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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. Mattias,

    These two guys that were caught for the rape, were not executed in January 2006, afaik, they're still somewhere in a Thai jail.

    Am i mixing two incidents that happened at a similar time? I know around this same time there was a 7 year old Swedish girl that got raped in a hotel in chong moen. Byt hotel staff actually. Was it that guy that got killed immideatly?

    I can be confusing things up, there where a few serious incidents within months.

    Or was it just the word they quickly wanted out that they gave them death penalty, to show tourists that they look serious at this? I know newspapers showed their pictures and said they got deathpenalty. They also confesed the crime so they where without any doubt guilty.

  2. Now, back to the topic at hand - Do they ever catch these guys who go around shooting people? About 2 years ago a couple farang (one Swedish?) were shot around Green Mango, right? Did they ever catch them? Samui seems like a great place to get away with a lot of bad things (I know, I know, there are a lot of places... ) :o

    If i remember correcly it was end of 2006 or begining 2007, a Danish and a Norweigian guy. Dont think they caught the shooters. But many of these things are drug-related i think. Maybe the police look a little between the fingers in those cases. And maybe even the maffia have some policeconnections and pay them off. (Don´t know this for a fact, just speculating. Could ad a link that proves absolutely nothing and claim it as fact but i don´t).

    On the other hand there was a innocent girl (English i think) that were raped and killed on chaweng beach that newyears eve (2006) and they caugh the guys and gave them death penalty and killed them before the end of januari. Fast trial. So in one way it looks that police look serious on crime agains innocent tourists, but not as serious on the drug-dealers individual shootings. I don´t know. Only sad thing about it is they do the shootings in very public areas. Hopefully they are good at aiming so no innocent people get hurt.

    The fact that this indeed do happen everywhere in the world dont mean anything in this thread. Still very tragic.

  3. Matthias,

    good intention and I wish you good luck!

    But dont be too much upset if after 30 useless calls and 5 missed appointments the Tessaban will still not have done nothing. I think they just give a sh*t if farangs are demanding some action, like: "Oh, sand on the road? Why you not take care when you drive?"

    Claude, i´m sad to say that you are probably right. However, you can´t blame a guy for trying. I woke the question up, they promised us that some resonsible guy that was now in Bangkok gonna call us in a week. They seemed very interrested in information, and if that call ever happens (so far nothing offcourse) i´m happy to give my view of this.

    Probably, most lightly nothing ever comes out of this whole thing. It is also possible i over-reacted seing the two injured girls just days after i heard about the dead one. Got me a bit crazy for some days thinking "i gonna tell this people how things should work". I know i offcourse can not make this change, but that was a spontanious reaction and i went in way over my head.

    Anyway, i dont see any harm done by letting them know and getting the discussion going here on the forum. Maybe some off the newschanels take it over and further, i am however done. For this time.

  4. Extension to Option number 3 ) Bore off, stop writing on this Forum for 2 mins & go & do something about instead of writing about it which is NEVER going to acheive anything..

    I don´t know if you have a serious reading-dissabillity or if you are just this stupid? :o

    I am doing something, but i am not sweaping. The posting has just been for advise. If you start by reading the opening post you will maybe find out why your comments been contributing zero.

    Early on i got the advise that tessaban is the one to call. I´ve been doing that during this whole posting session with you. And from the looks of it, maybe achived something.

    What your motivation and achivement in this is i have a hard time seing, but as long as you feel happy with yourself, it´s ok for me.

    So that's three times you've said i've made stupid statements & now you're asking me if i'm stupid, excellent Mattias, give yourself a pat on the back..

    & that was because i gave you my personal advice to actually do something about it instead of just writing about it, nice..

    & with regards with the bold part, i think you're telling Porky Pies juts to make yourself look as if you're not just posting on the Forum & actually doing something.. :D

    Look, msingh, i´m not gonna go any further in this with you. Somehowe you think that just because i fet this sand on the road was something i wanted to tell people about, and warn others after seing injured people, and hearing about a dead person, that i am a very bad person if i "just post about it" and don´t go out there sweaping it of. Makes zero sence to me. This is a forum. Are we not suppose to share things we see and warn of dangers we see out there?

    So, so sorry if i stepped on a foot or made you feel bad about this. Im a bad, bad person to start this thread. Diserves all attachs i can get from you.

    About porky pies and "me just posting about it" i can say to you that YOU been the one posting VERY much about this telling ME what i should do. What did YOU do except posting?

    To answer the comment you said about there being a name for people like me in your homecountry, i can say there is a name for people like you in the whole wolrd: Teenager.

    Grow up.

