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  1. we are white, rich and educated by comparison what's not to hate?
  2. agree, read Malthus decades ago at Uni. the writing was on the wall but greed succeeded
  3. i lost 3 HS buddies in Vietnam. those of us who did not go fought like hell in the streets at home to end it, and we succeeded. i don't see the kids today standing up to Americas complicit support for genocide in the Middle East. too busy with their phones.
  4. i am so happy that i did not bring any children into this sick world and add to the suffering. it was not supposed to turn out this way, but least i am ok and relatively healthy. we where indeed born at the right time and in the wealthiest country and got to grow up with horses and surfboards on the beach in Malibu with the best music! what where the odds of that?
  5. average cost in los angeles is 9000 usD for laparoscopic. Thailand is a rip off and that's in Beverly Hills!
  6. and acting like idiots, good riddance
  7. the reason why Thailand does not require background checks is because it would impact tourism
  8. send them to Gaza, these guys are trouble makers looking for fight. Barry Goldwater said it years ago.
  9. this stinks. Thailand has a horrible human rights record. at the same time it tolerates a lot of "quality" tourist. Thailand bending over to Big Brother to the North.
  10. Thailand was once not the easiest place to travel to and perhaps a little risky. cheap fares and ATM's put an end to that and of course the internet. you really had to have a little character to get here. now anyone can fly
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