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Posts posted by SanukJoe

  1. <br />sometimes in the past it happened that I woke<br />up at night from heavy muscle spasm in my calf (fibula). I was<br />unable to move my toes because they were some kind of <br />"paralyzed". I am over 50y old.<br />I was told it might have something to do with the lack of vitamins or minerals.<br />Should I be concerned?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Hi, I got the same problem since years, but then in my thighs (VERY painful).

    First I got advise from a friend (sport trainer) who told me to use extra Magnesium as a lack of it can cause these spasms. It worked, one tablet a day.

    Later, when I studied homeopathy, I found my relief in Copper and used a homeopathic product called Cuprum metallicum.

    So the cause can be lack of Magnesium or lack of Copper, or both of them.

    Good luck.


    PS Of course it can have a more serious cause, but let's stay on the positive side :-)

  2. The problem with 2nd hand tractors, like with cars, is that you don't know the history of the tractor. Knowing the easy way Thais take care of their cars, I wonder how careful thai farmers are with their tractors. Some of you guys seem to be mechanics, able to exchange/mix/match spare parts. Well, I'm not and it was my reason to buy a new Kubota 5000. They are good quality tractors, the dealer near me, in Sawang Daendin, is a big one with lots of spare parts and mechanics to do their excellent service on site. Very friendly and competent people indeed.


  3. Back in 1979, when I 'discovered' Pattaya, I recommended it to a young Aussie I worked with in China. He came for a couple of weeks, acquired a tilac and rented a bike. He was motoring at the south end of Jomtien late one afternoon and ran into a bunch of locals who stopped him (it was virtually a dirt road back then), demanded money and his bike. He gave them the wallet but pleaded that they not take the bike as it was a rental (his first trip to Thailand now). They shot him point-blank in the face, killing him.

    There is nothing new under the Pattaya sun.

    I have never been to Pattaya, so excuse me for my opinion. From what I read it seems Pattaya is a pool of crime, maybe too many farangs?

  4. This is absolutly kicking my butt....I have a baht 4,000,000 payment to make in mid April, and I am stuck in USA dollars here at home.

    Just last night I was explaining to my Thai wife, how a single 1 baht difference in exchanging dollars for baht meant almost $3000 differerence in what we were paying....

    Yes I will complete my puchase, but when we signed the agreement the baht was at 38. ###### who would have thunk???? :o

    I agree with you, I'm in the same position. I just stuck my euro in my bank account until things will go better. It's not a USD problem, it affects all currencies. I opened a thai baht account in my bank just to save some money, I will keep euro until baht is back to normal.


  5. NanLaew, Do you live in Thailand? Expats often get a craving for foods other than Thai food and also of course some of the wonderful foods they miss from "home."

    Other than that, your post is beyond bizarre. Anybody who knows good Mexican food from Mexico or heavily Mexican areas of the US knows that Mexican food is most certainly not generally bland and tasteless. Of course, there are bad Mexican restaurants in the US and Mexico though.


    I lived in Pattaya for over 10 years, back when Nacho Noi's was the ONLY Mexican restaurant in town. As a professional international gypsy, I truly appreciate the need for some 'home cooking' now and again.

    I worked in 3 different areas of Mexico for about 7 months, living and working with Mexicans in mostly rural locations.

    I lived in Houston for the better part of 12 years.

    The difference I refer to in my post is between what most non-Mexican people know as Mexican which is invariably what they have eaten in "Mexican" restaurants but is actually Tex-Mex cuisine. Mexican food (in Mexico) is generally bland whereas Tex-Mex is usually excellent.

    What else do you need to know about the difference between Mexican or Tex-Mex?

    You are absolutely right, mexican food is very different from mex/tex


  6. Sorry guys, I cant believe this question, asking for fish and chips in Thailand? Give me a break. What about german sausages, french baguette or greek meza? This is Thailand, can't you really accept thai kitchen with all it's varieties? Have you tried it? Fish and chips is soooo cheap and unhealthy. I know all my brit friends love it, but why?

    Ok, I'm fat myself so I cannot be an example. I don't want to criticise as I have many UK friends, just wonder why one would like fish and chips in BKK


  7. NanLaew, Do you live in Thailand? Expats often get a craving for foods other than Thai food and also of course some of the wonderful foods they miss from "home."

    Other than that, your post is beyond bizarre. Anybody who knows good Mexican food from Mexico or heavily Mexican areas of the US knows that Mexican food is most certainly not generally bland and tasteless. Of course, there are bad Mexican restaurants in the US and Mexico though.


