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Posts posted by jimbabe

  1. what I dont understand is why the US is so worried about somebody thai staying in the US. All of their forfathers were immigrants and peoples from other contries; ie Korea; are welcomed with open arms. Are women making the laws and dont want competition from wonderful thai ladies?

    Section 214( B ) is part of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). It states:

    Every alien shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application for admission, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant status...

    Source: http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/denials/denials_1361.html

    That explains a lot except maybe the bad attitude of the officers in the US Consulate. That probably comes from the fact that the officer has to make a decision and is then held responsible if the "tourist" doesn't come back. So it's a lot safer to just reject an application, no matter what kind of problems that causes in the life of the applicant.

    I know several Thais who got 10 year tourist visas no problem. My wife got rejected but that was because the officer didn't believe our story - even though the story was true and we actually had no intention of living in the states as illegal immigrants. We had already applied for an immigrant visa for her (I-130) and that's a huge red flag. Not sure why as it seems like trading an illegal status for a near-guaranteed legal one isn't all that attractive. But - that's the way it is.

    I should have remembered my grandfather's advice: It's not about whether a story is true or untrue, it's about whether it's good or bad.

    One of the thai friends I know who got the tourist visa is a tattoo artist. 22. Tattooed all over. No money. He is pretty charming though :o

    So to get a a tourist visa, come up with a good story. If it's true, all the better. Whatever the case, do not mention boyfriends or husbands that will come with you or wait for you there. That's a huge no-no.

  2. Has anyone heard anything like this? It doesnt seem possible. Could it be that farangs who marry thaiss after next year will not haave same rights/privildges as before? DONT LET THIS BE START OF RUMOR

    What rights? :o

    What privileges? :D


    You can have your name on house papers, you can apply for permaent residency, you can own a car

    all of which you can do without being married :D

    And just as easily?

  3. Has anyone heard anything like this? It doesnt seem possible. Could it be that farangs who marry thaiss after next year will not haave same rights/privildges as before? DONT LET THIS BE START OF RUMOR

    whatever it is the expression "outlawing marriages" is bullsh*t²!

    Not too long ago in many countries including the U.S. interracial marriages were "outlawed"

  4. Technically you are correct and its in the old constitution along those lines.

    However the application of the law is different. I also understand there was a challenge to this based on the constitution a number of years ago that failed.

    Are you saying there is such a law but it has not been enforced. And could that be changed? Is the constitution suspended now?

  5. Has anyone heard anything like this? It doesnt seem possible. Could it be that farangs who marry thaiss after next year will not haave same rights/privildges as before? DONT LET THIS BE START OF RUMOR

    What rights? :o

    What privileges? :D


    You can have your name on house papers, you can apply for permaent residency, you can own a car

  6. Has anyone heard anything like this? It doesnt seem possible. Could it be that farangs who marry thaiss after next year will not haave same rights/privildges as before? DONT LET THIS BE START OF RUMOR

    No and where did you hear it from?????

    From a buriram girl and her friend

  7. "If nothing is done, Bangkok will be at least 50 centimetres to one metre under water"

    Oh well I guess it's back to the SkyTrain, and I just bought a Subway pass:-( Traffic should be severly reduced and with no underground parking at Emporium I'll be forced back to Gaysorn:-( where the prices are higher. On the plus side Big C on Suksawat still has a river pier so maybe I will be able to get a boat from the new Silom Pier.

    I believe the reason the Thais moved their capital to Bangkok was that it was a swamp and the Bumese war elephants couldn't operate in a swamp. So it should be no suprise that it is sinking under the weight of capitalism. Apart from commerce would it really be a negative to move out to Rayong or somewhere similar.

    I think you got it right, and the goverment could build a new capitol at khao yai, giving thousands jobs with better air quality. And it could be done greem (no aircon)

  8. Private sector confident central bank will manage to curb baht volatility

    Private-sector representatives have expressed confidence the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Thailand will manage to prevent the baht from strengthening to an extent that exports are affected, according to the Federation of Thai Industries.

    Speaking after leading representatives of seven exporters associations to meet and discuss with the central bank governor Tarisa Watanagase, FTI’s Chairman Santi Vilassakdanont said the exporters were confident upon the discussion that the ministry and the central bank would be able to curb the baht volatility and prevent it from affect exports, which are the country’s main economic sector.

