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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. And showing that either he is a liar or someone rigged it's so called results. It's pathetic single track posts reflect a score of at least half of what it claims it to be.
  2. Same as Trump is an ex TV showman masquerading as a president.
  3. it is the stupid Immigration laws that need updating/scrapping. TM30, 90 reporting, hand drawn maps etc etc
  4. There were outright winners in WW11 where both protagonists surrendered. The winners took the spoils. (including Russia declaring war on Japan on August 8, 1945; shortly after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, effectively forcing Japan to surrender large areas of Manchuria and other Japanese-controlled territories in the Far East to Russia-some of which are still under dispute today.) That at present is not the case with the ongoing invasion by Russia. If Trump continues to give his best friend Putin the go ahead to declare his own terms to end the Russian invasion then Russia will keep at least, if not more, of what they have already captured. Ukraine would obviously have to retreat from the Kursk region. As a result WW111or Russian/Chinese/North Korean etc expansion will surely follow. This could possibly end up with Trump's dream of the US/Russian/Chinese triumvirate with Trump as it's leader/dictator. I hope to hell I am wrong!!!!!!!!!
  5. Only the bits of then Europe that they occupied got realigned because the western Allies were too slow to cross the Rhine and slow the Russian advance into Berlin. The Brits blame Paton and the Yanks blame Montgomery for being late and the French blame everyone with their white flags! Eisenhower of course blamed nobody and accepted all the credit since Roosevelt had died and Churchill was out of power.
  6. The number is immaterial. The possession and the acceptance by the other side of your determination to use them in extremise is what counts. Both France and the UK maintain at least one SSBN on patrol at all times. USA, Russia and China have their own SSBN's on patrol as well. In addition other countries also have their own nuclear weapons which are capable of delivery by various means out with the SSBN scenario. Contrary to false and misleading statements both the French and UK systems are TOTALLY independent of any control or limitations by any other country.
  7. Everyone BUT Russia wants an end to the war. So why has Trump suddenly split the one alliance that could stop it spreading and thereby creating the foundations for WW111? I suggest it is just the threat of WW111 that brings this about so that he subsequently, without any justification as usual, can claim later that he has brought about peace by creating the new Triumvirate of USA, Russia and China with him as it's unelected dictator!
  8. Why did you use "could be" when you really meant the much simpler word "is" as in "He is totally insane"!
  9. Why should anyone as it is totally pointless and just a bureaucratic job for the boys!
  10. Don't you mean "keep drinking in the totally unkool Russian aid(ed) propaganda"?
  11. And a job with Thai Immigration as an advisor!
  12. You have got that totally about face IMO. He wants to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine and allow the world to split into three spheres of influence. 1. USA 2. Russia 3. China With him as the great leader/negotiator.
  13. Can the world afford to wait and see how things unfold?
  14. At least Bob thinks it has a sense of humour unlike that poster.
  15. Why don't you just post the PRAVDA link? it would save you typing all that propaganda!
  16. But the holiday would not be outside Thailand and include an internet ban unfortunately.
  17. You gave far too many examples of it's lack of understanding for it to understand. I think "blinkered" is sufficient to describe it's useless responses.
  18. When did you stop recording that RT broadcast?
  19. Are you suggesting that it has an original thought?
  20. Would not have to if the US arrived at the beginning rather than turning up late.
  21. Who knows what the US (read Trump) is thinking, if ever!
  22. He probably did but not from the automated recording me thinks.
  23. Not with the amount of smoke seen in the topic photo! Every broken drain cover in Thailand would be spewing it forth.
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