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Posts posted by SeanBangkok

  1. "but it would seem that you have to show some form of income (not just pots in the bank)."

    Regardless of how much money I have in the bank? I mean, pretend if I have 40 million baht in the bank, they still want to make sure that I am making 40K baht/month? That sounds kind of absurd.

    I daytrade for a living. The only thing I have to show my income is my tax return and bank statements.

    The option of just dumping some money in a thai bank account is no longer available? I was married in early 06', I am not grandfathered in?

  2. I got married in Feb 2006, went down to singapore and recieved a one year multiple entry non immigration visa. I am on the last visa now, which has me leaving thailand april 16th.

    when am i supposed to go to bangkok immigration office to get it extended for one year?

    what do i need to show financially?

    what questions are asked of me? i work online and really dont want to have to discuss my work, it has nothing to do with thailand and i am scared they will try to tax me.

    I plan to travel to other countries throughout this year, how do i do this? i read something before about paying money for this in advance.

  3. "Given the increasingly tough position on visas here, it seems to me that fewer farangs will be around to buy condos"

    Id think youd be surprised how many farang are completely clueless about thai laws and thai current events. some guy comes here and falls inlove with #35 at hollywood and he is going to buy a condo regardless. why do you think so many farang bought condos with illegal companies in the first place? they didnt care enough then to research their investment. i doubt these visa laws will prevent people from buying. one of the attractions for alot of guys, good or bad, is that they can always pay someone to think for them in thailand, whether it is someone filling out their visa extension or marriage license forms or purchasing a condo in their name.

  4. I might get some slack for saying this, but it should be said, sometimes I think the Thai property market is being held together by Soi Cowboy, Nana, and Pat Pong. Who are buying all of these condos but middle aged single men? Of course these guys are going to continue coming to bangkok. a coup? what do they care as long as the entertainment districts stay open...

    I am not saying that is the only reason anyone lives in Thailand, but that is what I see before my eyes.

    Take a look at real estate prices in places where there arent alot of farang. It is farang driving the market imho.

  5. The Thai team really embarrassed themselves in Singapore, I can't blame the Singapore fans for booing them. I kept asking my Thai friends "Are the refs using instant replay of something? Why arent they taking the field?", Ive never seen anything like that in my life, not even from sporting events with 7 and 8 year olds.

  6. "If you make 20k Baht a month in Thailand, you could make a decent living."

    Maybe outside Bangkok, but its hard to believe that anyone can survive on 20K baht/month.

    Almost all of the studio apartments Ive seen are atleast 10K baht a month around the skytrain and subway areas. Perhaps cheaper if you live outside Greater Bangkok.

    That means you have 10K baht left for all other expenses? 333 baht/day? LOL.

    How many months you have to save up for a plane ticket home.

    If you take a taxi/BTS to work each day that is 20% of your left over money.

    I really do not see how anyone can live well off $20K baht/month inside Bangkok... And if Thai people think that anyone with a degree is going to work for that amount, three words Student Loan Repayment... These people owe $400-500/month in loan payments anyways.

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