  5. Mattias,

    Have you thought for the time being of erecting some sort of warning sign? I know not many might read it, but it could help.

    No i have not. But it might be a good idea to put a warning sign there. Let´s see tomorrow after all this rain how it looks. Might not even be drive-able with a bike.

    Let me just ad that i don´t work for the tessaban so please don´t give me personally more suggestions of jobs i can do. I´m just the poor message-carrier that accidently happened to see one of these accidents and put the thread up as a warning sign for falangs and im going to finalise my started conversation with the tessaban. And i will suggest they put up a warning sign in thai that the sand quickly build up on the road during rain. I agree with you rooo that probably no one will read it but it still wouldn´t hurt. After this my engagement in this is over, but i am also willing to contribute in anything that anybody organize. Some ideas came up in this thread already and im in on anything.

  6. For the first time i understand the concept of "strong Baht" since of today the baht is expensive even with Swedich money. For the last years i heard Americans talking about strong baht and i felt sorry for the guys. The Swedich krona was stronger than ever and i´m use to paying 19 for 100 baht. Now i´m looking forward (NOT!) to move some cash here again and was sad to see 100 baht will cost me 23! Seem to be a bigtime economic crisis in major parts of the world?

    As a real salt in the wounds the Swedich stockmarket did a dive with 6,6 % today, apperently it was some kind of a record. "worst day since 1929" when there was a similar day. Ironicly also october 24.

    Well, let´s not count how much we lost today, let´s have a beer and a smile instead! :o .

  7. If you have the Platinum service, True will move the connection for free.

    I don´t even have platinum service, i have the cheapest on (400 baht/month i think), and when we bought our bedroom tv, true came for free and gave us an extra box for upstairs. I never paid anything for this.

    Got me thinking, lets say a neighbour of mine want to use the same, couldn´t we just take one of the boxes and put it in his house, (15 meters away), and share the bill?

    Two neigbours (like in the op case) moving a dish back and forward between their houses seems a bit crazy. Would it not be possible to just move the box, with a longer cable, and leave the dish were it is? :o

    Or is this not possible?

  8. Extension to Option number 3 ) Bore off, stop writing on this Forum for 2 mins & go & do something about instead of writing about it which is NEVER going to acheive anything..

    I don´t know if you have a serious reading-dissabillity or if you are just this stupid? :o

    I am doing something, but i am not sweaping. The posting has just been for advise. If you start by reading the opening post you will maybe find out why your comments been contributing zero.

    Early on i got the advise that tessaban is the one to call. I´ve been doing that during this whole posting session with you. And from the looks of it, maybe achived something.

    What your motivation and achivement in this is i have a hard time seing, but as long as you feel happy with yourself, it´s ok for me.

  9. Well after all, how about some voluntary community work and simply get some people from the community and have a "Ghost Road cleaning event" every 14 days, monthly or whenever is needed?

    At least it will ring some bells in the neighborhood, eventually the pu yai ban may hear about it, it may go all the way to the nai amphoe or to tessaban,lot's can be done, the quiet way!

    Pointing fingers.... asking questions, wont get the road cleaned! :o

    Samuian well said , I'm up for that if you or anybody else organise it ,positive action for a change


    Here you go!

    The first genuine positive response!

    As we all have to learn some self-responsibility out here especially and take certain things into our own hands, like environmental issues, as beach or road cleaning ...

    Here you go matthias, create an event and I am in too - even I do not live in the area!

    This is all good, and 1600 baht shared buy all of us living along this road comes up to only a few baht each for almost dayily service. However, all crative farangs, this is already paid for in roadtax and i think i will start with the guy in tessaban and see what he says first. He seemed to take it seriously on the phone so hope is still there.

    To Msigh: I actually don´t have to start a new thread due to the tessaban call. It is probably the most on topic post in this thread since you found it.

    Tdays heavy rain created sand in other spots of the road. Not the same one. Still dangerous though.

    Thx for the contributions, i will have another talk with tessaban in a week (on their on request) and describe the problem. From what i understood it is already planned to put in a machine twice a week to sweep the roads, but it just take some time. They have many new things on their table from wht i understand. (due to upgraded citystatus maybe?I don´t know) .

  10. Come on Mattias, i think you've been here long enough to know about Thai's & reasponsibility, there is none..
    The Road is supposed to be maintained Mattias, yeah you're right & no one is disagreeing with you

    Msingh, can you please read your previous postings before you do new ones? It would help you to stop doing these "stupid statements" even in your native tongue.

    Again, can't see a " stupid statement " from myself which is surely classed as " Flaming " anyway, it's only my opinion on what you should do anyway & to have my opinion classed as " stupid " on 3 occasions now is out of order... :o

    Thankfully you've seemed to accept option 3 ) though that i gave you... :D

    That goes without saying. If you considered it stupid you would not post it. :D .

