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Posts posted by Deanuk

  1. I can't see that anyone else has bothered to tell you , but did you know that you will not be given the result of your appeal on the day . The agony will be dragged out for a few days , week or two sometimes, before you hear. Not trying to increase your stress levels at all, just telling you so you know.

    Amazing they think 12 times in 15 months is not enough. Difficult to see how you could have done anymore without living in Thailand .

    hi atlastaname

    I wasnt aware that this was the case that i wouldnt find out until maybe a week or two after...thanks for pointing that out.

    Amazing it is...but the ECO said that in the 15 months and 12 visits there i could have been to visit anybody. :o



  2. Apologies for my perhaps too forthright comments last night, but I was replete with Belgium's finest brew.

    The point I was trying to make is that the appeal process is not part of any conspiracy to deprive your wife of her visa. The Asylum and Immigration tribunal is there to objectively consider the cases of those refused, amongst other things, visas. However, you can't expect the AIT to decide in your wife's favour unless you actually make your case to them. So, as part of this process, you will have to supply the AIT with legal argument which states the reasons why you think your wife qualifies for the visa.

    When you filed the appeal form did you say you wanted either the matter considered on the basis of the papers, or that you wanted an oral hearing?


    Hi Scouse

    I too was slightly worse for wear last night and i too apologise for my abrupt response.

    On the appeal form i said that i wanted an oral hearing, so i guess i will have to build a new case depending on what case they have against us.



  3. And, Dean, one day, I hope you will understand: until then, you will never really appreciate the process.

    All the best,


    So, Dean, what is the reality of the situation? You seem to believe that the various decision-making authorities are synonymous, and against you? If they are , why bother to appeal?


    Hi scouse

    what do you mean by 1 day i hope you understand?

    I am bothering to appeal because she is my legitimate wife... weve been together for over 2 years...married for 7 months.. i shadowed the sticky at the top of this forum virtually word for word adding only my information thus resulting in over a ream of paperwork and still she was refused.

    My wife is genuinley shy and i seriously think that the ECO took this as a sign of her not knowing enough about me..fortunatly i am not.

    I have served my country (armed forces for over 10 years) never been in trouble with the law always pay my tax bill ontime etc etc etc and yet they choose to refuse my wife entry to my county... thats why im bothering to appeal.

    I could choose to disolve my business and go and live in thailand but i want better than that for us (I can make more £ in a month than i can do in thailand in a year)

    When the appeal comes around in the uk this time, they can ask me all the questions they choose (like i said im not shy)

    so hopfully i will be able to give them the answers that they are longing for.

    sorry for the ramble Scouse... ive been out for a few beers trying to numb the pain of having to wait for the authorites to decide our fate.


  4. Guys

    Once again thanks for the information youve provided me with, i was basically at a loss as to what further info i could provide them with. But now at least ill have some kind of clue as to what more these people want from us with regards to there refusal.

    In the refusal letter before they were basically stating that we hadnt spent enough time together although ive visited her 12 times in 15 months. Hopefully if they take into consideration my last visit (from december 2nd-1st feb) they might be able to open there eyes as to the seriousness of our marriage!!

    Once again thanks for all the replys.


  5. Hi all

    Having just sent 2 months in thailand with my wife consoling ourselves over her latest refusal we now have the paperwork for the appeal.

    It states...

    "the tribunal directs that you file by 28th may 2007, a copy of the notice of decision to which the notice of appeal relates, and any other document giving reasons for that decision, together with any application form, record of interview, or any other unpublished document to which you rely upon. You must serve, on the appellant, a copy of all the documents, except for documents which you have already sent to the appellant"

    Any ideas as to what "additional info" i could supply??

    It just seems that after the 1st refusal they have got it in for us!



    its a settlement appeal

  6. Guys

    whatever you do....DO NOT...DO NOT...use the fraudsters on the 2nd floor of ukvac to do your application!!

    Yes they sound professional..but have totally screwed up my wifes chances of getting a settlement visa to the uk.

    They charged me 50,000 bht for my wifes application (i wasnt able to be there due to work commitments) and forgot to submit 3/4 of the paperwork that i had sent to them!!

    Just stay well away!!


  7. hi all

    when we arrived back to our appartment we again opened the large brown envelope containing all of our documents to find that only the photographs were remaining inside. All of my paperwork had gone and most importantly my bank statements!!!

    I yesterday emailed UKVAC and here is there reply :-

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    The British Embassy might want to keep your original documents for reference. Because the embassy see that you can ask for new bank statement at the bank.



  8. OK heres the bad news

    the visa was refused without an interview....

    the grounds are :- i sent a number of emails (although these are not our primary form of communication...why email when were both sat infront of the PC and can chat through skype or yahoo instant messenger?) His reply was that because these have been printed from the internet the dates could have easily been changed!!

    I also sent around 100 pages of yahoo instant messenger chats that weve had dating back to 2004

    Both my wife and i use pay and go mobile phones..when im in the uk we make 3 calls per day EVERYDAY. Now, she cannot prove how much she tops up her phone, but i thought that showing pages and pages of my top-ups each 1 for 20.00 pounds and also photographs of them on my lounge floor just to show how many there were (these alone are over 1,500 pounds worth)

    His reply.... he wont accept that i used all of these to call my wife!!

    his reason for not interviewing her was...she was vague in her last interview so he felt there was no need to interview again!!


