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Posts posted by everydaysthesame

  1. Hi there,

    Does anyone know if I can buy a panini maker in samui? I need a professional standard one for use in a small restaurant. I don't want one which makes triangular shaped toasties. I need one that you can toast ciabbatas and baguettes in...

    Can you buy on samui or does anyone know of a place which will send here from within thailand?

    Happy new year


  2. I know you want a longer Thai name than can be shortened to 'เด่น' but, in my limited experience, Thai given names seem to have absolutely no connection to their nicknames, so you could have whatever name you like and still call him 'เด่น', doesn't have to be a shortened version of his given name. Does it?

    good point. think we are going to go just that.


  3. Hi,

    Can anyone help with this? I am looking for a Thai boys name which could be shortened to Den (เดน) as a nickname.

    Most of the Thais I have asked say there isn't any, but as with most things it pays to ask around.

    Can anyone help me with this?


  4. Hi,

    I have just moved to the Bophut end of Maenam. Does anyone know of any Gyms in this area? I can only think of Hippo Gym in Maenam and that one opposite Samui Town Centre or whatever its called in Bophut on the ring road.

    Are there any others in this area? Maybe one of the resorts has one that they let non guests use?

    If anyone knows please let me know.


  5. I have just developed this problem. and like the original poster my problem is with ด not ต. When I first learnt thai I pronounced ต as ด. Now I have the reverse problem. I think its because I worked so hard to learn ต now its stuck.

    I am not dutch though my grandma was - maybe its genetic.

    OP - careful when talking about the sunshine :-)

    Looking back, that might be my problem as well. It took me a while to figure out how to take the 's' off of words like stick, stem, stupid.....but once I did, I never heard complaints about my ต.

    Thats definately my problem. Although it seems stupid as ด is basically the same as a 'D'

  6. I mostly use Nok air or Air Asia flying from Samui to BKK. Its a bit of a pain but its worth the bus and boat to save the cash. My last Nok air flight was over 3 hours which I wasn't happy with. TO be fair though they did call me in person to tell me the flight was going to be delayed which was a nice touch.

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