    I agree with you. But I think Nan Laew was blurred by US "mexican food" which is surely not the same as mexican food. MexTex is the worst combination I have heard in food. Mexican food is wonderful, very tasty, healthy, spicy, great. Spoiled by Texans with huge quantities of grilled meat. It's ok with me, they like it, but it's not mexican...


  8. I wanted to quote, but it's too much bs to mention.

    I have been a dog breeder for over 30 years, not dangerous dogs, but I know about dog's behaviour. I have read very true posts like from Bina and November rain, they said how it is.

    I read very stupid posts like owning a Rottweiler is stupid, very low IQ post.

    I even read a guy enjoying shooting his gf dog: you're sick mate, go to a psychiatrist! And take Vespa with you, he is sick too.

    Question about in what room you put your kids with dogs: are you crazy? NO child should be alone with a dog! As adults have more power over dogs as they are bigger, children are because of being smaller near the point where a dog wants to challenge who is stronger. That is danger!

    The biting dogs. In my "civilised" country Holland the most bite incidents are caused by Golden and Labrador retrievers! Meaning hospitalised victims. Not because the dogs are vicious but because they are overbred and behave abnormally! As a retriever is not so strong people won't die, if a Rottweiler bites you have less change, true.

    Rottweilers, I mean the dogs that are bred by knowledgeable breeders, is a very reliable dog and will defend your kids to any danger. He will never attack his owner and is an example of how big dogs can behave.

    I don't talk pitbulls (american mob breed) as they are bred and trained to kill, Rottweilers are not. Pitbull is not even a breed and forbidden in a lot of countries.

    The woman in question, I feel very sorry for her, but it takes a strong hand to control 5 Rottweilers and maybe she had not the skill to be the leader of the pack.

    In all the years with dogs I have been bitten only once, by a Golden retriever (being a guest in my kennels), I don't mind.

    I wish people would be more aware that incidents happen because of a certain situation, a dog reacts like a dog, human beings do not always act the same, giving dogs the problem of finding out why it is different today.

    Dogs are a blessing for society, turn the word dog around and you know why...


  9. QUOTE(TAWP @ 2007-01-25 22:48:59)

    The post lacks of Wit.

    Sorry to have upset you. Please tick whichever applies (multiple answers acceptable):

    i) you have no sense of humour.

    ii) you have been "planted" in Issan by your Thai wife/GF and this is a bit too real to be funny.

    iii) you were hoping for some real information on growing dope and are disappointed.

    iv) you think that your response is witty.

    None of them.

    I live in Isaarn, are you saying that all farangs here are dopes?

    Not funny.

    I agree with you. Not funny at all, not even a little.

    But what to expect from a guy who has no info in his profile:

    Age Unknown gender_mystery.png Gender Not Set Location Unknown

    Troll to my opinion, again targeting Isaan.....


  10. Chuchok, I have a tendency to react on what I read, ok?

    The post you and others referred to (Hengs) is what I reacted on and I stick to it, the facts he is stating are wrong, believe me. No matter he is thai or whatever, he is plain wrong on assuming that.

    Guys that have been in Thailand for longer time: does that prove they know about it? Does it prove they learned a lot? No, it does not! It only proves they have been here longer time, so what? A guy who is hungry to learn can catch up more in 6 months than others in 2 years, got me?

    I tell you what I think, based on what I know. About Germany and South africa I'm very sure, about xenophobia in Thailand I'm not sure but I know of the area me and my family live. I also asked, funny there was no reaction, if there are local/regional differences in having xenophobia. If I was a Thai living in Pattaya I would be xenophobic, for sure. So again it's a matter of where you live. As stated in villages it is less, well, I live in a very tiny little village and I tell you again: no xenophobia!


    Joe,It has already been stated that vthe majority of xenophobia comes from the ruling classes.

    Many,many Thais will deny being xenophobic.

    most of Asia is xenophobic.Japan being the worst IMO,with the Thais a close second.

    I can follow you now Chuchok, as ruling classes mostly mean big city people. So it confirms what I thought already: xenophobia exists in big cities like BKK and maybe/probably in areas with high farang presence, or even more accurate, the combiantion of the two. I cannot imagine (but that's not based on facts) that the second largest city of Thailand, Udon thani, has this problem, as there are not many farangs. Correct me if I'm wrong.


  11. To close up: I asked my wife and many others: no xenophobia!


    That was a joke, right? You should be on stage Joe. :o

    Come back and tell us if you still believe that after you have lived here for five or ten years, i bet you change your opinion.

