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Everything posted by captain_shane

  1. It's not 24 hours but Koh Chang is very unwalkable in general.
  2. 131k posts of garbage. Why do YOU lie so much? He proved you wrong right here:
  3. Lol, go watch the video, the Brit walks straight up to the bouncer in a fighting position, he wasn't walking away.
  4. Which is more likely? A) Brit gets knocked out and learns his lesson, no more drunken fights. B) Brit get's coddled and this situation happens again except he gets beaten down by 7 thai men? These cretins ruin the nightlife, not bouncers cleaning up the trash.
  5. Did you even watch the video? The old Brit clearly wanted a fight. 62 years old is old enough to understand that if you F around you'll eventually find out. The Thai guy hit him one time, didn't punch or kick him while he was down, didn't attack him with multiple people, just one clean punch. It's not the bouncers problem that the brit has a glass jaw.
  6. I see no issues. Brit ran his mouth and wanted a fight. Thai guy was restrained and didn't hit or kick him while he was down. Fair fight. Tough luck to the senior, he shouldn't spend checks his ass can't cash.
  7. Why are you so delusional to think Europe is going to help you in any significant way? They're gonna use this situation to get out, they'll back out and blame Trump for letting you down. They buy more gas from russia than they give you in aid, you aren't worth freezing to death over.
  8. Maybe Big Z should have come with a little more respect instead of playing tough guy? Welp, good luck to the guy.
  9. - Musk alarmism - Putler and Trump alarmism will remain far after they die similar to Hilter. I see Trump possibly replacing Hitler on the Hierarchy of evil for the left. - White supremacy alarmism will continue - Supreme court alarmism - Fascism alarmism They're all very predictable.
  10. There's a difference in attire expectations between a tech support member and the leader of a country.
  11. His morals just cost him the war. That's what you leftists refuse to understand. Being nice doesn't mean anything in the real world. Being nice has sort of worked since the establishment of NATO and the UN but it's extremely flimsy and isn't based on real human behavior. The fact is that might makes right. Russia is winning this war, Z himself admitted that. Ukraine will fail without US support, Z said this in the interview. There is no strategy for Ukraine to regain lost territory and keep it. How does the US benefit from continuing to fund this pointless war?
  12. We crapped in our nest by printing tons of money and giving it away for nothing. We crapped in our nest by allowing countries to tariff us (protecting their industries) while they get to sell to us with tariff free. The US is the one country on Earth that can go full Autarky, I don't think you "allies" understand that we WANT to be your friends but you're ingrates and you screech and moan about us and tell us we're going to collapse without you. None of you thank us for our military defense, none of you thank us for humanitarian aid, all you do is <deleted> on us. Some ally you really are.
  13. Ok, didn't realize you're a globalist hell bent on the lowest prices instead of local protectionism. Hollowing out American industry is how we got into this mess in the first place.
  14. Lol how paranoid are you? Would you like me to walk outside and take a picture of Koh Chang for you?
  15. Yeah, a significant amount of that was spent defending EURO countries that refused to hold their end of the deal. Germany has averaged 1.1% defense spending for the last 20 years. They haven't been above 2% since 1990. You probably won't even get tariffed in Australia, our beef is more with Europe/Canada/Mexico at the moment. ASEAN nations like Thailand should prepare for large tariffs unless they drop theirs. Fair is fair. Australia is mostly fair, so I repeat that I doubt you get tariffed, only unfair countries will have it done to them.
  16. Ukraine has zero chance of acquiring nukes lol. The fact that you believe it's even remotely possible, let alone one year just goes to show the level of ignorance Zelensky supporters have.
  17. So why do you want the Ukrainian war to continue? Do you realize how many carbon emissions are released in war? Which is more important to you lefties? Defeating climate change, or defeating Putler?
  18. Keep coping and pretending you mean anything to the US.
  19. Imagine thinking Russia can sail ships through solid blocks of ice. Lol, keep pretending we need each other.
  20. Lol, the US just found a gigantic deposit of lithium in Arkansas. You aren't needed like you think you are. You have 7 million tons of lithium in Australia, we just found 5-19 million in just ONE state HAHAHAHAHA https://www.sciencealert.com/a-giant-hidden-source-of-lithium-was-just-discovered-in-arkansas
  21. That's fine, you'll be Chinese in 50 years anyway.
  22. Stop listening to propaganda from people who want this war to continue. https://kyivindependent.com/a-very-bloody-war-what-is-the-death-toll-of-russias-war-in-ukraine/
  23. Tough luck pal. You ingrates are in for a world of hurt and all Trump is asking for is fairness. Don't want tariffs? Take yours off of us.
  24. You ivory tower academics are such geniuses that you got conned by your media priests into believing Pee Tapes.
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