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Posts posted by scoooooby

  1. Hello there, firstly I must apologise if this has been covered before...I did try to search the forum but could not find an answer to my question, so hence I have opened this post in the hope the experts in the Forum can guide me...

    Starting in March next year I will need to visit Thailand on multiple occasions to meet customers, suppliers, BOI, networked contacts etc. to support setting up a manufacturing facility in the region (this will be a new site for the Group). I will continue to be based in the UK but need to understand the visa or work permit requirements that I will need to adhere to. I have only travelled previously on a tourist 30 days entry visa, although I did attain an 'O' Visa from Hull in the past for multi entry, however again this was purely for non work related travel.

    Can someone please outline the requirements and best options for me as a regular visitor for at least a 12 month basis. Longer term I hope my role will develop into a permanent Thailand based one so please keep this in mind if my initial visa/permit will help with this in the future.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Well finally the Automotive company that I work for in the UK has decided to commit to have an in country assembly and/or manufacturing operation to serve the Thailand OEM Automotive market. Great news for me as I will now be Project Managing this activity.

    I am therefore interested to network with any of you who have made a similar move to help understand the pitfalls and learn from this.

    If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it and am keen to learn more and discuss and possibly meet up when I make a trip to Thailand early in the new year.

  3. Firstly hi to all, was not sure where to list this topic so plumped for the General section :-)

    I work for an Automotive manufacturer and am based in the UK. I have been asked to support the below project due to my personal interest in Thailand and a wish to relocate if the opportunity arises... (yes, a very big smile on my face at the moment!)

    We have sites worldwide supporting many OEM Auto Manufacturers however the Group is now looking to position a regional site within Thailand (currently supported via our India manufacturing). I am looking for any contacts to assist in setting up a site in Thailand (assembly and then manufacturing)....looking for advice on where best to be positioned (Rayong?) and generally any advice for a start up company with regard to premises, staffing, local legislation etc.....I have contacted the Board of Investment also but always welcome any local views and comments to avoid any pitfalls etc.....

    Any comments (constructive please ha ha) are welcome and appreciated.....


  4. Hi all, been searching the forum to read up on A/C and there are so many posts. Seems a lot of you favour the Daikin unit but would appreciate any feedback (constructive please hahaha) on what I should fit to my bedroom. Its a fairly big room (approx. 4m x 8m) so what size unit would I need....House in approx. 45 mins east of Korat so anyone who may know of a reliable supplier/fitter it would be good.....any idea of cost....I have seen units c15K-20K THB but not sure of fitting cost....?

    Sorry guys, I know its a bring subject and we all want to rant about Pattaya v village life but could do with some help on this one....


    PS - 65 days till I return to LOS !

  5. Hi, have been trying to relocated to Thailand and applied for many positions. Have a wealth of Purchasing knowledge and experience and currently work in the Automotive Industry

    Have recently seen roles in Ford that would be really suitable but applying from the UK seems a non starter as do not get feedback to applications on-line..... anyone in Ford that could help me Network?... I am sure they still have a need for experienced Expats.....

    Have worked in many industries, am an Engineer by trade so have been supporting many Mechanical Engineering commodities and services....hope there is someone out there that maybe could help to make a step forward... Cheers

  6. I started the L.O.S. visits some 12 years ago with a hastily booked solo flight to BKK after too many beers on a winters night in Blighty. Was fed up with the miserable weather and the depression upon everyone around me. Seems like life in the UK is a dream of a 2 week summer vacation and the rest is a blur of stressing about time, mortgages, work, friends/family and the onslaught of increased cost of living due to a crazy Government providing ridiculous social benefits for the bus loads of Eastern Europeans that turn up every hour.....oh, and of course that dreaded CSA !!!!!

    Well anyway, I booked the flight, took some forum advice on where to visit/stay and had that first 2 weeks of what could only be described as heaven ! Bangkok was a blur of crazy shopping, traffic, bars and wow there is a reason why everyone told me to leave all my inhibition's at home!!!!...One night in Nana plaza and my head was spinning!....Spent a couple of nights in BKK then off to Phuket for a week, great beaches, lots of sun and Bangla Road haha....travelled back to BKK and someone told me I should visit Pattaya....what was this place....had a day there before I left and it was like Blackpool on acid !

    What started out as a lone trip turned into 2/3 visits a year...just saving in UK to spend my cash in Thailand visiting Islands and haemorrhaging cash in Pattaya, as you do... Took a few years and a painful experience of owning a Pattaya Bar to focus on getting to see the real Thailand.... A few years later and have the house in Nong Bunmak District.....A great solid house (avoided the wooden hut scenario), plenty of land and a fantastic pool....was a dream 10 years ago and now a reality....just need to get some finances sorted and it will be a full time dream....

    Returning in December for most of the month....can enjoy the Thai sun and relaxed culture and avoid the UK weather and western commercial Christmas season !.....YIPPEEEE....

    If there is anyone else in the area during this time please shout and we can have our own mini festive celebration over a cool beer or a whisky and think of all those poor sods stuck at home moaning about western life !

    E N J O Y :-)

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  7. Thanks to all who have posted. Mixed bag of replies but it's good to see everyone's views. I am looking forward to relaxing retirement in the village and hey if u need the beach it's only a 4 hour ride in the pick up :-)

    It's good to hear some of u r not far away from me so maybe could meet up for a beer and swap stories about pigs, rice, elephants and any other village topic haha. It's gotta be cheaper and less painful than bar fines and clinic visits lol

  8. Never had the fortune of the elephant in the open truck , poetic license ?

    Good luck for you scoooooby , hope you are happy. smile.png

    Yes honest guv...it was a fully grown elephant in the back of a farm lorry....outstanding I thought at the time :-)

    I will be happy when permanently in Thailand....for now working in UK trying to pay off the bills and secure a retirement fund....haha....but have the house n pool already sorted, just a shame its a bit of a holiday home and not a full time home..... Have looked at relocating my job there but its so difficult to get an expat position, seems the only way is to move with a current western company so trying to convince mine to setup a manufacturing site in Thailand....yeah right ! ;-)


  9. Great video....the real Thailand.... I remember those distant times of checking out all the Pattaya type links but after time spent in the 'real' Thailand areas those days are history and that T Shirt is packed away..... why walk down a condom and needle ridden Pattaya beach getting harassed by jet ski scammers and freelancers when you can relax in the laid back world of a small village with a cheap bottle of Hong Thong and some Soda Water.....hmmmmmm Only 99 days until I fly back to spend 3 weeks in my Thai house close to Korat.....

  10. I mean really, if you can't discuss short time with a mamasan whats the world coming too. :o

    ok ok, maybe wrong fing to do.....thought i cud get an honest normal response from a normal forum rather than all those other numpty sites.......

    No issue asking bar girl as thats her jub, a mamasan is there to look after the girls not to be taken for granted that she also is workin......or is this the normal practise????.....

    Answers that all i need........... abuse i can get anywhere lol

  11. Hi there, visited this friendly little bar in 7/1 a few weeks ago and wondered if anyone could tell me more about the Mamasan call Ning.......... Stopped by there the other week but did not see her.....

    Will she short time?.... I did not ask her but wondered if you experts out there could tell me more



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