    Not sure i got all your options right, and follow them. But if you ever came up with the idea to call tessaban, i guess i have to thank you.

    Your oppinion on what i should do when i asked for a little help on where to go and who to talk to, is to go out there and sweep as much as i can and stop spending time posting about it. That was your "oppinion".

    As you say, flaming is not aloud so i wont grade your oppinion, but i think you see yourself how pointless your contribution in this thread have been. And if you don´t see it, continue it, feel free to make similar posts everyday, like i said earlier this thread lost it´s point long time ago and quite frankly i will probably not read it anymore anyway. It´s yours....

  11. People are geting injured and dying on that newly repaired road and these are the best solutions you guys can offer? That's lame.

    Agreed koheesti. Luckily this is only what this forum came up with. Alot of bullshit and slagging to eachother. During these postings i went to tessaban together with another poster who is doing videonews and we got a meeting in a week from now with the responsible people. I spent 5 hours on the phone before i went there. I plastered the two girls injured and i drove one of them to the hospital in nathon for the delivery of her sisters babygirl. All on my freetime.

    The postings here was just to try to get some help and motivation along the journey. From my side. It led adsolutely nowhere.

    This threads point got lost.

  12. Come on Mattias, i think you've been here long enough to know about Thai's & reasponsibility, there is none..
    The Road is supposed to be maintained Mattias, yeah you're right & no one is disagreeing with you

    Msingh, can you please read your previous postings before you do new ones? It would help you to stop doing these "stupid statements" even in your native tongue.

  13. No need for the blanket Mattia, as i said, sweep the Road yourself if you feel so strongly about it & then you may or may not have the scraped up people coming to your House.

    See, this I call deeper understanding of the real issues of the matter, the ZEN way out!

    An alternative attempt would be trying to prevent anyone getting on the bike, using Ghost Road at all, once and forever!

    On the other hand, raising public awarenes!

    Who rides especially Ghost Road in a manner that he/she end up with "eyes popped out and badly scraped up" acted ignorant and careless, riding ANY road in south east Asian provinces may lead to death - it's risky out there... it is...!

    Next would be..... no more alcohol, way too many die drunk, ban all cell phones way too many accidents because of them, airplanes... well name it.. see it?

    How about some simple SELF AWARENESS, RESPONSIBILITY....

    take care!

    Ok. Should i, or should´nt i? Well, just for the heck of it, i think i go.....

    Hey, samuian, you are of course right. No alcohol, maybe even a drivers licence, some understanding of how a bike behaives in sand, helmets, ban on cell phones when riding a bike (can´t beleive we actually have to point this out!), and so on. Maybe a yousay a total ban of biking the ghost road (i like this one even though it means i can´t get to my house). And, yes, all over south east asia biking (or driving anything) is combined with life danger. It is in the whole world. I agree. 100 %.

    Can we just start, before we dig into these deep problems, to get the responsible guy in nathon, who lift a salary every month for "taking care and maintaining samui roads" from Bangkok office, to do what he is payed for and save some lives while we are waiting for the rest of your requests to come true?

    I know everybody thinks for themselves. Don´t tell me. I did not fall down. Yet. I tend to think i always stay within the limits of my competens (offcourse this change dramaticly when you fall down!) as a driver. So, stop pointing out the obvious. And yes "if it bather me that much i should go out and try to sweep 1 ton of sand with a handbruch myself everyday, and stop whining about it" is quite honestly a statement that would qualify for a price in stupidity msingh. Stop this stupid statements. The road is suppose to be maintained. It´s paid for by the tax all vehicles on the island pay every year. Period.

  14. Anyway, moral of what i want to say was that i could swear i saw him last week in Chaweng, i'm 99% sure..

    Unless he carries a bag with VERY much cash, and a bunch of VERY good excuses, he have to be pretty stupid to ever return to Samui from what i hear.

    I met some of the people he ripped off, they are rich enough (or stupid enough, depending on who you ask) to not care to much about it. They could´nt be bothered to hunt him down or start looking for him. They are fine as long as they never see him again. But they all seem to agree on one point. If he ever came to Samui he would be dead or seriously beaten up. By many.

    You are 99 % sure you saw him last week in Chaweng? I don´t know man...., if it´s infact so, this thread will get an interessting ending. For Sure!

    "Paul Sloaney back in Samui!"

    That actually deserves it´s own thread! :o

  15. Mattias, mai pen rai, TIT, don't you know there are bad roads all around the world?, if we wanted rules we wouldn't be here, HEY! love or leave it, buddy!

