I recently returned from my first visit to China, I visited Shanghai and I have to say it’s the most amazing, beautiful, futuristic, safe, clean place I’ve ever seen in the world, forget all the scary stories you’ve read coming from people who’ve never been, it’s fabulous.
Spending money can be a problem, I set up We Chat and Alipay on my phone before I arrived but neither worked when I arrived there, if you have a Thai credit card or debit card go to your local Bank here and check they will work in China and get them authorised, thank goodness I did that and my card worked everywhere. I also took US dollars and changed some money at the airport on arrival, I got the proper rate and that worked well, what I should have done is change more dollars as once in the city it’s very difficult to change money, the banks won’t change your dollars unless you have a Chinese bank account and I was only able to find one money exchange and I never managed to find it again, don’t believe what people say about most places won’t take cash, I found everywhere would take cash, I wasn’t refused once, so you defiantly need to take a mixture of cash and authorised debit/ credit cards to cover expenses just incase your payment apps don’t work.