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  1. If you are a British Citizen and live in Thailand and advised and gt payment of the UK state pension t Thailand . The radon you not get any increase is that British Government FREEZE your pension (so you will not get any increase every from the time you Ave devised them you are residents inThailand ) This because there is NO agreement between Thailand and UK There are over 70 plus countries onnn a list that the British Government have and if you are entitled to a UK pension but reside or a resident in any of those countries on that list .Then from the time you get te ensio awarded to you and paid at what every amount you are entitled to .The result is yu will for every going forward only receives that amount with NO increases every for the rest of your life. So if you re intitled to say GBP 600 er month ,then this amount will every change for the future and rest of your life. Suggest to go o to the department of works and pension DWP web site in UK If your search for the list of countries FROZEN BRITISH PENSION ,you can see Thailnd o the list. Ovr 500,000 British citizens are in te position of NO increase every year -there is a petition to try change Government mind on this rule and it is being looked at by British Goverment ,bt at this time if you live in any countries on that list then your British Pennsion is FROZEN
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