    Spot on. Now thats the real thaivisa answer.

    I tell you guys what, i give up. I will carry a blanket with me when i take a walk out there. Next time a scratched up girl (or like the first one with her eye popped out of her skull) i will put the blanket over my head and keep walking.

    Actually if it is after a heavy rain, the sand on the road would be deap enough for me to put my head in it so i dont see the blood mess.

    We are all retards here. Lets live like it and stop pretending.

  16. Well just recently riding along with a local islander of a rather influential family, I noted the road situation and his reply underlined with a bright smile was: "It's all natural, Samui's roads are natural roads, close to nature!" No further comment!

    You promise?

    Nature did not rebuild the whole roadsystem i Ban Rak. Humans did. And i think it´s pretty lame to not follow up the so far good work.

    However, despite what all you so far say, there is a plan for this, and there seem to be responsible people in tessaban, and at this point it seem to be down to patience.

    Now, i did not start this thread because i´m bigtime bothered myself. I started it as a warning and to get to know a little how things work around here. So far the "knowledge" among thaivisa members have been my least helpful source. I myself have no problem with this sand, but general thaigirls driving home from their bar at night do, and when i saw it i had to react. It is a problem started by Thais and its a problem mostly for Thais. I have no intention of cleaning the road, i simply don´t consider it my job. Still i don´t feel good watching Thai after Thai injure themselves on the behalf that (as i suspected) somebody is not doing their job. "you been here long enoght to know about thais and responsibility". Well, i guess so, but i think some of the members here have been here long enough to even become thai in their thinking. I have not.

    Another point of notice is that if i started a thread saying "isn´t it lovely with all the natural sand on the roads of samui?", i think pretty much the same posters will come here and say "are you nuts? don´t you realize how dangerous this is for motorbike drivers?".

    Forum is getting more and more pointless.

  17. Well after all, how about some voluntary community work and simply get some people from the community and have a "Ghost Road cleaning event" every 14 days, monthly or whenever is needed?

    At least it will ring some bells in the neighborhood, eventually the pu yai ban may hear about it, it may go all the way to the nai amphoe or to tessaban,lot's can be done, the quiet way!

    Pointing fingers.... asking questions, wont get the road cleaned! :o

    The opening fingerpointing question is noted. Good idea. Let´s see if it gets the road cleaned. :D

  18. Who is responsible? The Landlord

    Who cares? Nobody

    So, what "landlord"? :o

    We are talking about a community road. There is also no construction or development or other "owners" to blame in this particular case. It´s the ghost road, between blessing (they send their staff out to clean in fron of them, Nok told me a few days ago), and the road that turns right before the school. (going from ban rak towards chaweng). Problem is simply heavy rain talking sand down from the mountain and it ends up on a community road.

    The landlords (most of them) did their parts along this road. We are talking about a peace that "falls in between" the amazing wounderful developing farang companies. Something that i feel, and infact also been told by some Thais by now, is "communitys" responsibility. Tessaban do have a "cleaninglady" out in this field everyday, but she mostly runs thru the garbage situation, (she´s doing a great job collecting loose garbage and putting it on fire), and the sand requires machinery. Like a tractor with a shovel or something. One would think that if the community have machines to build this fantastic road with all the drainings ( it did turn out pretty good), the machine to clean it would be peanuts.

    I also somehow think that it is sad that it will take 2-3 more dead girls before they wake up. Problem is the road before is so good and so clean that it invites you to speed up. And if you don´t drive this road everyday, how can you expect this 5cm deep sand to be in the middle of the road all of a sudden? The sand situation is nw ok again, taes a few dry days for it to "self-dissappear". But the rainy season is soon here. All it takes is a good 10 minuite rain and it´s turned into (proven already) a death-trap.

  19. hi,

    anybody knows anywhere can get a used auto suzuki vitara?

    anyone wanna sell?

    on smaui or mailand?

    thanks !!!!!

    You will save a bunch if you go to Bangkok. Also you will have many to choose from there. Many seconhand dealers.

    You might check out thaivisas motorforum. There´s a classifieds and you could put this post there.

  20. Phones were down for about 2 days, are now up and working again. Problem seemed to be somewhere in Surat Thani mainland.

    Problem seem to be VERY local at your house!! :D

    I as well as everybody i know have ToT lines and quite honestly, normaly if there is a problem someone else seem to have it, but this time i think it was only you!!

    Happy you got it working again mate, cheers!!! :o

  21. I believe that in Samui, only God cleans the roads with his gentle rains....And remember, sand is God's gift to the island too, wherever it may be found...

