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hotsun last won the day on February 15

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  1. In other words, not early. Im not early, if i were early I definitely wouldnt be on a thailand forum
  2. Very early stage huh? Why thailand then 555
  3. Your version of truth is worse, much worse than anyones lies
  4. Put it on pay per view, sounds more interesting than Paul vs Tyson
  5. Tell your children its a ponzi scheme too. Any family too. Be remembered as the moron for the rest of their lives
  6. You speak of something you havent done any research on. You dont understand why its currently priced as it is now, you wont understand when its 1 million. I suspect you will stop posting about it. No cure for stupid everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve. Lefties havent got a clue whats coming, this guy is talking about the japanese yen. Bitcoin is a wealth transfer from the morons who dont understand inflation to people who spend a few hours to understand money a little bit better
  7. When its 1 million per bitcoin, are you gonna be the moron quoting me when it drops to 990,000? Pathetic
  8. “The failure of Democrats and the Biden administration to address antisemitism only emboldened these institutions, creating a false sense of impunity” this is why i think democrats wont win another election. Not until 2036 at the very least
  9. Depends where you are. In thailand everyones all about me me me, when in rome do as they do
  10. Right, the democrats had a plan though. Let in third worlders that will vote democrat. See what europe is doing now
  11. Damn it trump. Fix the stock market, ya bum! 🤪
  12. 1,000,000 is inevitable. People speak about it having not done one minute of research
  13. do you ignore all the news articles here about the UK? Theyre all pretty much about the same thing
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