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Posts posted by malibukid

  1. 1 hour ago, charleskerins said:

    I looked at the poll  ,unfortunately for the 40 % of Americans that care about Democracy it might be done.  I watched Putin strut through his "inauguration" and the  fools in calm adulation applauding him.  This will be America next year.  10%  of American voters say they will vote for RFK jr. 36%  for Biden 11% undecided.   Young voters are disenchanted with Biden's handling of Gaza -think about that  -so they are going to support either by voting for R's or not voting a party that is lockstep with Netyanhu .   When the SC gets two more NAZIS on it they will lament the further erosion of their rights and then blame the Dems for not running a stronger candidate ,all the while the R's will vote for a babbling idiot that orchestrated an attack on the Capitol and then as CIC did nothing to protect it.

    vote Green not Greed.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Good idea. A while back they had a campaign and they had posters with phone numbers that you could call to report vehicles that were polluting. We were driving and we saw this truck that was pumping out huge black clouds of smoke and I copied down their license plate and I dialed the number, and handed my phone to my Thai woman, and asked her to speak to the department. She asked the person who answered the phone what can they do? He asked her  why are you calling us, and she said, well you have phone numbers posted to report polluting vehicles? Right? The guy said well I don't know who I would report it to, and she said well that's not really our issue is it? You're supposed to be monitoring polluting vehicles. He said OK, give me the license plate number and I'll see what I can do. My wife said are you going to do anything? He said, I don't know I need to look at the regulations first and see who I'm supposed to report it to, and then maybe somebody will do something. 


    • Agree 1
  3. On 5/5/2024 at 7:14 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Improvement would require solutions. It will not happen in a vacuum. The govt. needs to grow a set of cajones, and stand up to Big Agra. Much harm is being done by local agricultural fires and forest fires caused by local burning. 


    Also, using a poorly maintained diesel car or truck needs to result in a very harsh penalty. When extremely cheap and ignorant people refuse to change their oil for years in a diesel, the harm to the air is horrific. They need to meet an unpleasant fate. 


    There are solutions. Srettha sloth is not helping. 

    there should be a hotline number to call if you see a vehicle that is polluting like in the States. in California we have very strict requirements to have your car tested every year in order to renew the registration.  growing up in Los Angeles i can remember the smog alerts.  well, we cleaned the air up, now smog is a thing of the past.

  4. 16 hours ago, Presnock said:

    I lived in the PI for 6 years 86-89 and 91-94.  Totally loved it as I am a certified SCUBA open water diver.  The PI is over 7000 island, water is crystal clear as drinking water and there is a lot of sea life and reefs available plus lots of WWII sunken ships to dive on.  Golf is readily available throughout.  I also am a member of the PI expat forum and actually, the comments (complaints) sound much like those on this forum.  There are those that like Dumaguete and those that do not for the same reason.  Lack of facilities and remoteness.  But just like Thailand, expats have moved there due to the cheaper life, some for the beauty of the females, English more widespread and immigration easier than here.  Though not all are happy.  Local foods sometimes leave expats wary.  But like they all say, immigration is much easier than here.  Land ownership too is like here - though some swear they own land but there are many stories of expats buying property in the boonies only to have the local that sold the property kick the expat out after housing is developed though not a whole lot of stories as most are savvy now to the scams.  Suggest you contact  some expats there and get their feelings.philippine at  "Philippines Expats Forum - Living inthe Philippines" Good luck - the grass is not always greener.  20 storms (Typhoons  a year many with flooding), active volcanoes, big earthquakes, heat waves too.

    had a Philippine GF in Palm Springs.  she was fun and hot and excellent english, curious.  she was studying at UCLA.  but i hear the PI's are not for foodies.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hakuna Matata said:


    Absolutely! They don't deserve visa free entry to Thailand.


    I am myself a Russian national.


    I have obtained a proper Non O-A Retirement Visa at the Thailand Consulate in Moscow, Russia.


    Only high quality Russian citizens should be allowed to enter Thailand.


    Unfortunately, 90% of Russians who have come to Thailand are low quality people. This is the fact I am observing over the past 15 years of my retirement stay in Thailand.


    Stop Visa Free Entry for Citizens of Russia, Kazakhsatan, China, etc.jpg

    require police background checks on all visa applicants.

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  6. 5 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    Does this possibly mean a relaxing of the rules for hospitals using morphine, codeine or Oxycodone as pain relievers? It's my understanding they were very hesitant to use them even in the most legit cases.

    had surgery in the U.S. and had some Oxycodone and some Vicodin  left over that i brought over with me just in case.  have not needed it so far.

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