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Posts posted by solid

  1. girlx

    I agree that media play HUGE role in western woman image.

    I am afraid that you really live in a place where people still keep their old values. Really old. I won't try to change these values (even if i tried, i couldn't) since this kind of place might lose its charm (that's the whole reason why people travel: to go somewhere different from where they are from). My point is in Thailand, there are modern men who respect women. Most of them live in big cities. Well, not exactly. Also many men in far areas don't abuse their wives. But now look like you are happy with your man. I hope both of you will go very far. It sounds like he's still young, so don't let Thai value spoil him. You know what I mean. :o

    there are girls here who stay in their rooms all day for fear that if they go out and have an innocent conversation with someone of the opposite sex they would face the wrath of their boyfriend. they are absolutely miserable. i would never put up with someone telling me who i could or could not hang out with or talk to. they are also told what to wear, how to speak, where they are "allowed" to go, what they are expected to do...
    And for me the fault lies squarly witht hese women or any woman who allow some guy to control them like it. As long as there are women who tolerate this then there will always be men who behave like it. I know it's not a very symaptheic opinion to have (esp for a women) but women are sometimes their own worst enemy.

    This is exactly why I find western women irresistible: always fight for the right thing with firm hands.

  2. Ok, I am back.

    As for financial security issue, you really need to take a clear look over here. Thai men can give you security only if you live in Thai standard. Here’s how it is. You lived most your life in the west and get used to comfort you had back home with the amount of money you earned in the west. Now you are in Thailand, how on earth can you expect a typical working Thai man on an island earning less than 10,000 Baht to support living standard like in the west? These typical Thai men will do just fine when they live in Thai standard. If you really want to love one of them, please understand this fact. Or at least consider this fact before you love one.

    As for jealousy, it depends. When I had one farang gf back in the west, we talked about jealousy. It turned out that we both want each other to feel a bit jealous when it's appropriate. Maybe we were a weird couple. So for me, if I dated someone, I would respect her decision meeting her male friends unless she went over board. But I don’t mind if she gets jealous. I like it. Many people might not like it.

    For conclusion, when a Thai tell you that he/she likes/loves you, please look in a mirror and in yourself and ask yourself what exactly you like in yourself if you were that Thai. Be honest with yourself, and you will find the answer or if she/he is lying.

    After all, I still think white women are sexy.

  3. If you always find yourself surrounded by lying Thai men, you should consider if you are looking for love in the wrong place. What are their backgrounds? I don’t know how Thai men in Samui and Phangan (or in any tourist spots) see western women. The same logic is applied to Farang men and BG. This is very important: they will treat you the way they see you. So ask yourself if those locals see you like something negative like whore, walking ATM, or others. Coz if you look like one of these, nice men/women won’t choose to be near you. At least I don’t want to be near those. Go find somebody that can see as a whole person. And that’s not easy to find since it takes lots of communication both ways. And I am not sure how good it can be between the one that can rarely speak English and other one hardly understanding Thai. Communication is very important (any successful couple will agree with me on this).

    I have more but I gotta run to the bank before it's closed. Be back soon.

  4. Its exactly the same here as it was 5-6 years ago, no less or more violent.

    This is true. That's not only in Phuket. It's every where in LOS. Sadly, it's the kids' attitude. As many of you already know that here looking straight into one's eyes (and also staring) means challenge. I found this is sad and real stupid.

    This is not new.

  5. If you guys really wanna see how it is in fishing business, I recommend you to go to the biggest seafood market in the country called "Talay Thai" in Samutsakorn. It will open your eyes. The market starts around 4-5 am until 8-9 am.

    Just go see it for yourself. And this is not just in a village. This is the biggest source of seafood for the whole country.

  6. Only high class eat it ??

    Anyway, apart from your silly statement, do you really think cutting the fin off of a fish while it is living and throwing it back into the ocean is the way to dine ??

    Where did you get that from? :o

    I grew up in a fisherman village here. Nobody throws any piece of shark away. Meat and BONES can be used. We use the whole body. Only the fin is more expensive. But nothing get wasted. Since you guys live in Asia long enough, you should have known that we don't waste food.

    We use meat to make dry and sweet fish. And we throw bones in a factory to make animal food (for the calcium part).

  7. sorry, didn't have time to read this whole thread of 11 pages and therefore had no time to check is there the thing I want to post. my wife taught me this:

    keu taa duang jai

    experts out there please provide translation and thai script. I am told that it is good to use for your lover ! :o

    I believe that it's the same as "the apple of my eye."

  8. Hi guys,

    I am new here. I am Thai born and raised in Thailand but was out in the west for my school 4-5 years. I am just back home. I feel like I am a newbie here in my home. I'll be moving to bkk within a week for my job. I like reading Farang's thoughts here. TV is really fun!

    Do I fit in? :o

    good to have a thai national having a crack mate. :D

    just rush in kicking and screaming and she'll be apples and dont forget to remember that you can contact me if anyone gives you some bother. :bah:

    i am a pollyanna when it comes to los so you are very welcome on this forum. :bah:

    cheers to you my new best mate. :D :D

    Thank you, Terry.

