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  1. And you don't think that maybe you can't find any flights because there are no airports or cities anywhere near the coast of Antartica?
  2. Qantas also flies it. What a surprise that the only two airlines that fly between south Africa and Australia are Qantas and South African.....
  3. Sure, give me the calculation for 99% of the radius. Say 6300km to make it a nice easy round number for you. What would the drop be for that value? On a sphere that would very obviously be nearly the same as the radius, but using your formula I get a value of many thousands of times larger than that.
  4. It is fairly self-explanatory. Not really. There are direct flights between Perth and Johannesburg that go over the ocean and nowhere near Dubai.. Why did you post this??? Did you think there weren't flights? Seriously, I really don't understand.
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