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Posts posted by jinjok

  1. I have known for some time I have high blood pressure - what tests or checks should i have performed to address health issues such as stroke?

    Also, I had seen on tv that 'erectile dysfunction' can be caused by high blood pressure. Is this true or just marketing hype? I had read (perhaps here) that something like Cialis is better for high blood pressure and one guy said his heart was sort of freaking out after he had taken Viagra. Does this medicine make you all 'speedy'? and or increase heart rate? Curious to know in event years down the road I might need the stuff...

    First question is the important one


  2. exactly what i had said - id just encrypt the mail if i had something nefarious to hide. yes...it all tracked everywhere, hence i have stayed with gmail after migrating from yahoo - i just no longer like the corporation.

    as for yahoo being some grand provider... i juct use email. i could care less for the rest of it. they even deleted my travel photos. i do still like the financial pages for ease of use / quick look ups.

    anyway - thanks for you input

  3. i had a yahoo acct but dont like the domain 'yahoo' but also if you want to create a new acct everything clever is pretty much taken. the new interface is nice. i like the way gmail is set up as well. but i dont like gmail - they sold out to china and im sure they will give the us govt anything they desire at the drop of a hat despite claims to 'do no evil'.

    of course its all there to be had by many means (sitting on server, back ups...) but actively working at retaining email and 'reading email' to sell you stuff is something im not pleased with. gmail does have excellent spam filter though, ill give it that.

    fyi: pop accounts are just as bad if not worse for privacy and yes email can be plucked from th ether. and yes, there is hushmail but its more trouble than its worth - perhaps its gotten better - i think the other person has to use hushmail.

    my musings are not anything nefarious --- id simply write a coded message and encrypt it cmon'.

    nikster (all): just not pleased with the bold lack of privacy and back door deals with mafia govts like china (and us?).

    nikster - it did not want to reveal HOW it obtains its information which it considers proprietary. but the mail thing... it DID cave.

    yes, hotmail sucks. it sucked as soon as it was bought years ago. but it was the first big webmail acct - give it that.

  4. im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

    is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

  5. i would either have a machine built -decide all parts yourself prior and check they are all installed.

    or part it out and go to multiple stalls. there are great buys upper floors in the back for the generic stuff. its also a good place to price parts.

    if you dont need a supercomputer you can find great used pcs there as well. but be careful, if you have to upgrade, it can be better buying new.

  6. help! im coming back to thailand after being away for 5 mos. my friend whoused to program for dodgy govt agencies in europe during arpanet days and left yrs ago wants to (at my encouragement and as a time killer) to re-learn to program. his forte' was as he tells me -writing scripts.

    i have encouraged him to learn java. its new, trendy and x-platform. even xml.

    he wants me to buy: Windows 2000 Scripting Guide i questioned this as w2k is not even supported anymore but he informs the scripts are valid, etc...

    dont get me wrong, im sure he can learn many things from it - but it is a 2 legacy systems away from vista.

    can you impress upon me how there are better books and why he might want to learn something else? my i.t. days and knowledge have dwindled to not much after the crash in 2001 and job ewent to india.


  7. nope. no brits mid 30s in pattaya ;-)

    perhaps too many!

    do be careful who you meet tho - of any origin. asia isnt what it used to be insofar as commraderie and watching each others back - quite th econtrary.

  8. in years past i used to go to lao and have once been to both myamar and a few times cambodia when i lived there. yeah, its the real deal.

    ive always been forced to return to pty usually my visa was up, confronted with 'groundhog day' - never ending songkran in pattaya.

    this will all change, ill be spending much less time in thailand in general and really only spending st in pattaya. thailand has become poor value amongst all the other hassles (visa, sour thais in pattaya, crime...).

    thx tho -

  9. im not concerned about the official date, it will be past and always 3 days -but i do thank you about pattaya mail. i never read the thing online or otherwise. did not even think to check the site. THANKS.

    the search function is not what it could be on this site as well. i often have to go to google and plug the domain in.

    thx again

    FYI: pattaya songkran disaster runs till the 19th. ######! and its supposed to be fun too, it pretty much sucks imo.

  10. everyone is half right

    pattaya days of old were quiet ten months a year and then we dealt with th influx of freaks for two. up until last year it seemd the trend had 100% reversed. i have been away this high season but all my friends are hatin' on pty including me.

    between the freaks, the garbage, the traffic in streets and bkk-pty, THE OVER DEVELOPMENT, the water pollution and esp the violent crime - we have had enough. maybe with the visa situation, things are changing.

    another eason i have to leave pty and thailand is that as an amerikkkan it no longer represents the value it once did. baht/usd - $ is down nearly 25% from a few years ago. so its no longer a base but rather a holiday from trekking or other wanderings in asia.

    i may relocate to cebu, ive had my fill of cambodia years ago.

    i dont think its xenophobia - people working in pattaya has seen the WORST western ill mannered louts and they have just had enough. try learning an honest bit of thai, being polite and dressing with a collar shirt. see what happens.

    there will always be whore-mongers queing in pty the way faux hippies will always go to goa/manali - but its WAY past its sell by date.

    we can only hope pattaya cleans itself up, value baht plunges, we are back to where we were with visa runs.

    i found pattaya as long-term stay when the islands got pricey/schemey. why travel 10 hours for a beach. pattaya wa great...it had a bad reputation so everyone gave it a miss.

