them. If you were able to cook you would need to eat other people's slop. But you likely cannot cook. Sandwiches and burger and chips says it all. That's decent food to you.
  4. Bad mood today? There is more than one vendor selling Green Chicken Curry and I cannot say that I've ever suffered an issue such as yours. Where do you detect this smell? On entry? Somewhere in the middle of all of the food vendors or in the seating area?
  5. Have you considered that no one is looking at a dispute? No one here has called you any of those names, but you still choose to be argumentative. That's all you.
  6. Do you see an attack? Crazy world inside your head. I guess you have to enjoy it. It's all you have.
  7. How about them? I didn't use any of those terms when you attacked me. The fact is that you appear completely obsessed, seeming only to see life in a totally one-sided manner. Often ranting and abusive. This is from someone who isn't at all political nor wedded to any particular political philosophy. I don't see people to the left or right. I see idiot or not an idiot. So what's up? Is there a normal @Yagoda that isn't completely obsessed with left and right?
  8. Strange and annoying things.... some of the weird foreigners.
  9. Are you still carrying on with your monologue? No one is reading. I'm not and I'm pretty sure that anyone who knows you here won't bother either. Your behaviour is ill.
  10. Whatever you say. Makes no difference to me, since I don't have to read it and don't read it. So if whatever you have written makes you feel better about yourself, good for you. I have my own observations and opinion.
  11. Wow...how many posts can you make to someone who isn't even reading nor replying to yours? Getting your daughter to despise her family is not a healthy way to bring up a child. However, it's your child and your responsibility. Pity the child being put into such a situation by yourself. There's no point in your replying, as I haven't read anything of yours beyond the initial reply. Your behaviour is beyond the pale and you are too old to change it. No point in me trying to get through to you. You're done.
  12. Seek help...before you infect your child with such madness. It's not normal and healthy behaviour. Link me up with your helpful posts. Save me the time for looking in a needle in a haystack.
  13. You need help...seriously. No one is reading your trash. The first step to redemption is recognising that you have a problem. You are a long way from that. Old dogs and all that..
  14. TBH I think you have some real mental issues. I'm still not going to bother to read nor respond to anything you 'reply'. Just the mere fact that you are trying to carry on a conversation with someone who isn't interested in engaging with you tells me enough. You literally cannot stop. 🤭
  15. But aren't you one of the worst offenders? Anyone who doesn't agree with you is called a 'leftie' or a 'socialist'. Weird that you think that it's other people insulting you. It's you who is the rude one.
  16. Again? I'm not interested in reading any of your 'replies'. But I know that you feel compelled to reply to me 😊
  17. Why are you still posting after I told you that I didn't read the previous post? Ego? I'm not reading this one either. can guarantee that it is replete with your key words. Assume. Troll. Skim. Research plus a few attempted insults. No need to read your hogwash in order to know that. Each post is much the same.
  18. Sorry, but you first line began with an insult. I certainly arrived on these shores before you and likely have more experience with just about everything. But of course you present yourself as the expert on just about everything. You don't ever admit to being wrong. Even when I pointed out to you that MalcomB did post about you, instead of admitting you get that wrong, you just jumped to another subject. I didn't read beyond the first line, as it's very likely it will be in the same thing as all your other posts. No research, accusations of just skimming and you knowing it better than anyone else, replete with a few veiled insults. So no skimming this time. Simply won't bother to get involved with your very obviously narcissistic character. Show me the posts where you are helpful and not narcissistic. That would be far more remarkable. Instead of long winded waffle trying to convince me that you know everything better.
  19. Another one of your posts wherein you cannot help but try to insult. You claim that you are the opposite of a narcissist and only here to help, but I haven't ever seen evidence of you being helpful here. I arrived as a backpacker. No one I know came for the women. That's just you and the people you know. Birds of a feather. You then extrapolate that to everyone. No. It's just you and others like you. Old men hooking up with younger Asian women. You. Those are the only people you know and meet. No one else will have anything to do with you in real life. So you won't meet 'normal' people and only assume what you know, as everything. Almost every foreigner I know lives at or near the beaches and none of them "came for the women". That would be your sex tourists, of whom you are likely one. I came to get away from a crazy ex at the time. I wanted some peace 😊 We met again when I returned after my holiday and she grumbled that she couldn't afford the ticket to accompany me 😊 Loved the beach lifestyle and returned. No floosies involved. Of course you just fell on yours by accident and didn't come for the women at all 🤭 The only Troll here is you. Insisting that you are right about everyone else and throwing in insults at every opportunity. Let's see if you can control yourself with your inevitable reply. Already there is the strange narcissistic behaviour asking why I'm not following you around. You aren't special. I only see your strange posts when I happen to be on the same thread. My strange and annoying thing is the sad men (and women) who assume every man is here for the local women.
  20. Speak for yourself. You. I came to Thailand to get far away from mine. Still enjoying the sights. Don't presume to speak for anyone but yourself. Cue a rant...
  21. So where should we eat if not at Pier 21? Tell us where to find the decent food.
  22. I wanted to suggest the upgraded model T60AI, supposedly released yesterday, but it seems that release hasn't taken place. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1015443443959298&set=a.637088411794805&type=3 12" 2k screen and US$153(5313 baht) on launch. Same as the P50AI but with a bigger, higher definition screen. https://en.teclast.com/th/products/t60ai-tablet Perhaps hold off to see if it will be released soon. P50AI a bit more reasonably priced here: https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005007895024694.html
  23. Probably a mere 20% of your daily beer budget Who is the "we" and the "us"? It's just you. Alone.
  24. Out of those choices, only the Teclast has that capability.
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