    No joke mate. I have been in Thailand for the last 5 years and I'm learning fast. I talk to people, ask them, try to find about their thinking. Hey, I don't mean bar talk ok?

    I will not change my opinion as it is based on many questions and answers.



    Well Joe,why don't you read all of "stevens" post as well as Casanundra Heng (Thai) Mobi D'Ark

    and steveromagnino (part Thai..I think) and Guesthouse.

    That is definatly not 'bar' talk.(dunno where that came from??) These guys have been here for quite some time.They are normally quite astute.

    Chuchok, I have a tendency to react on what I read, ok?

    The post you and others referred to (Hengs) is what I reacted on and I stick to it, the facts he is stating are wrong, believe me. No matter he is thai or whatever, he is plain wrong on assuming that.

    Guys that have been in Thailand for longer time: does that prove they know about it? Does it prove they learned a lot? No, it does not! It only proves they have been here longer time, so what? A guy who is hungry to learn can catch up more in 6 months than others in 2 years, got me?

    I tell you what I think, based on what I know. About Germany and South africa I'm very sure, about xenophobia in Thailand I'm not sure but I know of the area me and my family live. I also asked, funny there was no reaction, if there are local/regional differences in having xenophobia. If I was a Thai living in Pattaya I would be xenophobic, for sure. So again it's a matter of where you live. As stated in villages it is less, well, I live in a very tiny little village and I tell you again: no xenophobia!


  12. but i must tell you all, i have never encountered it, and i say, its got a lot to do with how you approach the thai people.

    How well said Terry!

    Look at the way farangs on TV insult and abuse Thailand and thai people/government. The way farangs behave could be the cause IF something like xenophobia exists. Interesting would be to find out where it supposedly exist, Pattaya? BKK?

    It certainly does not exist in my area


    suggest you look at this post


    and Hengs post above.He is Thai and normally hits the nail on the head.

    I read his post before. He has NO clue about german people during nazi time, he has NO clue about south africa where the original people are the blacks ( so how can you want a south africa without blacks? bullocks). He is right about preferences. But how preferences develop? Bu negative experiences. So if some thai people have negative experiences with farangs they would tend to become xenophobic. Normal in my opinion. If farangs don't behave/misbehave, why would thai people love them? If foreign people irritate me I also think: go home!


    joe,you should have read hengs post properly.He followed up with this..

    sorry Chuchok, he did mention this:

    Many Nazis preferred a Germany without Jews, many South Africans prefered a South Africa without blacks,

    I gave my comments on it as he has no clue.

    I'm saying it's about simple preference. It has less to do with the object of one's dislike... and more to do with oneself. Many Nazis preferred a Germany without Jews, many South Africans prefered a South Africa without blacks, many Thais prefer to have foreigners jumping through hoops. Losing a World War, getting rid of apartheid, or lower tourist revenues wink.gif does very little to change people's preferences.

    Did you read the link above as well?love to hear your comments on that one then.

    In the villages (As has been stated here already) there is not so much xenophobia.

    As for the Whits skin thing,that is an Asian thing and is not just Thai.Opposite to what europeans are like.Who is right?

    Who said it's thai? I just said it generates discrimination, as the lighter the better, BS in my opinion. No one is right.


  13. To close up: I asked my wife and many others: no xenophobia!


    That was a joke, right? You should be on stage Joe. :o

    Come back and tell us if you still believe that after you have lived here for five or ten years, i bet you change your opinion.

    No joke mate. I have been in Thailand for the last 5 years and I'm learning fast. I talk to people, ask them, try to find about their thinking. Hey, I don't mean bar talk ok?

    I will not change my opinion as it is based on many questions and answers.



  14. Interesting thread with a lot of great stuff- Guesthouse, great post. It falls in line with something an acquaintance of mine who has lived here for years said after he was recently physically attacked after getting into an argument: years ago Thais wouldn't have dared to attack a foreigner; now they will- some will even look for excuses to do so.

    It's really the anti-egalitarian (it's too violent here simply to call it inegalitarian) streak that does it, isn't it? When your whole society is built around a principle of inequality- for no two Thais are ever truly equal, are they?- then you start to look for reasons to put more people "under" you for the sake of your self-esteem, especially if your "self" is located more in your status/face and less in your conscience, as it often is in Asia. Visual differences are easy to spot, therefore the ease with which anti-egalitarian societies adopt racism of various sorts. It's especially helpful in rationalising extreme social injustices in those societies; for example, the attitude which an heiree must put on to avoid seeing how undeserved and obscene his family's wealth is compared to the situation of an uneducated country family which never had any advantages (including any real education). Why, he must be socially and therefore genetically superior! Moving futher "down" the scale, Thais with little status and face can regard themselves as superior by sheer "Thainess" when compared to foreigners, who can themselves be classified in various arcane ways. I agree that "Thai Rak Thai" was no help in this kind of matter.