    You are so kind. So, you are like batman from the west fighting crime in ThaiVisa? :D

  9. Hi guys,

    I am new here. I am Thai born and raised in Thailand but was out in the west for my school 4-5 years. I am just back home. I feel like I am a newbie here in my home. I'll be moving to bkk within a week for my job. I like reading Farang's thoughts here. TV is really fun!

    Do I fit in? :o

    good to have a thai national having a crack mate. :D

    just rush in kicking and screaming and she'll be apples and dont forget to remember that you can contact me if anyone gives you some bother. :bah:

    i am a pollyanna when it comes to los so you are very welcome on this forum. :bah:

    cheers to you my new best mate. :D :D

    Thank you, Terry.

    You are so kind. So, you are like batman from the west fighting crime in ThaiVisa? :D

  10. Solid, of course you fit in! You must have global presence and the grace of your native country! Awesome.

    Thank you, Jet Gorgon.

    Although I was here and there, I still think I still have a lot to learn for my age. I don't have answers for everything but I'll contribute as much as I can. :o

  11. Hi guys,

    I am new here. I am Thai born and raised in Thailand but was out in the west for my school 4-5 years. I am just back home. I feel like I am a newbie here in my home. I'll be moving to bkk within a week for my job. I like reading Farang's thoughts here. TV is really fun!

    Do I fit in? :o

  12. I have been in love with Ninja Gaiden on XBOX for about three years. I have a hard time finding a game that can top that since I don't play FPS (I like close combat kinda game).

    Now I also like Street Fighter III: fight for the future. I have no idea where to find an arcade machine for that game in Thailand. Anybody know where to go? Please drop a line.

  13. Hi there,

    I am new here in HH forum. I am Thai and actually was born in Petchaburi and lived here for 20 something yrs. Then I moved to the west for my school for 4-5 yrs then I moved back to my home last month. Unfortunately, I have to work in bkk to earn money, but I still love cha-am and hua hin with its sabay sabay atmosphere unlike bkk.

    I would like to know you guys in this forum. It doesn't matter at what age are you. I am a newbie here. So, please be kind and gentle. :o

    Happy New Year


  14. When I was ten, I was attacked by a Thai dog on a street. I was trying to run away. The dog was too fast for a ten year old. He bit me in my butt cheek. I was so scared for dogs for a year or two. But now I have no problems with dogs. We have four of them at home.

    The above mentioned imaginary rock picking technique works every time. But sometimes I like to ride my bike and find some dogs like to chase that and I can't pick up that rock. Instead, I stop my bike and face it looking in its eyes. The dog runs away.

    Many Thai dog owners are just bad abandoning their dogs when they don't want to take care of them. Just bad. :o

  15. I did find this:

    "There were other Buddhas before Gotama the Buddha. All Buddhas find the truth by themselves, without being led by others. However, there are two different kinds of Buddha: the 'Sammasambuddha' and the 'Pacceka Buddha' or 'Silent Buddha'. The Pacceka Buddha has not accumulated virtues to the same extent as the Sammasambuddha and thus he is not as qualified in teaching other people as the Sammasambuddha. Gotama the Buddha was a Sammasambuddha. There cannot be more than one Sammasambuddha in a 'Buddha era'; neither can there be any Pacceka Buddhas. The Buddha era in which we are living will be terminated when the Buddha's teachings have disappeared completely. The Buddha foretold that the further one is away from the time he lived, the more his teachings will be misinterpreted anc corrupted. Some time after his teachings have disappeared completely there will be the next Buddha and so the next Buddha era. The next Buddha will discover the truth again and he will teach other people the way to enlightenment."

    which came from this:


    It was written by Nina van Gorkom who is a well respected scholar of Buddhism. It is not a scriptural reference but the best I can do today.


    Hi guys,

    I am a nube here. I have something to share, too.

    I don't know if there must be only one Summasumbuddha at a time. But I am sure that there would be at least one before/after Gotama the Buddha. According to his core teaching: nothing is forever, this truth is also true for his teaching itself. One day his teaching will fade away from the world just like any other things. But Dhamma will be discovered again just like how Gotama discovered it since it's the truth of the universe. Buddha is just a person who picks it up (discover/enlightened)and shows (teaches) it to the world. Then it will fade away again. And the cycle will repeat like Sine wave.

  16. Not exactly that. Thai guys are known for treating their wife/gf like shit, beat them up, cheat and much more.

    Ummm this is gonna be interesting. So you farang guys come to my country, enjoy the place, **** thai girls, and talk shi* about thai guys. Yes, you are really civilized.

    What would you think if you hear something like this from local people here in bkk... farang guys come to thailand coz they can't get gf in their land to get laid. In other words, they just suck in their own countries. Or how about... farang guys in thailand are well known for using money buying love from women in rural areas.

    I am sorry to make this thread uncomfortable.

    Ok, for the original topic, my reply would be:

    Well, I think we need to define the word "getting married" over here. I have read some previous posts you folks talked about how people here in LOS think about marriage. Here people are considered practically married when they live together having a relationship. So, I am not sure about the word “marry” in this research. If “getting married” in their meaning means having a wedding day, invite people to their ceremony, and get the paper work done, I would say this research is right. Otherwise, I don’t think it’s quite right from my experience here.

    But if the research topic was changed to “Well Educated Women More Likely To Marry Educated Men, vise versa. Etc”, I would agree.

    One time when I was in my college, my friends and I agree that the best place to look for gfs is library.

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