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Posts posted by Scalawag

  1. We have been very pleased with our treatment at KKU....and the costs are so much lower than anywhere else...Before going back to America, we are getting all dental work done there before returning. Costs in America are unreal.....

  2. As a past victim of the Customs Deptartment I say it's about time!!I just hope it's not all show and no go and that these crooks are not just reassigned somewhere. In Xiamen, China the corrupt guy that headed the Customs Department there was convicted and executed. Maybe the Chinese have the right idea!!!

  3. I lived on a 29 foot sailboat for 8 years in Mexico. I choose not to have AC. It is just something else that can go wrong and it also needs a power supply. I believed in the KISS principle and never missed AC in spite of hot summer weather in Mexico....If it gets to hot I could always jump overboard in some very comfortable water!

  4. Thai Customs must be one of the most notorious agencies in the world! I have had direct experience with their brand of corruption and suspect Foreign sellers have said "Enough" in some cases.....................

  5. Yesterday while driving in some heavy rain and cloudy conditions, at least half of the cars were driving with their parking lights on - even the cops. In the states, this practice is illegal for good reason. Lights appearing smaller coming at you give the appearance that the vehicle is further away than it is. Parking lights are for parking. Do the Thais think that they are using less electricity and thus less drain on the batter? From what I've read, the drain is equal to the regular lights. Please enlighten me.................

  6. I also will be sending 3 boxes totaling about 40k to California. There is no hurry and we had planned to use the Thai Post. What I don't understand is how the boxes, once they arrive at a port in Southern California, get delivered to a house address in Southern Califonia. If that final delivery becomes the responsibilty of the U.S. Postal Service, how do we arrange for that? The Thai Post Office here in Mahasarakham was not able to explain this to my Thai wife. Any clarification of the process and procedures would be appreciated...............

  7. This office has a well earned negative reputation. The staff there, and especially the "Bear" need to all be fired but of course TIT! A little courtesy and compassion would go a long way but that is "devoutly to be wished".................

  8. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the problem that many have of not turning on lights at sundown and night....Or all they turn on are those little parking lights which should only be used for parking! Do they feel they are saving the battery or something or are they just unaware? Lights are turned on here much later than is generally done in the states........

  9. I used to have what I considered to be excellent english. After years on the internet now I find myself questioning how to spell :o and use the correct grammar. Worst of all, and this will really raise your blood pressure OP, I'm a qualified english teacher! Fortunately I do not and have never taught formally.


    English and Internet are always capitalized!

  10. Having taught in high schools and universities in both America and Thailand, I would equate graduates from a good U.S. high school with graduates from any Thai university. The lack of global knowledge, history and current world events in Thai students is appalling. I think American high school students would far surpass Thai university students, especially in the above areas................

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