    Well, that may be true Mark, i just don´t think you rebuild half of the islands roads and leave some of it "up to god". I´ll try that the next time i want to finish a job early. When my boss call furious i will just say "the rest is up to god". Good idea! :o

    But seriously i am here to tell you that god gives and god takes. That´s what i learned yesterday. We just barely managed to plaster the scratched girls up, when one of the girls pregnant sister called her in full panic. Her water came out and she was in heavy stomach pains. Since none of the girls could barerly walk after the insident, and their bike was halfway fuc_ked, i had to step in and drive them with my car. Early reports says they got a baby girl in nathon around 3 in the morning. So this thread turns out to show life in general. 4 posts down and one dead girl, one newborn. Still i blame samui community for the unnessesary death of a young girl and two injured yesterday. It has to be take care of. Next time it might be someone close to you, or me. When the rain starts for real this road will be more dangerous than before they rebuilded it. It don´t make sence.

  22. The new ghost road with all the drainings and widening, has turned out to have a serious problem. In certain places, when heavy rain comes, the road gets full off sand. Apperently a girl died there on tuesday night last week. Tonight as i´m writing this, two more girls fell down and are now in my house getting first aid (ok, only scratches, they were lucky) from my wife. Both accidents in the exact same place, opposite the school just beside blessing village. Reason for the accident is the sand is so thick on the road, the slightest touch on the brake and you can´t do anything, you just fall. These two girls were offcourse surpriced. They came so slow and did not understand why they fell, as we know motorbike education is not something thaigirls in general have.

    So, point of this thread, besides warning others, is: who is responsible for this sand to get taken away? Tessaban? Or what is the plan? Surely it must be somebodies responsibility to clean the sand of the roads? Where could i call and ask whats going on? Two accidents this latest week (that i know of) and one of them with deadly ending is not good. This needs to be taken care of urgently.

    Tessaban, or if you can't wait, do it yurself.Alternatively, get in touch with th enew major. Sorry to hear about the loss of that girl, sad indeed.

    Doing it myself i think is not a very good option. It´s very much sand and it seem to come after 10 minuites of heavy rain. I think Samui needs (hopefully have already) a better plan for this problem.

    But i will try to put some time into this tomorrow. At least try to get somebody to call the right man in tessaban and let them know.

  23. The new ghost road with all the drainings and widening, has turned out to have a serious problem. In certain places, when heavy rain comes, the road gets full off sand. Apperently a girl died there on tuesday night last week. Tonight as i´m writing this, two more girls fell down and are now in my house getting first aid (ok, only scratches, they were lucky) from my wife. Both accidents in the exact same place, opposite the school just beside blessing village. Reason for the accident is the sand is so thick on the road, the slightest touch on the brake and you can´t do anything, you just fall. These two girls were offcourse surpriced. They came so slow and did not understand why they fell, as we know motorbike education is not something thaigirls in general have.

    So, point of this thread, besides warning others, is: who is responsible for this sand to get taken away? Tessaban? Or what is the plan? Surely it must be somebodies responsibility to clean the sand of the roads? Where could i call and ask whats going on? Two accidents this latest week (that i know of) and one of them with deadly ending is not good. This needs to be taken care of urgently.

  24. It's even stated on the booking and payment confirmation which you get via email, so I don't know what the problem is. If you can read, you should have known! :D

    For the payment with Visa Card (Non Verified by Visa) and Master Card (Non Secure Code), passenger(s) must be one of the travellers on the itinerary, and required to provide the credit card used for online payment and valid identification (passport or identification card) at the check-in counter prior to received boarding passes. Passenger who failed to show the valid identification will be denied upon check-in

    True, it is on there. But my transactions are always verified by Visa or done with my MasterCard secure code so it doesn't apply to me


    BTW - is also says, "Check in: at least 1.00 hour for domestic route or 2.00 hour for international route prior to departure time. ". And I've always gone about an hour ahead of time with no problems. In fact, I went early in Penang and the check-in desk didn't even open until 90 mintues before the flight.

    Yeah, there are many rules. Agree the check-in time rule is not either followed, and as you say sometimes check in desk in not even open til late. Bothers me bigtime. I always go early to not have to rush it, but i end up sitting and waiting for check in to open and more often gate to come up at the screen, and then i still have to run like a idiot.

    The criditcard thing i never heard of til now. Surpriced it is in fact a rule sprecified on the homepage. I must have been very lucky. A always buy my wife´s tickets with my creditcard and she never had to show anything except passport. Same with my Europeflights, although some of them where in my sas card, witch sometimes where use to pay for the ticket. But i always only had to show passport nothing else. Very strange! :o

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