  11. i have tried to search the forum but the return is always null/error so i dont know what is up. i flew out of the new airport, now returning...

    i am interested in going to pattaya (n.terminal) by BUS. having googled this i noted a number of persons asked this and 80% of responses like - go by limo, taxi, lear jet - so please, by bus.

    cheapest/local way [#389 was first bus making this run no?] (ie cross the street... or wait for the blu/wht bkk-pty bus on the main road...)


    the 'direct' bus that runs from airport to nothern terminal - about b150 i think i had read some months ago.

    >> if you could incl instructions also to get to the bus as well.. go out exit - wait for this bus, ride for x minutes to bus term, look for bus ### running every...

    also ... does anyone know if songkran madness will still be going on - i completely forgot when i rebooked this.

    NOTE: i see a similar question below but the response is not clear (buddha bless him for having a go at it though).

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=109716 WHITE FREE BUS ???? DO TELL!!

    THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. been stuck in uxa for months, got a chance toleave and took it. then i remember BING! ... its songkran, i <deleted> booked my ticket into songkran.

    now usually this ends about 15th. but in PATTAYA my hunch is like the 19th.

    so..what are the dates of the abortion? im due in on the 17th and the manager is expecting me so no turning back.

  13. i have some scrap gold id like to sell. i dont want to carry it out with me if i cant sell it for proper money. cant be more than a baht++ in weight.

    i wouldnt mind taking it and adding 24k to make 18k ring but then i have to find the style and pay for custom and if i wanted a new ring i think its cheaper to just find one.


  14. hey thanks and yeah been hitting the sauce too much but not as i had posted this...

    i did miss a day... the 29th day is the 15th (i like to make my visa run one day short of 30). so from 15 twenty nine forward is june 12th or 30 days ... the 13th.

    as for the ticket its 'free' save for the taxes - but in both bkk an ddel the taxes are paid at airport. who knows, ill find out.

    thanks for your time -

  15. This is a really lame question but could someone check me on this pls...?

    I need to book a ticket out of bkk (from usa using airmiles), i want to maximize my stay becasue i rent monthly.

    arrive april17

    visa run (29 days) may14

    depart (29 days) may 11

    book ticket for may 10 if any airline problem pops up in sure toget out by the 13th would be 30 days + 1 day gratis thru airport.

    this is a china air ticket bkk-del r/t. it states that i am subject to taxes. i havent called ci, but these should be paid at the respective airports no?

  16. a relative would like some large photos suitable for framing from some of my travel shots. despite the lacluster usd this is most likely still much cheaper in bkk than usa.

    would anyone have info/contact/website for:

    35mm slide (2) preferably scanned on a drum and output to some sort of lasting media/photo paper 11x17. a good flatbed may be fine as well. im just picky becasue im a photographer an dworked in the litho/elec prepress industry prior 1o yrs b4 and during univ.

    jpg (1) about 2.5mb - i hope to get a 8x10 out of this but may have to settle for 4x6

    does anyone have link to eastern and do you think theyd do a 2 off?

  17. your biggest challange will be to find quality material. i had to go to dozens of shops and bought a suit and sportcoat from three (3 is total #). i could not have xtra pants made because they did not have the material. chk the material for no poly by burning and take a swatch with you as well. make sure that buttons/shoulder pads and stitching are top quality and lining as well.

    you can specify basically - italian cut. they have picks.

    dont let them waste your time - indians are classic time wasters.

    i have two suits now sitting in closet in usa (plus one i wantto keep and sportcoat). it job market imploaded - no need for suits anymore. :-(

  18. just tell the truth

    any thai man will understand you: got really drunk, gambled your life savings -and maybe even visited a few hookers in the process.

    standard procedure for thai men

    oh, i forgot - youre farang and that means youre good only until the payments to family stop

    oh well - glad im no gambler.

  19. before we get all misty eyed about dm remember what they turned it into....

    years ago you could get thai food IN departures cheap. i recall a few years ago seeing a crossiant for get this...b200!

    i came to loathe the shops and everyone sitting on the ground despite paying their b500 departure tax.

    thailand has really become all about fast buck tourism.

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