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William C F Pierce

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Everything posted by William C F Pierce

  1. They need to give him a red card not a yellow.
  2. There is a cheap bus service that also runs to the city from there airport. Look it up on the internet.
  3. Did they order too much cheese, that they need to give it away? Or did they just run out of burgers?
  4. Best answer is 1 star followed by ?????????????????
  5. Both my Thai girlfriend and myself will return to Thailand in June. We are planning on getting married in Chiang Mai. Her family does not live in Thailand and she was brought up outside of Thailand. Therefore we have to arrange our wedding ourselves. Once I have obtained my Affirmation to Marry from UK Embassy. Can anyone enlighten us as to what we have to arrange for a wedding in a Temple (Wat) and who do we arrange it with? I am aware it is a process that can take all day to get married. Has anyone had the experience of arranging their own wedding in Thailand? Please, no replies from third and fourth rate comedy writers.
  6. When he comes back + Suthep joins him and the protests on the streets happen again. Then there is another military coup and Prayut is made PM again.
  7. Now they can really play with themselves.
  8. Welcome to the land of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. What ever happened to LOS? Where has it gone?
  9. Thank you very much. that was a lot more information than I expected. All of it very useful as I will be getting married at the end of June . The Extra marriage info is also very much appreciated. Once again many thanks for the effort you put into your reply
  10. That is only for certain countries on a list. It does not apply to the UK. It is 30 days!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I am in the UK at the moment and have been travelling to Thailand for the past 17 years. The online visa process wants about 9 different items uploaded. Which includes a certificate of medical cover I booked my flight well in advance for 6 June and hoped to stay for 90 days. The new medical tourist tax that was suppose to be started in June now is put back to September. This tax I did not mind paying. I am now 80 and can't find a single insurer who will provide this cover. Despite having good health all my life.' Could I do a 30-day visa on arrival. Then get a 30-day extension followed by a border run to get another 30-day visa on arrival. Am I correct in assuming this is possible or have I overlooked something. Is the new online visa really Mission Impossible?
  12. They purchase a 30 year lease as they can't buy freehold property.
  13. Is 4 in a pickup less dangerous than the 6 or 7 up on a motorbike.
  14. Quite correct they will want a copy of a utility bill shown to a local bank, with your name and address on it.
  15. You have not seen the violent behaviour of those on weed that I have witness. It would be better if you stuck your BS Latte right back up your Cappuccino.
  16. That's better than the UK who have had 5 and counting.
  17. Underage children will find ways to buy weed, the same way as they do for cigarettes. Whilst a number of drunks will fall over when they are legless. Those high on weed are less likely to be legless and more likely to be a violent danger to others, if their emotion become intense. Legalised weed; next is the legalisation of prostitution. Is Thailand so desperate for tourism that it needs to turn it into the world's number one depraved state to cater for it. Politicians in most countries are expected to improve society with the laws they create. Not decline it by pandering to a small minority.
  18. Very unlikely! Getting a licence in Thailand is the easy part, but getting landing and take-off slots at busy International Airports is not so easy. The big airlines fight for every slot they can get.
  19. That is correct, because of money laundering rules. You need proof of an address in the UK. As previously mentioned you are best advised to use Wise . You can keep it in a number of currencies of your choice and they can supply you with a Wise Debit Card.
  20. HSBC and other banks have become aware of the success of WISE. They are trying to regain a share of the market they have lost. It use to cost me £30 for a transaction via HSBC. WISE just cost me a couple of pounds now, so I don't even need to think about how much it costs me to send it now. I have a Thai Bank Account and can make a transfer via WISE and then use it as I please. The 220B ATM rate is equal to £5.30 in Thailand. Therefore WISE makes it cheaper for me without having to think or worry about it.
  21. That is because Thais only speak English words using Thai Grammar.
  22. A Usufruct a Latin term meaning for Life. The Usufruct remains in force for the remainder of your life. Which is a way getting Virtual freehold. But you cannot leave it to anyone in a will. A Superficies under a lease of land can give you the right to build on the land for a 30 year lease. After which you have to return the land to its original state. Or negotiate to sell the building to the Land Owner as the lease comes to its end. Check the words Usufruct and Superficies on Siam Legal if you want it clearly defined.
  23. If you buy UK foods in Topps you pay a high price for it as most of its UK foods are supplied by the UK upmarket Supermarket Waitrose. For which you will find a Waitrose label on some of the UK foods. Rimping I find tend to stock a bigger variety of UK food cheaper. Wholesaler Makro can be worth a visit for some things.
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