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  1. Dont be an a$$hole. Its illegal huh? Thanks for your brilliant comment…. Google the Patriot Act bank residential address requirement if you don't believe me. You are required to list your real residential address on your bank account. I don't make or like the law, but that's what it is. Good luck.
  2. There are ways of phrasing a question or questions in this instance, that would make you sound less like a shill for Wise........ Especially someone with only a couple of posts to their name. I don't care what I sound like. I was just giving the OP some basic advice. The banking laws in the US are very clear--if he is not actually living at the address he lists on his account, he is breaking a federal law, and it is a terrible idea to be disclosing that to federal regulators.
  3. But not where you actually live? If so, that is illegal.
  4. I would be careful filing any complaints. If they locked your account, they probably had good reason, and you may be the one who was breaking the law. What did you put as your residential address on your account? Are you actually living at that location, or are you doing what many expats do and using a relatives address in your home country?
  5. You think that Manila office is going to stay open? Absolutely zero chance of that. I'm sure all foreign SS offices will be closed soon.
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