    He said the central bank chief insisted the 30 per cent reserve requirement is a temporary measure, which could be adjusted to changing environment.

    The bank would not come up with additional measures since no grave concerns are found for now.

    Since the capital controls were imposed, he said, the baht had become more stable and purchase orders for products had also increased.

    He viewed the exporters felt satisfied if the baht hovered around 35.80 to the US dollar.

    “Even so, the exporters need to help themselves as well by adjusting a production process to reduce costs and finding new market channels. They cannot rely solely on the currency exchange rate,” he said.

    FTI Vice Chairman Adisak Rohitasoon said the appropriate level of the baht for the export promotion is 38 to the dollar and wanted the central bank to come up with more measures such as an interest rate cut to make the baht weaken.

    He viewed the capital control measure had both positive and negative effects on various industries.

    Source: TNA - 7 February 2007

    Who kidding who now?? This morning the USD dollar at 33 and a bit, the Pund at 64 and a bit and Euro equally hit, just WHAT is going on??? This is devastating for tourism as well as expats!

    Devastating? Things imported into thailand should be less baht now since it takes less to buy. Will people get bennhefit of this/fosters/gueinness?

  9. Don't really understand why this is news. It happens every year from Feb - May, to allow the plaa thu to spawn. Amazingly the ban is observed by the vast majority of fishing boats with the predictable exception of the fleets owned by somebody special.

    Im the pacific noothwest of the US commercial salmon fishing was killed dead by faulty government management. We also had some "special people" who were allowed to net the very spawning places of the salmon. The gubberment also sold eggs to other countries, allowing them to raise their own and ruined our prices. 3 monthsl nothing

  10. Hi,

    I am a researcher in the sugar industry, currently looking into sugar in Thailand. I have tried in vain to look up fertilizer retail prices in Thailand. Appreciate very much if anyone can give me an idea of fertilizer prices or website link to it.

    Thanks a lot

    I think I remember paying about 13 usd for 50 kilo for rice field

  11. Hi MacB, Thadd, Lampard 10,

    Currently in my Dubai office, therefore just spotted this thread for the 1st time. Add me to the list of support to a Buriram Forum, or for that matter a good idea from Lampard 10 re a Buriram/Surin forum.

    I also know a couple of near neighbours of mine who are also members of Thaivisa and I know they would also be interested, I will draw their attention to this thread when I arrive home next week.

    I live between Prakhon Chai and Prasat and in a 5 km radius there are quite a few of us, the local police refer to our area as Farang City. I'm sure a local "Buriram Branch" of Thaivisa would attract a few more of these guys.

    Just my pennyworth!! :o

    Count me also as I finish our house in ban kan gna about seven km east of phrakon chai. Where you ray?

    Hi Jimbabe,

    Sorry for the delay in my reply, currently in my Dubai office and this evening is my first decent look at TVisa for over a week. My village is called Sankun, which is not really on any map, as my friend Thaddeus would say, travel roughly half way between Prakhon Chai to Prasat and take a left!!!

    I will be home 17th and although I have a few commitments for a few days on arrival, PM me with a contact number if you are home yourself and we will meet up for sure, introduce you to some of the local gang. Look forward to meeting you.

    Yo also to Mac, been catching up with the pic's of the queen and babe, brill. Also only just picked up on the Jazzbo thread, that was very fortunate I never spotted it earlier, I think Jazzbo needs an ASBO from Isaan forum until he apologises to you, well done the Mod's. Sorry to comment on this, but I could not stay quiet on such an uneccessary and unwarranted verbal attack on one of the nicest guys I have ever met, except me of course!!!!

    Hope to see all you guys soon........RayBan....... :D

    Thanks Rayban for your verbal support:

    An unforunate Topic which shocked me I have sent you an email thanks pal . If no one know's Rayban he is a great and genuine guy.

    HeyRay, Thanks for the come back. If you were going to Ludos from pc where you turn left off 224 (main hyway) you would turn right instead and go about 5km to my muuban, We have some swedes and coupla britts. thais may have to change story about never being colonized if this keeps up! Ill be in los from feb 22 to ap4. There will be plenty time to meet up, maybe at Ludos. While Im here, does anyone think im better to bring UV -charcol filter from US ( 250 usd 8 lit hr) or buy in los?

