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Posts posted by solid

  1. I found this forum when I was doing some research about how western women think.

    That gets me curious... :D ...and have you found anything interesting, worth mentioning? Are we alike Thai women or are we just our own breed?

    And yes, I have read that Thai women are either prio or wan. sweet or sour. And apparently, men in Thailand, like prio better than wan...wich is sometimes credited as virgin/whore thing...

    Ofcourse prio/wan differs on individual again, but generalizing I guess, most Thais like sweet...as you Macx have said...

    P.S.: I like all of your answers...it's interesting reading different points of view...

    tnx :o

    Yeah, both from my research and direct experience, I found many things interesting as the following (these are stuff that I like):

    -White women ask a lot of questions. Many men might think it’s annoying. But I myself think that it’s brainy. I like to listen and talk. Communicating is good.

    - Unlike Asians, farang girls are open to talk. ‘Most’ of Asian people (guys and girls) are often too shy to express their opinions and feelings.

    -Many times I found western women have strong personalities such as having confidence, expressing their view, and trying to solve problems rather than ‘mai pen rai’. I found that these character traits are what I personally like in women.

    -I love to have intellectual conversations. I found them when I talk to white women. Of course, Thai women can do that, too. But I kinda feel that farang girls are more straight forward. And that’s the way I am, too.

    -I can see what’s going on in their minds by looking in their eyes. But Thai (or Asian) women will try to hide it instead.

    In conclusion, I found them more open, intellectual, confident, straight forward, passionate, and ahem… good at kissing(hands down on this one).

    Don’t get me wrong. Thai woman are good in their own way. I just like women with strong personalities since I don’t feel threatened.

    About prio/wan and virgin/whore, the following is purely my opinion (and you already know some of my background). Other Thai guys might not think this way. For me prio/wan does not have anything to do with whore/virgin. I would call a woman a whore if she slept around with many guys. But if she’s with her bf having intimacy and good relationship together, she’s no whore. Many times people misjudge people by the way they dress. Many wan women can be whore, too. Sometimes prio women might show just she has confidence. I don’t judge someone if she’s a whore from prio/wan personality, unless she’s really a whore.

    If you ask me what I like between prio and wan, I would say it doesn’t matter. What matters is that she should be smart enough to know when to be prio and when to be wan.

    And again, this is purely my opinion. I am sure other guys will think different.

  2. Dissolution

    Thanks, man. That was a cool compliment. :o


    Thank you for your warm welcome. I am just back to Thailand less than a week. It’s so funny that I myself experienced culture shock in my own country. Anyway, I’ll share more of my experience in other threads which are more appropriate. I’ll give the thread back to tekstilna. :D

  3. Ok, you might also wanna hear it from a Thai guy also. I am a 27 yr old thai guy. But I was in the west for my school for 4 yrs. And that means I have both points of view: one as a Thai, and one as an outsider.

    There are many kinds of Thai men out there. From my experience (and that does not mean I date Thai guys LOL. I am straight.), they are really easy going. They don’t like confrontation. These are not only for Thai men. They are for both Thai men and Thai women. Many times, these things bug me since I try to keep things in my schedule and I like to talk things out to solve problems. Well, sometimes “sabai sabai” attitude actually makes me relaxed if I feel too tight. What I mean is too much of anything will never do any good for anybody.

    There are so many kinds of Thai guys like ladies above mentioned before. Some are well educated, some aren’t. Some are womanizers and some are family men. You need to learn how to separate men to see which category they fall in. People are different by their environment and how they were raised. That’s also true for Thai men. I have many friends that cheat their ass off. And I also have friends that value their families. Your luck depends on your skill to tell which kind of men they are.

    PS. I really enjoy reading this forum very much. I found this forum when I was doing some research about how western women think. Well, at that time I was having a good relationship with a Farang girl. So I did some research to know what’s going on inside her brain and emotional stuff. This forum also gave me some new point of view from the west about Thai men. Although my relationship with my farang gf has ended, I still like to read this forum to know more and more about white women. Many people, both male and female, are older than I am (I noticed from your opinions). I thank you guys for sharing your life experience so that a young guy (well not really young) like me can learn and learn. Especially, I like posts from sbk. Every post of hers is really insight, concise, and straight to the point. You are really a smart woman, and your husband is really lucky to have you. And in the reverse way, you are lucky to have a husband that can handle a really smart woman.

    And thank you folks for all good stuff you guys shared.

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