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Everything posted by fangless

  1. If you drop out while swimming in the sea where do you end up? Answers on a soggy postcard please!
  2. Better off with a box of matches and a box of firelighters!
  3. Thanks! But that still does not explain what the sentence actually means in plain English?
  4. I'd carpet the newspapars and Facebook with Adds plugging the tradesmanperson responsible and warning them to tread carefully! PS; I have either gone all PC with the tradesperson thing or I just don't believe a man could do such a shocking job.
  5. That comment should be placed in a plastic bag and posted in the jokes forum.
  6. Chat Up Line - That dress would look great on my bedroom floor!
  7. What do you get when you cross:- A dog and a phone? - A golden receiver.
  8. Do bakers with a sense of humour make wry bread?
  9. An inventor took his latest idea to a bra manufacturer. He said. ‘I’ve come up with a new bra, specially designed for middle-aged women. I call it the “sheepdog bra”.’ ‘Why do you call it that?’ asked the manufacturer. ‘Because it rounds them up and points them in the right direction!’
  10. ‘How were your sandwiches today, darling?’ asked the wife as her husband returned home from work. ‘They were fine,’ he replied. ‘Are you sure they tasted OK?’ ‘Yes, they were really good.’ ‘You don’t feel ill at all?’ ‘No, never felt better. Why?’ ‘Oh, it’s just that tonight you’re going to have to clean your shoes with fish paste.’
  11. Lawyer: My Lord, I wish to appeal my client’s case on the basis of newly discovered evidence. Judge: And what is the nature of this new evidence? Lawyer: I discovered that my client still has £5000 left.
  12. I do hope they were in a stable relationship and not galloping off to kick off the traces with every young filly around!
  13. Just done a TX from UK to Thailand 5 minutes ago with wise and no sign of that message.
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