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  1. i recently talked to someone who obtained a new class of retirement visa. she said all she did was confirm $20k or $30k CAD in her Canadian bank and not a Thai bank? sounds good. and btw if they are going to tax us they should provide health insurance.
  2. that and so many other things like their silly "loss of face" attitude.
  3. this i don't understand. i was shopping for some very expensive cameras and watches and most of the staff could not speak English.
  4. in Vietnam students will seek me out in the park to practice English. why not in Thailand?
  5. English should be taught in schools in Thailand like it is in most Western first world countries. it would provide better opportunities for advancement.
  6. sad that LOS is so dependent on tourism. what's needed is a better education and 21st. century manufacturing base.
  7. probably could not get any in their home countries, but i get it. woman have changed since the 90's and heavier as well
  8. i spent a summer there 16 years ago and it was a totally different place. the world has just gotten uglier.
  9. classic case of the kettle calling the pot black. Thai hypocrisy at its best. build more infrastucture and repair what you have. where does all the money go?
  10. hope his plane breaks down and he's arrested.
  11. i remember when one dressed up to fly on a airline. horrid now
  12. i can count the homeless here on one hand, unlike Santa Monica

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