  12. I just come from the Gyneco. with my wife and presented him the result of my sperm analysis... 9,6 million total count. Aparently it is realy too low as the minimum should be 20 million and good sperm count 60 million!!!

    He asked me to stop drinking for 3 month and prescribed me a medicine (Proovironum) to increase count. This medicine is aparently working on only 25% of the people.

    I would like to know if some of you had already the same problem and what you have done to finaly conceive, or even if you got a baby with a low sperm count.

    it only takes one, but he needs to be a good swimmer. Maybe it aint you

  13. :o Funniest thread in a long time!

    hate to get serious but ya need ta take the wc up; nuts on sides; clean er out an reset with new gasket. Ya may want t snake out line while up. SNAKE SCRATCHES PORCELAIN. That was good recipie for irish stew!

  14. xerostar,

    I love reading stories like yours, they are so funny! Of ccourse youaware . of the "this is thailand" standby but I dont think things have to be that way While wa are building our house in prakon chai we use her mothers house, With a squat toilet and a t.ank of water on a cement floor. all the washing water goes out a little hole in the wall at floor level. Weve had some great times in there. But. I am a plumber in the US and ours will be done right, not only with traps but also with proper venting to the roof. If you are building in my area, southern Issan. I would be happy to lend you some cuidance or even design your system Also an american company "Kohler" owns a thai company "karat" and they make nice fixtures.


  15. Hey pluggen there is a golf course on Hwy 219 just a few hundred metres after you cross the main Hwy (226) travelling south from Buri Ram to Prakhon Chai.

    I haven't used it and it looks like it might be private but worth checking out. Looks like a pretty good course

    From Nan Rong you would drive to Prakhon Chai and then north and see the GC on your right just before 226.




    ill be in prakon chai all march if you find a course maybe we can play


  16. If I didn't stick my neck out and post my original analysis I probably would not have learned as much about this device. If you had not challenged my analysis I definitely would not have learned as much about this device.


    how about hooking a kwaai to a geared turntable with pump? Same speed as water wheel but much more power. Only nee coupla hours a day and fertilizer stays in one place!

  17. Hi MacB, Thadd, Lampard 10,

    Currently in my Dubai office, therefore just spotted this thread for the 1st time. Add me to the list of support to a Buriram Forum, or for that matter a good idea from Lampard 10 re a Buriram/Surin forum.

    I also know a couple of near neighbours of mine who are also members of Thaivisa and I know they would also be interested, I will draw their attention to this thread when I arrive home next week.

    I live between Prakhon Chai and Prasat and in a 5 km radius there are quite a few of us, the local police refer to our area as Farang City. I'm sure a local "Buriram Branch" of Thaivisa would attract a few more of these guys.

    Just my pennyworth!! :o

    Count me also as I finish our house in ban kan gna about seven km east of phrakon chai. Where you ray?

  18. For the intermediate folks who have learned Thai script, I suggest kids textbooks. In most textbook stores there is a wealth of good quality books for anywhere from 40B to 90B. Start at about 2nd grade level and get a good Thai-English dictionary. Get a hardback, large print if you are an old guy like me. Plan to spend about 300B to 500B. Treat it gently. Bindings seems to fall apart if they are used a lot. I like SE-ED Thai-English because it includes the compound words.

    With the kids books you can also choose a topic specialty, such as vocations, science, agriculture, etc. and get that subject.

    Learning to read is no substitute for having a teacher, conversation partner or other means to learn listening and speaking. Also, books might not cover much casual conversation (maybe comic books?) but I believe reading is a good base for learning vocab, grammar and proper word usage.

    I have a thai dictionary in a palmpilot pda and have benefitted greatly from a book-cd combination from benjawaan poomsan becker.

    Ive looked at everything else and they dont compare. Also, my gf dont talk angit

  19. hi there, i am in the process of having a house built in kanchanaburi, i am in need of a good plumbing company one who can install hot water system, and all pipework to a very high standard, please help me out and send me some names and numbers if you can... thanks shaun

    Imdoing my own plumbing on house in Buriram as I am a plumber in the Us. Id give you a hand if I can. Maybe trade for some building material? jimbabe

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