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Everything posted by austhai

  1. How does she know he was a tourist. He may be working, retired or have Thai citizenship.
  2. Just the few they wanted or people put in. There are many more...
  3. Do you all realize yet that the Taksin family has been already running the country through the pm they put in place recently after the daughter missed out..... 🤣. Anyways will be better than the last term.
  4. All these people blaming the breed, wanting them killed. Its not a breed issue, its a poor upbringing and taught animal from the owner. The owner is the only issue here. Teach any strong animal to be aggressive & they can kill. Same as kids growing up wrong & end up doing wrong.
  5. All these people blaming the breed, wanting them killed. Its not a breed issue, its a poor upbringing and taught animal from the owner. The owner is the only issue here. Teach any strong animal to be aggressive & they can kill. Same as kids growing up wrong & end up <deleted>.
  6. Love it.. and the time. Nothing mentioned about the places on that soi running till 10am in the morning full of not the nicest people.
  7. He has less than 1% shares in Itv & has been trying to sell them. Its wrong to look for nitty gritty accusations when loosing.
  8. Lets hope for the best outcome here.
  9. Latest local news this morning says when tested there was no marihuana in his system yet, looks like he hadn't started, but they did find methamphetamine in the results. What they said anyways.
  10. After receiving intelligence... Lmao. It was posted on Tiktok <deleted>.
  11. I guess they had house insurance, then not too bad.
  12. Lets see you cracks & squeals on who 1st.
  13. I've lived & worked here 22 years already mate, I do think before I comment & its my comment in a public forum. Many tourists dont know rules or customs & dont care, but this guy had lived & work here. He did know. anyways, not having a debate about it. Job done & they gave him a small pay out to not look bad in social media.
  14. Too me it doesn't matter the situation, if you don't know the rules in a country you visit, learn them. Says he worked here in the past, so he would know nothing is free, you pay for water nearly everywhere. I cant see anyone getting handcuffed without being a handful.
  15. Insurance companies knock back many claims, can take them to court & if they are wrong will pay. But if she had no bike license, they can refuse.
  16. Years ago the Thais were told if you become a citizen elsewhere you need to hand in your Thai citizenship. Many did but was not law. If you dont hand it in (like many I've met), it will not be taken, then you become a dual citizen.
  17. Looks like he wanted pics of the truck or bus with all the mirrors & decorations. Also blocked traffic. The driver filming him was on the phone whilst in the drivers seat. Lol
  18. Back to normal, muggings or beat up for mouthing off in Phuket. He should think himself lucky he wasn't on Koh Tao ????
  19. It could be from many reasons of disputes to unpaid loans to just farmer sick of people stealing his ginger or whatever. But still no reason to kill children, unless they were 1st whilst parents didn't speak or pay. Who knows really. Rest in peace to this family.
  20. very sad, its aged him about 20 years. hopefully has insurance
  21. I think they wrote wrong and must mean Central Festival Shopping. If anyone knows 100% please confirm.
  22. I never said that I am not wearing one. I actually wear them in places that are signed required. but where I am 90% of thais do not wear masks in public.
  23. I was showing sarcasm. I have run businesses here for 21yrs
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