    In general, European society/the English-speaking world are no longer as breathtakingly and shamelessly racist as most of the insular Asian societies I have encountered recently. In Japan, HIV is the "foreigners' disease" and actors still use blackface- other Asians are scorned and if possible until recently have hidden their family heritage and changed their names to escape the stigma. In Malaysia, the Malays call themselves "Bumiputra" (children of Earth?) and have pro-racist government policies. In Thailand, I had to stop talking to some of my Thai friends about my Burmese or Lao friends because they were so irrationally negative on the subject. I've had to reassure friends over and over that being "dark" was not an acceptable reason for them to feel bad about their appearance, and I get very angry when I see someone with so little self-esteem that they damage themselves with "whitening" cosmetic poisons.

    Of course, money helps- but it's not everything. I'm pretty sure that even if I became much poorer than I am now (as I once was), my best Thai friends would be with me then as they were before. It's all about people being able to see you as an individual rather than a "type"- that it to say, a stereotype.

    Regarding the silly letter quoted above, the whole anti-farang shtick that many of these more unpleasant Sino-Thais put on seems to be simply an unconscious co-opting of Thai culture- which is ironic, since most of the same Sino-Thais would consciously label the "Thai-Thais" as inferior to themselves. They want to be on top, so they put foreigners on the bottom as a "type." Resentment about their lack of representation in Western culture (while at the same time lusting after it) helps this tendency, as does a basic jealousy. Notice how the writer quoted above projects his own anger and inadequacy through the repeated pejoratives against "all" foreigners dating Sino-Thais as "old, fat, nasty, ugly." Notice how he would rather question the sanity of his friends who date foreigners rather than question why they might find them somehow preferable to, say, himself- could it be personality, perhaps? Obviously his friends are not as racist as himself!

    I haven't noticed these tendencies in many ethnic Chinese living in other places I have been, so I must assume it's the influence of the Thai culture here on them that does it; either that or a particularly unpleasant background culture among the particular group of Chinese that has arrived here. I think the former explanation is more likely, which just goes to show that the Thai-based thinking can make other groups even more racist than they were before, if they aren't careful. I even have to remind myself sometimes how much I used to like Chinese people in other countries.

    I think Thailand is going through a time of many transitions, culturally as well as politically, and democracy is not only a political concept but also a social one. Many mistakes will be made, and innocent people (including some of us) will be part of the collateral damage at times.


    Very well noticed, same same here!


  15. I find it amasing that terry57, a person that doesn't live here, knows so much about the place... or atleast he has opinions on how we should feel about it or interprete reality.

    If you want to know if there is any xenofobia (or rascism), just ask your wife/girlfriend/last bargirl - more times then not they will answer honestly if you atleast ask about another color/location-group then yourself.

    And yes, many thai's I've meet say they don't like colored people for instance...

    You don't have to live in a place to know about it!

    You ask your BKK bargirl about Isaan women, she will tell you bad things. If you ask your bargirl about blacks she will tell you bad things. Why? You ever realised that thai women are "forced" to have as much a light skin as possible? I've never seen so many "lighting" products as in Thailand, it's dominated by thai men who prefer a light skin. It has nothing to do with xenophobia, it's to do with dark skin. My wife, who has dark skin for a thai, many times asked me if I don't mind. I told her that people in Europe pay a lot of money to get a darker skin!

    To close up: I asked my wife and many others: no xenophobia!


  16. I wonder if many people read the Thailand forums that are in Thai language, maybe if they did they would get a better idea of how many Thai people realy feel about them.

    BTW here is a snipit from a Thai writer on the Bangkok Post forum.

    QUOTE "I just wanted to add some comments regarding the Interracial marriage in Thailand. I just think that the Asian socieity in general is kowtowing too much to the West. I happen to be a 2nd generation Chinese who was born in Thailand and I have gone through quite a bit of racism in Thailand myself. There was a period where I wanted to fit into the Thai society so badly that I refused to speak my Tachoew dialect with my parents.

    It was only later then when I realised that I can never be like the Thais that I started to appreciate the true me.

    So I guess what I am trying to say is that many Thais right now are not proud of what they have and so that's why many of them marry Westerners. What can I say? It's really appalling to see a young Thai girl who doesn't know a word of English going out with an old Farang just to escape from her culture.

    Don't tell me that it's true love, give me a break. How can it be true love when the communication is not there?!

