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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. No. Thai women like the man to take charge. Otherwise he can just give her the money and she can go with her friends. It's his platform to show what he knows....with a little help from friends.
  2. Further to the above, a place like C&C is actually equipped for the occasion. Take a bottle of Champagne with you and they'll put in on ice and supply the glasses for a very reasonable corkage and of course pour it for you if necessary. Seafood restaurants will, at best, supply a trolley with a bucket of ice to put in your drinks and have no idea how to pour bubbly nor will they have the glasses for it. Of course none of this may be important to you, but since you mentioned Valentines Day, romantic trumps bulk standard.
  3. Curious and unhelpful. As is usual?
  4. Another option, left of field, is Cabbages & Condoms on Soi 4 in Phra Tamnak. Not just a seafood restaurant, but if she hasn't been there before, much more romantic than a warehouse with a tin roof near the beach.
  5. No, it doesn't. Doesn't mean that it isn't on par with some. But no need to exaggerate. But either way, it makes sense for the OP to take a little tour of the recommended places beforehand, to decide for himself and then to find the manager to reserve the table of his choice. Rather than turning up on the day to be offered a random table.
  6. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/prepaid/add-ons/home Nothing much has changed in that regard. You can just use your SIM base package which will deduct from your credit if your use is VERY occasional or if you choose, buy a package that suits, which is just a less expensive way of doing things. If I want to stream/download a film/video, using the base package with credit would be prohibitively expensive. At 2 baht per MB, a 3GB video would cost 6,000 baht to download. Instead, I could purchase a 1 Day 10Mbps package for say, 59 baht, which theoretically would allow me to download up to 108GB over 24 hours. In other words, you choose a package suitable to your need. Why would you need pre-payment for voice services? Do you actually make regular calls with your mobile phone? Many people use applications such a LINE or WhatsApp to make calls these days. Do you keep Mobile Data switched off on your phone, only turning it on when you need to do so? Most people have monthly or annual packages and leave Mobile Data switched on, as they actually use their Smartphones on a daily basis.
  7. So this is what they meant by Ignorance is bliss.
  8. Perhaps it escaped your attention that it is the OP who was doing all of the insulting. So I guess he is the type who would be posting insults on the YouTube channel comments too. Have you noticed even a modicum of gratitude for the help that they have been given from multiple posters? Instead they have just insisted that they are right and everyone else is wrong. You are what you are.
  9. My personal go-tos are Non Seafood at Lan Pho or Lung Sawai 2 in Na Jomtien. But if you want to eat by the sea(recommended) I would almost concur with @CharlieH and suggest that you take a look at Baan Amphur. Pupen and Lung Sawai 1 in Na Jomtien are popular...
  10. Just realised your criteria included 4-door. www.alamo.co.uk/en/ £343 or £350 and they accept Debit cards under certain conditions, if you don't have a credit card.
  11. Hence, https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/linux-platforms/enterprise-linux Red Hat Linux
  12. No. Hackers are usually described by coloured apparel, namely hats. Here are some descriptions: https://sectigostore.com/blog/different-types-of-hackers-hats-explained/
  13. I think that you are just exaggerating. I supplied them with ID once and now all I need to do is to give them a call to expedite it, as I haven't bothered to activate the Wallet, even though the funds are shown to be in there. Usually promptly back in my account. All clearly explained: https://helpcenter.lazada.co.th/s/faq/knowledge?questionId=1000138789&categoryId=1000027155&language=en
  14. Anyone who states "do your research" without providing credible links is also likely a deep fake. Do you think he didn't bother to use his 10,000 A100 chips? I don't know. What do you think? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liang_Wenfeng
  15. Missed that you called them.
  16. They want to eliminate/neutralise other countries hackers, not the ones that bring benefits to them. I don't know how you aren't getting this. It's a question of do as I say, rather than do as I do. Problem is that China, Russia and North Korea no longer feel that they need to back down against threats. So they are all hacking away and stealing.
  17. Is this a joke stance? Are you really that naive about what goes on? Have you read about any Chinese, Russian or North Korean hackers being prosecuted in their own countries for hacking outside their country? They are actively protected. If you believe that the USA does not behave in a similar fashion, then I don't know what to tell you. How many Americans have been prosecuted by the USA for hacking anything in China or Russia? Have you even ever heard of such an instance?
  18. You are dreaming. Hackers are actively encouraged, as long as they aren't hacking domestically. Hacking. Reverse engineering. Par for the course. That's our world. I don't know if you've noticed, but that is exactly what China, Russia, North Korea are doing. Limiting Western control over their systems in the first place.
  19. Who is going to penalise them? They are ALL doing it.
  20. I don't remember paying 50 baht for those particular items. Not that it makes any difference, a few baht here or there if you want something different. But I can make better at home, so once was enough.
  21. Why do you hope that? They are constantly hacking and sabotaging each other. There's no real friendliness. Not ever. War is no longer only on the battlefield.
  22. That's too much. Did a dummy booking with mid-April dates, showing ALAMO at £319 Of course they aren't your exact dates... EP with NCR(and ALAMO) would be £240 with a £100 excess. You can buy standalone insurance for the trip for less than £90 with a £75 excess or an annual multi-trip policy that covers rentals everywhere including Thailand for £129, with a £75 excess. https://www.worldwideinsure.com/car-hire-excess-insurance.php
  23. How much are NCR quoting you for your 12 days? I ran a dummy booking and they quoted £450 without EP(which would add another £240). Which is why I asked about your dates. Using a broker is also an online booking. Are you using https://www.nationalcar.co.uk/en/ ?
  24. Lucky you. But when insurance companies refuse to cover them due to their prior antics, they only have themselves to blame when people are advised to avoid them.
  25. Always impressive when people start a thread to get help and then don't bother to reply or acknowledge any of it
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