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Nitty Gritty

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  1. I'm going to India! https://lp-cms-production.imgix.net/2019-06/53693064.jpg
  2. I am just asking simple questions. 1. I believe there are some accusation or report on my travel record 2. I believe it may interfere with future visas, extensions, travel etc. 3. How can i find out what it is? Or have it removed? Visa agent or lawyer, embassy? 4. Ps. i've never had any brushes with the law or criminal record.
  3. Not sure because nobody has said anything to me. Some weird things happen a few years ago at a guesthouse in Krabi, the basically bared me from entering then i went to another place near by and they went and told them something about me and i was bared from there. No idea way. First lady was loon and always complained about the mattress and the AC etc. Anyways i notice when i get into immigration the officers eyes lit up and read something on the screen, then said something well ok i 'll let you in with hesitation. Where are you going? Then she took a screen shot with her phone and assume sent it to the local authorities. How can find out? Or have it erased? I recently applied for a evisa for India and it was rejected not denied and was told to go to the embassy for a paper visa. Not sure if it is related but it makes me wonder. I wonder if Thailand would share info with other countries? Kafkaesque i know.
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