    Were both suicidal and dont know what to do now... as she has 2 failiure stamps in her passport im thinking if we apply again its just going to be soooo difficult!!

  9. hi

    GU22 its a settlement visa that weve applied for...when i asked at the UKVAC they said that 80% needed an interview and 20% didnt. Im hoping that because of the increased paperwork suppied and the letter from my MP that this may have swung the balance in my favour this time.

    Ill be at UKVAC tomorrow at 3.00pm to see what they've come up with this time.

    Hopefully its gone our way..just the waiting is making us both crazy!!

  10. Hi Guys

    Just a quick question....ive now applied for my wifes visa submitting all the relevant paperwork last week to UKVAC. Ive tracked the application online and now it says that her passpost is ready for collection.....After reading the previous posts about what this im crapping myself incase this means her visa has been turned down without an interview.... or does it mean that because of all the paperwork submitted this time that there is no need for an interview???

    Anybody have any thoughts on this??

    Were both sitting her staring into space wondering what this means for our future.


    when we went to UKVAC last week thay were very curtious and hepful with our application.

  11. Hi Larry

    Im really sorry to hear your story!!

    This is exactly what happened to my wife and i when we turned up at VFS when applying for our settlement visa.

    These guys hang around outside preying on unsuspecting people who are GREEN to the visa system.

    Best thing you can do mate is re-apply but do it yourself.

    Funny thing was... Tuesday this week i arrived at VFS with documents inhand (suited and booted) and as we pulled up outside there were there like vultures waiting for there next meal. When i got out of the taxi i caught 1 of the guys eye and he recognised me straight away...He was off on his toes...ran into the office not to be seen again, even though after submitting our NEW application we hung around outside for a good hour (i was spoiling for an argument) But none of them showed there faces!!

    Keep your chin up mate just dont get fooled again!!

  12. Hi all

    Just a quick question...has anybody flown from the uk on a 1 way flight..and if so did you have any problems with BKK imigration?

    Im going to BKK next week to re-apply for my wifes visa...but i dont know how long im going to be out there...

    Sooo im booking a 1 way ticket and will buy another where WERE coming back..

    Appreciate any replys


  13. Hi all,

    scouse your quite correct...on my wife's recent refusal it clearly states on the botton that because she was refused a uk visa ...that didnt stop me from going / living in thailand.

    I recently spoke to a guy from the appeals in loughborough UK...when i asked him where i i stand on human rights issues he repied " i can't comment"!!

    What a world we live in!!


  14. I was gobsmacked this morning to say the least when this letter arrived with the house of commons headed paper!! I emailed her at 5pm on the 28th and the letter arrived this morning 30th. Lets just see if she can pull any strings or comes up with the goods before i put my next vote to her!! :D

    And yeah it probably would be cheaper to pay for her to go over there and sort out these imigration muppets!!! :o

  15. Hi Guys

    thanks for all the helpful advice im going to take GU22's advice and lodge an apeal and also re-apply.

    Ive written to my local MP and she has sent me a commons headed letter recieved today saying she will do all within her power to help me.

    when i send in my appeal i will forward them this so they know that im serious... I hope this also carries some weight!!


  16. Hi Everyone,

    Ive been an avid reader of this forum for over 12 months now but just thought id sign up to give all you guys out there a heads up about using 3rd partys to deal with your Wife's/ g/f visa's.

    Ive been married to my thai wife now for 5 months and because of business commitments here in the uk i took the big step of employing a 3rd party to deal with her application (mistake #1)

    I did quite a lot of research about this company (i dont know if i can name and shame here?) and found them to look on the surface to be reputable.

    Everything they asked for i supplied..my whole life past and present in there hands and a deposit paid of 50,000 thb.

    My wife went to her interview on 28/11/06... after arranging to meet up with the 3rd party at 8am (they turned up late saying they had mislaid her file) so already she was under pressure to make it to the interview ontime!!

    Now heres the interesting bit...the interview went well she answered all of the questions without delay but at the end of the interview the IMO stated that they would refuse her visa on the grounds that we had not had enough contact within a 2 year period.

    Now i had supplied EVERYTHING requseted.. but when my wife collected all the paperwork (obviously very distressed at this time) she called me and said teerak why did you only send 1 email and 1 chat conversation that we had? .....now i had sent 25 pages of emails... and 30 pages of msn chat that we had, obviously diluted because it would have run into reams and reams of paper over a 2 year period.

    This morning i called the appeals tribunal here in the uk and he has said to me that it seems an unfair decision..but if it went to a tribunal because its a spouse application it could take up to 9 months to process!!!

    What a nitemare senario!!

    Has anybody else had this happen?

    Could anybody offer any advice?

    Im thinking that i should just go to Thailand and submit the application myself!! (i know now i should have done this before)

    All help and advice is greatly recieved


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