    I should also add that this doesn't just happen in Thailand, it's happening everywhere. I have a Chinese friend of mine who would rather date an ugly, fat white man who is a cook than a normal Chinese guy who has a bright future ahead of him. It is just so sad for the Asian men that the good looking girls are going out with ugly fat and nasty white men. I just don't understand why we don't stick together and help each other out?!

    It all comes down to just the fact that we, Asians, are not proud of who we are and the society is pushing towards the fact that being white is equivalent to being superior. It's sad but I am sure that as time goes by and when Asian countries are doing as well as the Western world, we will embrace our race and cultures more.

    I am very conservative (and I am only 24). I believe in sticking with your own race and I always wonder where is the connection when I see an interracial couple, especially if they don't speak the same language.

    Look around and see that the majority of the interracial couples are mainly old, fat, and nasty white men with OK-looking Asian girls. It wouldn't aggrevate me at all if the Asian girl was also ugly, fat, and nasty looking.

    So that's my story and I am sticking to it. Send me an e-mail if you have any comments or concerns."

    What does it add and what does it say?

    A poor chinese bloke who doesn't understand that interracial is not always (I would say not regularly) old ugly farang with cute thai. In reality this guy has a big problem: China's policy to have more male children than female has caused a huge majority of men, causing crimes towards women and men who will never marry. He wants to stick to his own race? Fine, lets go for it. He won't be happy, as even chinese women tend to go for "western" men. Maybe it has to do what Terry said before: it depends how you approach people. Western men tend to respect a woman and that is quite new for a lot of asian women!


  17. but i must tell you all, i have never encountered it, and i say, its got a lot to do with how you approach the thai people.

    How well said Terry!

    Look at the way farangs on TV insult and abuse Thailand and thai people/government. The way farangs behave could be the cause IF something like xenophobia exists. Interesting would be to find out where it supposedly exist, Pattaya? BKK?

    It certainly does not exist in my area


    suggest you look at this post


    and Hengs post above.He is Thai and normally hits the nail on the head.

    I read his post before. He has NO clue about german people during nazi time, he has NO clue about south africa where the original people are the blacks ( so how can you want a south africa without blacks? bullocks). He is right about preferences. But how preferences develop? Bu negative experiences. So if some thai people have negative experiences with farangs they would tend to become xenophobic. Normal in my opinion. If farangs don't behave/misbehave, why would thai people love them? If foreign people irritate me I also think: go home!


  18. but i must tell you all, i have never encountered it, and i say, its got a lot to do with how you approach the thai people.

    How well said Terry!

    Look at the way farangs on TV insult and abuse Thailand and thai people/government. The way farangs behave could be the cause IF something like xenophobia exists. Interesting would be to find out where it supposedly exist, Pattaya? BKK?

    It certainly does not exist in my area


  19. It would be considerably more clear what to do if you can confirm the indescretion with information from more than one person. Unless you trust that one person totally. There are lots of jealous people to spread vicious rumors in the world. If the situation is not fully clear, you can delay things by being unable to return on schedule.

    Just taking an alternate view.


    I totally agree with you that it's a risky thing to believe one person, unless you trust that person 100%. Maybe OP can say something about that.

    The whole story is a bit weird IMHO, marrying a girl you know for ONE WEEK! Come on, I believe in falling in love, but one week is obviously no reason to marry, this is of course my personal opinion.

    Then, if OP trusts the person who told him, meaning it's all true about ripping off, I follow all posters here who said: RUN!!!

    PI is no good in villages, no one tells him anything.

    The way to run: well you have read several "creative" plans, take one as you please :o


  20. I just returned from Kuala Lumpur yesterday - had two days of meetings with the MRB (Malaysian Rubber Board) and one of their subsidiaries and an agent for a particular product I mentioned previously, and I managed to get an exclusive contract for Thailand . . . quite amazing, really, though dealing with Malays is tough.

    According to their research the rubber/latex price will continue to rise for the nest few years, as long as oil prices keep a 'steady' course.

    Around 2012 a lot of rubber from newly-planted trees in China and India will hit the market and bring about a 'correction'.

    Still, I believe the oil price will rise dramatically due to another venture in the Middle East by our US brethren or Iran deciding to limit their exports.

    Thanks Sing_Sling, again valuable info.

    I was going to ask if someone knew about a lot of rubber coming from India and China, as I read about India where huge plantations have been established in the past years. That should have an influence on the rubber prices.

    On the other hand India and China have a fast growing demand for natural rubber as their automotive industry needs more and more rubber for tyres.


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